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The Bunny Barn

**** Hello.My name is Chelsea.I'm 12 years old,I live in Washington,PA and I love animals. I have a dog and a cat that live in our house and 5 Netherland Dwarf rabbits that live in our garage.On October the 28 I lost one of my cutest rabbits therefore this page is deticated to Little T who will be in my heart forever.******** HARLEY- Harley is the rabbit I go to when I need a lot of lovin! She gives me kisses at every chance she gets! Harley even licks my ears. She also loves to snuggle a lot. the dog and cat really seem to like to tourcher her so I ut them in their when she is inside. I normally let her run around in the playpen every day and she does lots of binkies! For those who have no idea what Im talkin about a binkey is something a rabbits does when they are happy. The rabbit rabbit gets a running start and then jumps in the air and twists its backlegs all over the place and lands back down. Harley was one of my first netherland dwarf rabbits and i love her alot! Harley is a blue himi and is about 2 years old.********************************************************************* HONDA- I just got Honda on Sunday, March the 9th wich was like almost a week ago. I let her out to play every day and she is starting to bond with harley a lot! she loves to stretch out on my belly while im doing my homework. She is a choclate himi and is about 9 months old.**************************** Bailey- I got Bailey when I got Honda and he has been doing great up ontill today. He pulled one of his nails out on the carpet and is scared when I pick him up. If anyone knows what i should do or how long it will take for his nail to grow back if it does then e-mail me at . Your help will be highley appreiced! *new* bailey's toenail is grwoing back fine and he even won 2 in bov in the last show!!!************************************************************* Fuji- Fuji is our new mama. she has been bred twice to kosmos and has kindled 7 but only one has surived. The surivor is our little 8 week old Gizmo. We are trying to breed her to Bailey right now but she won't let him.******************************************************* Gizmo- Gizmo is only 8 weeks old and is living inher own cage as of now and i think she is going to be a siamese smoke pearl.

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My Rabbits

  • Gizmo
  • Fuji
  • Honda
  • Harley
  • Lexi
  • Bailey
  • Kosmos
  • Dodge