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Reviews ||| Buses are shit ||| Forgotten Treasures |||


Yes, we will attempt to put up some new reviews. Regularly. Notice the deliberate use of italics on the word “attempt.” It all depends what we actually get around to watching or reading. If there’s anything decent (that rules out ITV primetime shows then) that you think might be worth us watching to review then let us know at

In the meantime, if you’re really bored or just lazy at work then feel free to rediscover our previous gems below:

Oi, Oi!

November (2003).

Yes? What’s that? Ah yes, you’re wondering why something new has appeared here after a year long wait. It’s quite simple really – we’re lazy gits and found alcohol, football, breasts and Songs of Praise too distracting.

Rather than lie to you and pretend we’re going to update this every other day , our IT department has informed us that it is better to lie to you and say we’ll update it every fortnight. This way you’ll only be disappointed every 14 days rather than every 2. But let’s be honest, if this disappoints you then you clearly need to switch off Songs of Praise and get out more.

Reviews ||| Buses are shit ||| Forgotten Treasures |||