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Thursday, 19 August 2004
pics of the peeps
Mood:  spacey
from L to R: Diana, me, and Mary. taken at a rock quarry. yes, one of our favorite ub times... i guess it just says something about the company you're with. i've never had that much fun looking at rocks!

this is only a slightly scary pic of myself and my girls moriah and mary

this is ashleigh--the best storyteller in the world! BTW: never swim in lake carmine!

ashleigh again w/ the love of her life:

chris... what a pig

and how can we forget Tonya!

... everyone from fairfax goin L to R, top to bottom: Brittany H, sara m, mr. tague, shelise, heather, obi, Jesse--coolest person on earth, sarah o., sarah r,tyler, me, and tara.

i've got a few more pics but i'll wait till next time. i didn't forget anyone, don't worry.
ttyl natasha

Posted by nd2/n_druhen at 4:14 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 August 2004 9:08 PM EDT
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Thursday, 12 August 2004
hmmm.... food for thought
did you know....
>hitler only had one testicle
>the human birth control pill works on gorillas
>Guam has 7 public elementary schools
>the avg. american/canadan eats about 11.9 lbs of cereal each year..... milk and cereal.
>More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones
>couples who marry in January, February, and March appear to have the highest divorce rates.
>forty percent of American adults cannot fill out a bank deposit slip correctly
>someone on earth reports seeing a UFO every three minutes. the most common time is in july from 9pm to 3am.
>the avg. human scalp has 100,000 hairs
>almost 90% of americans label themselves as shy
>most humans can tell someone's sex w/95% accuracy just my smelling their breath
>According to one U.S. study, about 25 percent of all adolescent and adult males never use deodorant
>Cold pizza is fairly popular. A survey found 15 percent actually PREFER pizza this way, suggesting that the number who love hot pizza but don't mind eating the leftovers cold the next day must be quite high indeed
>Two-thirds of men wear briefs, 22 percent wear boxers, and six percent don't wear underwear (I assume 6% did not answer).
>According to a major hotel chain, approximately the same numbers of men and women are locked out of their rooms. 32 percent are less than fully dressed.
>More than a third of all adults hit their alarm clock's "snooze" button each morning, an average of three times before they get up.
>Only 3 percent of Americans ages 18 to 21 attended college in 1890
>From the 1850's to the 1880's, the most common reason for death among cowboys in the American West was being dragged by a horse while caught in the stirrups.
>In 1990 there were about 15,000 vacuum cleaner related accidents in the U.S
>Half of all people who have ever smoked have now quit.
>Seventy percent of house dust is made up of dead skin flakes
>40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year
>There are more Barbie dolls in Italy than there are Canadians in Canada.
>At Caesar’s Palace alone, an average of 7,700 are prepared each day. With 2.8 million eggs delivered each year to that one resort. Caesars serves over 427 pounds of coffee each day and pours more than 3,000 ounces of orange juice every 24 hours.
>In the USA - more toilets flush at the half time of the Super Bowl than at any other time of the year
>Only 30% of us can flare our nostrils.
>40% of women have hurled footwear at a man
>315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled
>When nobody else is around, 47% drink straight from the carton
>66% of us eat cereal regularly....hahahaha i'm guessing we eat it w/ milk!
>71.6% of us eavesdrop.
>28% of us have skinny-dipped. 14% with the opposite sex
>2 out of 5 have married their first love.
>Only 4% asked the parents' approval for their bride's hand.
>1 in 5 men proposed on his knees.
>The typical shower is 101 degrees F.
>53% of women will not leave the house without makeup on.
>58% of women paint their nails regularly.
>62% of us pop our zits.
>4 out of 5 sing in the car.
>In the United States, five million teeth are knocked out annually.
>Every year, over 8800 people injure themselves with a toothpick.
>people living in mountain states eat 30% more cookies than other people
and i will leave you tonight with a fascinating fact about my roots and one of my many favorite foods. anyone who knows anything about french culture should not be surprised that...
>France has the highest per capita consumption of cheese
well, ttyl

Posted by nd2/n_druhen at 11:32 PM EDT
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Hey, All!
i don't really know what to write. since UB stopped i haven't done anything remotely interesting relating my brain. i kind of miss it. but school starts soon. yippee! crap work to do. i'm actually excited. ya wanna see my girls? that's a shame, i can't figure out how just yet. but soon. i'll figure it out, i have no life.
Nothin' on but the Radio kicks ass! so does Milk and cereal!lol. you can see it at it's the greatest thing in the world. i must admit, i have a thing for the guy on the left.
well, nothin' else atm, ttyl!
p.s. if u know how to put pics on here, spread the word!

Posted by nd2/n_druhen at 5:39 PM EDT
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