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** Author’s appreciation corner:

Lexie – Thank you!  :)  You’ll just have to read and see!

Pixy – Harmony?!?!  Nooooooooooooo!  Sorry – she drives me just a little insane…  Except Lornytoons?  Hehehehe… that’s good.  Thank you – and yes, Spike will end up with the visions if that isn’t obvious.  He’ll take them grudgingly for a couple of reasons that I can’t go into… for obvious reasons… :P  I figured there needed to be a replacement connection and it doesn’t seem like  Mr. Whedon has gone into that at all.  Angel still needs his redemption – right?  Right.  And no problem with the help.  Glad to!  I can’t wait to read your stuff & review it!  Hurry up and post! (Cracks whip…)  :)

Alex – Thank you for saying something that I so badly wanted to say.  I’ve read that same stuff about CC and her baby.  I just didn’t want it coming out as a petty comeback… same with the season 4 crap.  I knew where it was headed after watching a few and I wanted to get out before I got caught staring at the disaster, ya know?  Don’t get me wrong – I love “Angel” and always will – I own the first 2 seasons on DVD and I’m anxiously awaiting the 3rd.  But forgive me if my interest has waned in the poor storylines  - that’s why I’m writing this fanfiction.  Thank you so much for your support & defense.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!

Giggleboxsam – I think I did cry when she left… And thanks!  I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

Michella – I’ve been a fan since day one as well… and a shipper the moment Cordelia muttered the words “Hello salty goodness…”  I’m glad you think the characters feel real and the plot lines are believable.  I wouldn’t be doing my job as a writer if either one of those weren’t there.  And thank you… your review lightened my heart and cheered me up immensely! :)

There are more review thanks  at the end.  This was beginning to run ridiculously long because I am perpetually longwinded when it comes to writing anything… :P




“Okay, so no swirly hole jumping… what can we do then?” Angel asked as he paced.  Lorne shook his head, not wanting to say the words but knowing he had to.

“Nothing,” the demon said, causing everyone to look at him.

“Nothing?  What do you mean nothing?” Gunn asked, looking like he wanted to hit something.

“I’m sorry, sugarmuffin, but that’s exactly what I mean.  Cordy’s… well, situation… has nothing to do with what you can do.  It’s not in your hands,” Lorne explained.

“You’d better try to explain that better,” Angel growled, stepping closer to the green man.  Lorne held up his hands.

“There’s no way I can explain it to you that’s going to make it sound any better, Angelcakes.  Cordelia’s destiny is not yours to figure out,” he said.  Fred crossed her arms and shook her head.

“No.  I won’t accept that.  We’ve beaten the odds before, we’ve done the impossible.  If all that’s true, then there’s a way we can figure this out too,” she said, trying to sound optimistic.  Instead she came off as desperate.  Wesley looked at her sadly.

“I’m afraid that Lorne may be correct.  As much as we don’t like it, we may have to accept that Cordelia is gone,” he said.  This time Gunn shook his head.

“She may not be with us, but that doesn’t mean she’s gone.  She’ll fight.  We need her, and she needs us.  She needs us to believe in her right now, not give up on her,” he said with emotion that was so unlike him.  Cordelia’s eyes welled up at the fight still left in her family.  They hadn’t given up on her completely.

“She promised… she promised that she would be with me until I shanshued… Well, she isn’t here, is she?  And now you’re telling me that there is nothing I can do.  I can’t accept that,” Angel said, pacing again.  All eyes were on him as Lorne stood up next to the vampire.

“I’m sorry, you can not accept it all you want, but it isn’t going to change anything.  But I’ve said that already.  And if you don’t want to listen, I can’t make you.  I told you what I needed to tell you.  So responsibility for whatever you do is not on my shoulders,” the green demon said as he waved to the room full of people and left.  The silence in the room as everyone looked at each other stupidly could have suffocated even an un-breathing vampire.  No one knew what to say…

“So what are you bloody wankers going to do about these bloody visions?”  Well, no one knew what to say except Spike.  Wesley slowly sat back down where he had been seated on the floor before.  He picked up a book and started thumbing through it.

“Does that mean you’ve decided to accept the visions?” the man asked, causing everyone to look at Spike expectantly.  Spike shrugged as he cast a quick look at a smiling Cordelia.

“Well, mates, it was either that or Hell.  And frankly, I’d rather stick around here in this God-forsaken place, fighting ‘the good fight’ than go there,” he said, causing Cordelia to roll her eyes.  Gunn clapped his hands together and rubbed them.

“Good… we’ve already got a brooding ‘oh woe is me’ vampire, a fruity karaoke-singing demon, a missing human/demon/seer/evil entity, and three measly humans.  We needed a headache-inducing ghostly vampire to round out the gang,” he said, sarcasm rich in his voice.  Spike rolled his eyes.

“Maybe Hell isn’t such a bad place after all,” the blond man said.  Cordelia held up her hands.

“Well, buddy boy… you said the words.  You are the sole owner of the freakin’ visions.  You lucky bastard,” Cordelia said, sarcasm in her voice as well.  Spike huffed slightly, careful not to draw attention to his side conversation.  This time Cordelia laughed.

“I wash my hands of you,” she said, throwing her hands up and exiting the room, leaving five people wide-eyed as her parting words resonated throughout the room.


Cordelia wandered around the law firm as only a soul-y entity could do.  Walking through walls, eavesdropping on conversations, being newly vision-free… it was all causing a certain giddiness that was actually starting to make her worry about her sanity.  With that thought, Cordelia continued on through countless walls until she reached her destination.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… could you cap the headlights, please?” Lorne exclaimed as he threw his hands up in front of his face to block out the arrived aura.  Cordelia crossed her arms in front of her and tapped her foot in impatience.

“Lorne, I need you to tell me what’s going to happen,” she said.  Lorne rolled his eyes as he turned away from her.

“Who do I look like, Madame Cleo?” he asked as he reached his minibar.

“Lorne!  You read auras!  And since that’s all I am, I figured this would be a cakewalk for you.  I need to know what’s going to happen to me now that the Powers have transferred the visions,” she said hurriedly. 

“Cordycrumb… you told me you knew what was going to happen,” he said, a concerned frown gracing his features.  Cordy looked to the ground.

“I do, sort of… but someone or something took my body again… that wasn’t in the plan… so who knows what is really going to happen?” she said.  Lorne looked at her seriously.

“Princess, if you just search out the answers in that pretty little head of yours, the answers are all there.  You know what’s going to happen,” he said.  Cordelia looked at him sadly.

“Maybe I just want someone else to tell me,” she said, causing Lorne to give her a pitying look as he approached her. 

“I know that what you’ve been through hasn’t been easy.  And sugar, it ain’t about to get any easier.  You’ve got a surly ghost seer that’s going to need your help, plus you have an upcoming Armageddon in which your friends’ lives are in danger, blasts from the not-so-past-like past, and your own life in you manicured hands.  I don’t envy you… but in the end, the trip just might be worth it.  I…” he stopped as he strained his head to one side, causing Cordelia to look at him in concern.

“Lorne?  Are you okay?” she asked, wishing desperately she could touch him and help him to sit down.

“Allah, Powers, Buddah, Goddess, Thor, Christ… Elvis…” Lorne pleaded with clasped hands to the ceiling every deity he could come up with off the top of his head, “… give me strength…”  Cordelia frowned.

“What the hell are you talking abo…” her question was cut off when the door to Lorne’s apartment burst open.

“Did you mean Cordy?” Angel asked, coming to a stop a few feet within the room and causing three scrambling companions to run unceremoniously into him.  Lorne took on a look of innocence.

“Ex-squeeze me?” he asked, putting a hand to his ear in mock incomprehension.  Angel rolled his eyes.

“You said you had it from higher authority… is the ‘higher authority’ Cordelia?” Angel expanded his earlier question.  Lorne shrugged.

“I have no idea what you are talking about…” the green demon said.  Gunn cracked his knuckles as he stepped forward towards him.

“I can make him talk… it’s a simple procedure, really… remove head from shoulders and voila…” he said, causing Lorne to shriek and run behind the couch and Angel to catch Gunn with his arm.  Lorne peeked up from behind the piece of furniture, his red eyes just clearing the edge.

“Okay, okay, okay… no need to result to violence… Why would you think Princess is so-named ‘higher authority’?” he asked cautiously, standing up slowly.  The four standing in front of him looked at each other and shifted a little uncomfortably.

“We heard her…” Fred squeaked out, peeking out from behind Wesley.  Lorne straightened with a slight frown as Cordelia let out a little shriek of her own.

“You heard her?” he asked, a deeper frown thrown in Cordelia’s direction.

“Yeah… it was after you left… we were talking with Spike about the visions… Spike was being… well… he was being…” Fred stumbled.

“Oh stop skirting manners chit and cut to the chase… I was being my regular bloody old self,” Spike announced his arrival.  Lorne nodded.

“Okay, I’m following so far,” he said.

“They think they heard her say she washes her hands of me…” Spike supplied.  “I, personally, just think they’re nuts.  If I were you, Greeny, I’d get on the horn and order up some of those lovely white jackets they’ve got in storage around here…”  Wesley turned to the ghost with a frown.

Think we heard Cordelia?  If I recall correctly, you were in the room and just as surprised as the rest of us,” he said, causing all of the other occupants to nod in agreement.  Lorne held up his hands.

“Hold it boys and girl… and vampire and ghost…” he said.  “There isn’t much I know, trust me.  I told you pretty much everything…”

“Pretty much?” Angel growled.  The green demon shook his head.

“Need to know basis, amigo.  And at this point there ain’t one of you that needs to know.  In fact, there seems to be information I’m missing as well,” he said, glaring slightly at a shrugging Cordelia.  All of a sudden, there was a blindingly bright white flash of light that only Lorne and Spike could see.  When they looked around the room, amid curious and suspicious looks, they noticed they were missing their brunette entity.  Lorne and Spike looked at each other, eyes wide.

“Well… I can say that maybe the ‘need to know’ basis has become a ‘might like to know’ basis…” Spike said.  Lorne closed his eyes and muttered a long string of curses in another demon language.


“Shit, shit and more shit,” Cordelia cried as she uncovered her face.  She looked around carefully and noticed that there was nothing… just white.  She sighed as she gingerly took a step towards… well… nothing.

“At least it isn’t Pylea, Quor’toth, or… San Diego,” she said with a shudder. 

“Cordelia…” a voice said, causing the ghostly woman to turn in circles to search out the source of the voice.  Finding none, she frowned.

“I’m guessing that I am actually over the rainbow,” she said with a shake of her head.

“Cordelia…” the voice said again.  Her eyes closed in frustration.

“Okay, we’ve established that we’ve hijacked the right aura… now what’s going on?” Cordelia asked.

“Your purpose has been served… it is time for the choice…” the voice said.  When Cordelia opened her eyes again, she almost shrieked at the sight of her own body walking towards her.

“Oh, God…”






** Okay, so that’s the next part.  I know it’s a little short, but I wanted to get this out there so that my brain can continue working on this plot.  I had to shake some of the cobwebs off.  Let me know how it is!!!


** Review thanks, continued…

Maliek – I’m glad you are enjoying it.  Thank you and keep on reading!

Blaire – I think TheTruth did screw him/herself when they didn’t sign their review.  Honestly, how is anyone going to take that seriously?  It was rather rude and cowardly.  I thank you for your support.  As for the story – guidance counselor?  I never thought of it like that! :)  And Cordy?  Don’t be wary!  Not a chance in hell she’ll be written out or banished to the woodwork without a purpose (as far as I know at the moment – my muse has a way of running from me now and again) – she’s just too vital!  She’s the heart!

Samson – I’m glad you like the idea… I’m fairly fond of it myself.  It fills in a lot of the blanks that have been left.  Don’t worry, there’s more to come… eventually!

Yama-Neko – I love a good intrigue too!  So, keep on reading!!

Kimmers – Glad you came back!  And I’m happy that you liked it… :)

Amanda – Thanks for your review.

Staraice – Don’t worry, you’ll get your answers as to what Cordelia is being punished for.  And thanks for your review!  I appreciate it.

And to anyone else that I didn’t catch in the reviews… THANK YOU!  Keep on reading and reviewing…:P



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