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Chapter 2

Ok probably not the longest chapter every but I wanted to get something out there! I hoep you enjoy!

"Willow don't lift that!" Spike exclaims rushing, along with Xander, to Willow's side as Willow lifts a box that Spike had brought along from his crypt.

"Hello, guys? I think I can lift the box." Willow states but before she can protest further the box has been taken from her and carried into the room that Willow had decided would be best to put Spike in.

"Willow you can help me get these curtains up." Anya offers from the bedroom.

Willow's drops open in mock shock, "you mean they are letting you use a screw driver."

"Ha ha!" Xander calls walking into the room with a box, "just because we are looking out for your welfare it makes us the butt of all your jokes."

"And just because we are pregnant it makes us the way to sheltered women." Anya retorts.

Willow smiles as she listens to Xander and Anya banter and she has the feeling that she and Spike are going to start to sound like that. Spike all ready seemed like he had been taking lessons from Xander and he had only been moved in for, well 30 minutes now.

Once the heavy velvet curtains that Willow had dug out of the back of her closet, and Spike and Xander had put together a bed Xander and Anya prepared to leave.

"So I will stop by in the morning to drop you off at the Magic Box, Spike and I figure that that will be the safest place for you during the day. Considering the no demonic powers spell." Xander states.

"Fine I'll help Anya out at the Magic Box and I can do my work from my laptop there." Willow sighs, realizing the spell had taken more out of her than she originally thought.

"OK, then I will pick you up at about 8." Xander states before he and Anya leave the apartment.

"Can I get you anything?" Willow questions once she and Spike are left alone.

Before he can respond Willow stifles a big yawn, "no I don't need anything. But it looks like you need sleep. So why don't you head to bed?"

"Are you going to treat me like your my father the entire time you are here?" Willow questions.

Spike nods, "yeah probably. Night Red."

Willow sighs, shakes her head and replies, "goodnight Spike."

"So does it say exactly how this baby is going to save the world?" Anya asks as both she and Willow crowd around her laptop. Anya was so curious about the baby that she hadn't even counted the money in the register once and had sat with Willow for most of the day, with the exception of when customers came in, and poured over the copies of text that Fred had emailed Willow from LA.

"Is it like a super hero baby or something?" Anya questions. "Like a mini-super man."

"All of Fred's texts keep saying that the baby will save the world from eternal damnation. But they don't say how or when. Which is really annoying if you ask me, I have no idea if I am going to have a baby with magic powers on my hands or what."

"So we'll keep looking!" Anya exclaims enthused, "There has to be something that these texts are coming from, everything starts off somewhere. We just have to go to the beginning."

Willow nods, "we will figure it out eventually, I'm sure. It will just take a lot of research. But since the guys don't seem very willing to let us do much of anything, I feel that researching is going to become the highlight of my day."

Anya offers Willow a bright smile, "it gets annoying after awhile Xander always hovering. But it has it's perks, he treats me like a princess and I really don't have to much of anything at home. He's cleaning so hey, I can't complain about that."

"Xander cleans?" Willow asks.

Anya nods, "Actually yes. He cooks to but that's not really much to brag about, we have been eating out a lot lately."

"Hello ladies." Xander greets coming into the Magic Box, "everyone ready to go home for the evening?"

Anya gets up and begins to go about her business of closing up the shop as Willow saves everything Fred sent her and close her laptop. By the time Xander drops Willow off at her apartment building the sun is going down and Willow is surprised when she doesn't pass Spike on his way out to patrol.

"Spike? Are you here?" Willow calls dropping her keys on a table beside the door.

"In the kitchen love!" Spike's voice is muffled by the distance but once Willow walks into the kitchen she is stunned to find that table is set with slices of a roast on a plate on one side and a mug on the other. "I figured you would be hungry."

Willow stares at Spike and she realizes for the first time, ever she thinks, that Spike is nervous and concerned about what she thinks, "Spike thank you so much!" Willow exclaims. "I'm starving."

"Spike that was wondering!" Willow exclaims sitting back and setting her napkin on the table. "You are an amazing cook. How did you get so good?"

Spike shrugs, "I just did what the bloke on the telly said. And it came out like the roast did there so I figured I did it right. There was nothing complicated about it. We except for the getting around the apartment during the day."

Willow nods, "we'll get more curtains to put up so that the apartment is more Spike friendly."

A strange expression crosses Spike's face and he states, "I should probably go out patrolling, especially since we didn't go yesterday."

Willow nods, "all right, I'll probably see you tomorrow then."

"Right then, see you tomorrow." Spike is almost out the door before he stops again, "did you want me to stay. Because I could, I mean I could stay in and watch something with you on the telly or something."

Willow smiles at Spike, "I'll be all right Spike, I'll see you tomorrow."

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