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Chapter 1: This story was finished mid 7th season, so none of the finale applies....Sunnydale still exists. Basically set write after 6th season.

Guest Stars: Seth Green

Previously on Buffy:

        "It was stupid to think you'd just be waiting."

        "I was waiting, I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like if I'm old and blue haired and I turn the corner in Istanbul and there you are I won't be surprised because your with me you know?"

        "I know. But now is not that time I guess."

        "No. What are you gonna do?

        "I think I better take off."


        "Pretty much now."

Willow pushes outside of the Magic Box hoping that she can get to her car before the rain soaks through the books she had just bought. Willow is so concerned with the rain that she doesn't notice the person coming in the door, and of course as fate may have it, she ran right into the person.

"I'm so, so sorry. I wasn't paying..." Mid-sentence Willow finally looks at the person she ran into. "OK wha-what are you doing here?"

Oz looks around the area, "can we find somewhere else to talk?"

Willow nods "we can go back to the house. Dawnie's at school and Buffy's at work. The ex-couple split up after a slightly uncomfortable silence to their vehicles.

"I'll make us some tea." Willow states once they both reach the front door and Willow unlocks it leading Oz into the kitchen. "It's really good to see you Oz."

Oz smiles weakly back at Willow and she suddenly knows that Oz being back in Sunnydale isn't a social call nor was it coincidence that he ran into her at the magic shop, and Willow is suddenly afraid to know why he is back. Things had been quiet for almost a year now.

"Willow, I heard about Tara. I'm really sorry, I should have called or written or something."

Willow is glad her back is turned to Oz because even now, nearly two years later it still hurts to think about Tara's death. "It's all right. I wasn't really in the right state of mind..." Willow stops unsure of how much Oz knew exactly. Willow faces Oz as he nods, "You know."

"I became friends with an ex-watcher, she no longer works for the council, but she still keeps in contact with them and she knows most of the going-ons in Sunnydale."

Willow falls silent again unsure of what to say. Attempting anything to change the subject Willow finally asks, "not that I'm not thrilled that you're here, but I get the feeling that this isn't a social call. What's going on?'

Willow can see a flick, for only a moment, of pain cross Oz's face.

"My watcher friend, Greer Jameson," Willow is suddenly so cauth up in a couldn't be jealousy...could it? That she nearly misses the statement Oz is trying so desperately to get out. "Greer has been studying slayer deaths since the death of her slayer in '96." Willow nods quickly realizing what this means, and not wanting to think about the death that called Buffy. Willow knows that at 26 Buffy was one of the longest surviving slayers in history. Oz gives Willow a couple of seconds to take in this before he continues. When Oz begins to speak again Willow turns her attention back to him.

"Will you should probably sit down. " Oz states. "This is going to be a lot to take in." Willow sinks into a kitchen chair slowly as Oz begins to speak again. "For almost a decade Greer has researched slayer deaths. She believed that a person as important to the world as slayer couldn't leave and enter the earth without some kind of cosmic effect, or something to that degree. Greer has gone back for a hundred years reading slayer and watchers diaries, reading weather reports and historical accounts and anything she could think of."

Willow's fingers are cutting half moons into the palm of her hands, "oz what are you saying?"

"Will a lot of the signs that Greer has found are surfacing."

"No. " Willow shakes her head, tears welling in her eyes. "No, that doesn't make sense Oz. No it doesn't make sense."

"Willow I know this is a lot to take in. Let me run to the van and let me get Greer's research. If you can't take any of it seriously, if you don't feel that any of it could be true then all right. We both respect your opinion."

Willow sits in stunned silence as she waits. When Oz returns he carries several boxes full of papers.

Oz sits in silence watching Willow flip through papers for over two hours. And when Willow finally looks up her eyes are swimming with tears.

"What do you think Will?" Oz asks carefully, his eyes locked on Willow, judging her reaction.

"She's put a lot of research into this. It shows." Willow states slowly. "Several of the signs Ms. Jameson has copied here have appeared. The earthquake last month that occurred here and in New York simultaneously. And a few others, but Oz, she still has cases in here that say the same things occurred but a slayer didn't die in those instances."

"Willow I'm not here telling you Buffy is going to die within some period of time. I'm not a prophet and neither is Greer. And you're right, there are nearly as many cases against Greer's theory as there are supporting them. But in all instances the slayer has had a huge battle to contend with, I just wanted to warn you." Oz takes a drink of the cold tea, unsure of what else to do, as Willow thinks.

"I appreciate it Oz, really. But before I tell Buffy, and especially before we worry Dawn I want to do a little research of my own and call Giles in England, to see what he thinks.

Oz nods, "I figured you would want to. I should probably get back to my hotel. I'll stick around until you figure out what you want me to do."

Willow grabs Oz's hand, "Thank you so much for coming to me with this."

"Willow-" Oz starts to say something but the insistent knocking at the door urges both to hurry out of the kitchen.

Willow pulls the door open to reveal Cordelia Chase, Angel and his son, Conner. At the sign of them Willow can't help but grab Oz's arm quickly.

"Can we come in?" Cordelia asks.

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