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Chapter 1

Just on a quick note I just wantd to let you all know that I changed Skylar's name to Alisa so no one get's confused with whatever Skylar story there is out there!

2 and a half years later

"No!" The cry comes from somewhere over Dawn's head along with the sound of pattering feet.

"Can I help you with something Darlin'?" A green demon asks when he turns to face Dawn.

"I'm actually looking for Angel." Dawn responds glancing around the huge hotel, Willow had said it was big but she had never imagined the size.

"You must be Dawn!" The stranger exclaims.

"Well, yeah." Dawn nods.

"Good, good. She's here!" The friendly demon calls loudly and Dawn can hear even more activity from the floor above.

"No! No! No! No!" The same young voice comes louder as a small girl with brown hair attempts to run down the stairs.

"Gotcha." A woman quickly grabs the little girl around the waist followed by the first person Dawn recognized.

"I don't wanna get dressed!" The little girl in the woman's arms cries. "Pwease can I not wear that? Pwease?" The girl requests.

"Hi Dawn." Wesley greets coming the rest of the way downstairs with the talkative girls identical sister.

"Hi Wesley." Dawn returns the greeting staring at the two little girls.

"If you can give us just a minute we can do proper introductions." The woman responds trying to wrestle a pair of corduroy light brown jeans onto the little girl. "Don't wanna wear this, wanna wear my bathing suite!"

"Alisa it's raining outside, it's to cold to wear your bathing suite." The woman responds finally able to button the jeans and pulls a long sleeve pink shirt, with a maroon sweater.

The little girl the woman had called Alisa is finally set free and she walks over to the round couch in the middle of the room and sits swinging her socked feet back and forth. Wesley hands the other girl to the woman, and while the dressing process is a little less difficult it still takes several squirmy minutes to get the girl into her dark corduroy skirt, white sweater and pink jacket. Finally releasing the twin the woman straightens and turns her attention to Dawn.

"Dawn this is Fred and Lorne, and the two squirmy ones are Maggie and Alisa." Wesley introduces.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Dawn responds.

"Is there something wrong Dawn?" Wesley questions.

Dawn shakes her head, "actually when the winter session starts I am starting at UCLA, so I just thought I would stop by."

"That's great, we're glad you stopped by." Wesley responds, "we were just about to have breakfast, would you like to join us?"

"Um," Dawn bites her lip, "I don't know...I don't want to..."

"Come on," Fred urges, "breakfast is kind of crazy but it'll be fun."

"All right." Dawn nods.

"Yay!" Both girls exclaim taking Dawn's hands.

"So how old are you're daughters Wesley?" Dawn asks once the 6 have sat down to dinner.

The three other adults exchange glances and laugh lightly, "they aren't my children Dawn."

Dawn turns to look at Fred expecting her to say that they are hers, but instead Fred begins to explain the whole story of how they came to be left. "The girl's Mommy and Daddy couldn't take care of them so she left they left Maggie and Alisa for us to take care of."

"Yup." Maggie nods, "we live here with Aunt Fred, Uncle Gunn, Uncle Wesley, Uncle Lorne, Uncle Angel and Uncle Spike."

"Unc-uncle Spike?" Dawn stutters.

Before anything else can be said Spike appears in the kitchen, "lil' bit what are you doing here?"

"Spike?" Dawn's eyes go wide staring at the vampire she had thought perished 3 years before.

"Yeah lil' bit it's me." Spike responds as Dawn quickly stands to hug him.

"We thought you were lost in the rubble in Sunnydale, we had no idea what happened to you." Dawn states quickly.

"It's a long story lil' bit." Spike responds, "but what are you doing here? We haven't heard from any of you since Sunnydale."

Dawn nods, "yeah, we have been all over the world in the last 3 years. Trying to find slayers and get them proper training. For the most part Buffy set up shop in Cleveland on the Hellmouth there. She isn't really big with the travel, but we have set up a new watchers council there and a school for all the slayers. Giles and Willow do most of the traveling and I went along most of the time."

"What about school?" Fred questions.

Dawn makes a face, "it's not been a constant in my life. So that's why I am starting at UCLA as a Freshman at the age of 19."

"Buffy didn't make you stay in Cleveland and attend school?" Spike asks as he prepares himself a mug of blood.

Dawn shakes her head, "with the whole training hundreds of slayers she and Faith really had their work cut out for them so I was able to convince her to let me go with Giles or Willow."

"Where have you been?" Alisa asks.

"Well," Dawn turns her attention to the toddlers, "China, England, Ireland, Japan..."

Alisa looks mildly interested until she asks, "can we go out and play now?"

"Is it still raining?" Fred asks getting up from the table and walking toward the window, peeking out she responds, "you may play in the backyard but if it starts to rain I want you to come in right away, all right?"

The girls nod solemnly as Wesley steps in to help them each put boots on and both get hats that match their outfits. And without another word the girls skip out of the kitchen and outside.

"Shouldn't someone be watching them?" Dawn asks.

"Gunn's out there." Wesley responds, "he's helping the girls build a tree house, that's why they wanted to get outside so quickly.

Dawn nods, "so who's kids are they? If you don't mind my asking."

Fred shrugs, "we actually don't know. They were literally left on our front doorsteps one day and we have tried everything but their mother has made her path untraceable. We have tried everything to find her but we have had absolutely no luck. So we gave up 6 months after they came to live with us."

"But you're a detective agency, how did you raise to little girls?" Dawn asks.

"Believe me it hasn't been easy." Angel's laughing words come from behind Dawn

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