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Title: And So It Goes 1/1
Author: Danielle
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season 6, post-Smashed
Summary: 100 word challege from Sunday 100 using a song
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN, and whoever has rights to these people in court. I use Billy Joel's song without permission. Do not sue me, I'm poor anyway.
Distribution: Whoever wants it can have it, just e-mail me first so I can come and visit.

We dance around the living room, quiet notes emitted from the radio. We're close, bodies intertwined, but that desperation is lacking; that hunger in my belly I fear will consume me if I'm not careful. His arms wrap my waist, and my head relaxes against his chest.

The words get a little too real, and he squeezes me tighter; murmurs softly in my ear. I can't hear him over my thoughts, and I know he can feel how wet his shirt is. This is why we can't be close like this, without the need. My heart just can't take it.

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