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Title: Breaking a Slayer 29-32

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Spoilers/Ships: This is AU. Buffy/Spike/Angel.

Distribution: Sure, just let me know.

Feedback: Is always nice.

Rating: NC-17.

Xander was exhausted. And not just from the drive. Anya was voracious. He thought that was the right word, anyway. She wouldn't let him alone. Seemed as if she was determined to make up for 1000 years without sex by wringing him dry within two months. Of course, he wasn't really complaining. After all, clandestine kisses with Cordy and one unforgettable encounter with Faith hardly counted as experience. His insatiable lover was everything his adolescent fantasies had conjured up and much more, but he wished occasionally that she'd let his skin grow back before she ravished him again. Wasn't there some curse, "be careful what you wish for?" Anyway, he was tired.

It was dark, so Xander didn't even bother going to Buffy's house. She'd be out patrolling, he knew. Anya was puttering around in his parent's basement, complaining about being stuck down there with the washer and dryer again now that their summer was at an end. It was good to get away from her for a while. He was sure to find Buffy and maybe Willow in the cemeteries.


Buffy was leaving. That was all there was to it. She could stand, she could walk, she was getting the hell out of the hospital. Spike stood there, completely nonplussed. How could he argue with her? He hated the place too, couldn't blame the chit for wanting out. She was the Slayer, she'd heal. But his poncy sire would have his balls for this, Spike knew.

As Buffy signed the papers indicating that she was leaving against doctor's orders, Spike paced the small room, glancing up at the door to search for his sire. He'd tried to call Angel's cell phone once Buffy had made it known that she'd be leaving hospital, but Angel hadn't answered. He hated technology anyway, Spike knew, and probably had left the phone in a pocket or on a shelf somewhere in the mansion. No matter. Spike had sent, as much as he was able, a silent plea to his sire through the bond that increasingly tied them to one another. Uncomfortable with the bond at the same time he reveled in it, Spike nonetheless was willing to use it, use anything to protect the tiny girl who had saved his unlife *again,* this time with her very blood. He felt stronger than ever before, invigorated to the point of intoxication and it was all due to her.

Spike had never felt this close to a human, never known the joy and pain of feeling, somehow, the emotions of another soul. Certainly, Angelus had captivated him, and Dru, as well, but the demons had no soft entangling emotions to tie Spike down. Passion, pain, pleasure, they were all largely the same to the demon and they'd inflicted all of them upon each other with equal delight.

But this, this was different. Spike could now feel the ties of Angel's soul binding him to his sire anew with the blood bond. And Buffy, somehow Spike felt Buffy now too, as if her willing sacrifice to save him had tied him to her with her own blood. And tied he was, with blood and sex and, dare he think it…love. Tied to his pouf of a sire and this dangerous, marvelous, diminutive woman who even now was pulling her baggy street clothes on and swearing as she flexed muscles that had lain fallow and ignored while she convalesced.

They strode from the hospital, Buffy hurrying to be rid of that dread place and Spike wrapping an arm around her waist in comfort and understanding of her deep fear of the sickness and death there that she couldn't ever fight.

They walked slowly through town, Buffy reveling in being free once more to hunt the dark and breathe the night air. Spike simply happy to be at her side, trusted despite his lack of a chip, valued somehow, despite his demonic nature. She…needed him, he knew. And she trusted him enough to spend herself to save him. That meant more to him than she could ever realize.

She tugged at his hand, pulling him into Sunnyrest Cemetery and Spike protested. "Buffy, you can't…we can't. Bloomin' hell, woman, you just got out of bloody hospital. D'ya really fancy heading straight back there?"

Buffy laughed. "Spike, don't be silly. I just want to do a quick sweep, then we can go home to Angel."

"Angel isn't at home, Slayer. He's out patrolling and he'll give us bloody hell if he sees us out here. Probably rip me a new one, while he's at it," Spike muttered, pacing after Buffy resignedly. He could deny her nothing, he was turning into a poncy idiot, just like his sire.

They swept the boneyard with their eyes, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but saw nothing. Buffy stalked further in, momentarily out of Spike's vision. He hurried to catch up with her, but a huge fist struck him across the face, knocking him to the ground. The shadowy figure grabbed the Slayer and thrust her against the side of a mausoleum, snarling in anger.

"Buffy, what the hell are you doing here?" Angel growled, his game face on and his fury barely in check. "Have you lost your mind?" You're supposed to be in the hospital. Spike," he snapped glancing at his childe who was pulling himself to his feet and shaking his battered head, "are you insane? How could you let her leave the hospital and come here?"

Buffy laughed in Angel's face, too happy to be out of the damn hospital to care that her soulmate was angry. "Angel, I'd had enough of that place. It was just a little blood loss. I got the transfusions, I'm fine, ready, raring to go."

Spike nodded sullenly. "You try keeping the chit somewhere she don't want to be, Angel and then see what good it does you. Damn, Sire, didja have to hit me so hard?" Spike rubbed his face ruefully, feeling the bruise growing already. Angelus would have shattered his jaw had he not been a vampire.

Angel pulled his childe to him with a rough grab and licked the side of his face where the purple handprint marked him. "What's the matter, Spike? You used to like it when I hit you," he crooned. Truly, he hadn't meant to hit Spike quite that hard, it had just exploded out of him when his fear for Buffy go the better of him.

Buffy watched as Spike leaned into Angel's animalistic embrace, her body thrilling to the sight of her lovers together. Spike turned his head and caught Angel's mouth the next time he lapped at Spike's cheek, kissing him deeply and reaching one pale hand to grasp at his sire's head. Spike thrust his fingers into the gelled hair, mussing it.

Angel growled and pulled Spike to him tighter, sucking at his tongue and deepening their kiss. They hadn't touched since Buffy had been hospitalized. Whichever of them wasn't sitting by her bedside was out patrolling or gathering more blood for them to live off of. They were starved for each other and starved for her. As one, they turned, each scenting the Slayer's arousal wafting to them on the sultry night air.

Buffy gulped in momentary alarm as the two game-faced vampires advanced on her. Angel pinned her against the wall again, kissing her mouth with hungry desire, willing her to realize with every caress how frightened he'd been at her near death. Spike was even more grateful, but less tender, unfastening her jeans with nimble fingers and pulling them down to reach the honeyed nest that called to him. He pulled her long satiny legs free of the denim and cotton that clothed her and swung one over his shoulder as he delved with tender fingers into the damp curls that hid her sex.

Buffy gasped as Spike tugged gently on her nether curls, startled that such pulling could feel so good. He stroked her outer lips while Angel claimed her mouth in another deep kiss. His hands stroked her breasts through the flannel shirt and t that she wore. Her nipples hardened under that knowing touch and she moaned into his mouth as the vampires worked her willing body into a state of pure lust.


Xander had checked every cemetery but one and made his way slowly through the gates of Sunnyrest. He was tired, but happy at the condition of Sunnydale. He hadn't seen a single vampire, so Buffy must be working overtime to keep things under control.


Angel moved behind Buffy, stripping the shirts from her heated body as Spike continued to tease her pussy with gentle strokes of his fingers. Angel wrapped cool arms around her warm torso, stroking his big hands up to cup her breasts and twist the pebbled nipples until she groaned and leaned her head back against him. He lapped at her throat, unwilling to bite her newly healed neck, but sorely tempted to renew his Mark and obliterate that of his childe. The demon raged within him, desperate to punish Spike for daring to Mark its chosen Mate, desperate to Mark her again and proclaim his possession by throwing her to the ground and fucking her raw. Angel wasn't even sure if that would count as happiness. It felt more like desperation to him right now.

He contented himself for the moment with lifting Buffy and splaying her legs wide so that Spike could eat her more easily. Angel slid her other leg over Spike's shoulder, supporting her slight weight with his strong arms.

Buffy was mindless with pleasure from Angel's provocative sucking on her throat and Spike's skilled teasing at her cunt. Sensation rocketed from her breasts to her clit and up to her throat again, filling her entire body with desperate longing and unimagined bliss.

Spike ate at Buffy's cunt with ferocious care, delving deep into her molten tunnel with long hard thrusts of his cold tongue, then pulling out to suck her clit into his wet mouth, then repeating the motions again and again. He felt her pulse increase, felt her writhing into his waiting mouth, hovering on the brink of orgasm.


Xander stood stock still, shocked and unbelieving at the sight before him. Was that Buffy, his Buffy? The brown-haired girl with the short tousled curls was naked and spread wide for the unmistakable blond man, no…vampire, kneeling before her. The face, though, the face was Buffy's, he was sure of it. And the one behind her, well, not in his worst nightmares had Xander imagined finding her entwined with Angel, too. That he could…would share Buffy with Spike was beyond Xander's understanding. And that Buffy would let them use her that way, that she would writhe and grind into Spike's dirty mouth and moan as if it were the best thing she'd ever felt, God! Xander felt like he was going to vomit or scream or something.

"You whore!" he yelled, angry tears bursting from his eyes. "You fucking whore! Deadboy was bad enough, but now you'll let any vamp suck you, is that it, Buffy? My God," he screamed, "you make me sick. This is how you spent your summer, fucking vampires? No wonder there aren't any around, you fucked 'em all to death, didn't you, Buffy? How many have you spread for?" he sneered jealously, aware once again that he was last on the list of men she would ever consider.

Buffy stared at Xander in shock, pushing Spike from her and stumbling as she tried to get her feet back on the ground. She couldn't believe he'd seen her…seen Spike eating her and Angel…helping.

"Riley wasn't enough for you, was he, Buffy?" Xander continued. "He was way too human for the likes of you. They've gotta be dead to make time with you, right? No wonder I wasn't in the running. I should have gotten Spikey here to turn me. Maybe then you'd let me fuck you, huh? Maybe then I'd get to taste the cunt that Spike seems to eat so well. You were ready to cum, weren't you, Buffy? I heard you moaning. Do they both fuck you at the same time or do they take turns?"

Buffy closed her eyes in shame. *Oh, God, Buffy, he's right, you are a whore. What other word is there for a Slayer who would fuck not one but two vampires in a cemetery?*

Angel wrapped her quickly in his duster, growling in frustrated anger at the callow youth who'd interrupted their play. Then Xander's words registered and he moved forward to destroy the boy who would say such things to his Mate. Buffy's small hand held him back but more than that was her whimpered cry of painful humiliation. He turned and swept her into his arms, striding quickly into the night to get his mate far from the one who would wound her with such unforgivable words.

Spike snarled, turning ferally on Xander with a hiss. Buffy's juices still dripped from his mouth and he licked his lips slowly with sensual grace, making sure to catch every precious drop as he advanced on the stupid boy.

"You stupid, bloody git," he growled dangerously. "Even if we didn't love her, even if that was just a quick shag, didn't it occur to your idiotic brain that attacking her was not bright? Not to mention interrupting us?"

"Oh, whatcha gonna do, Spikey, growl at me?" Xander taunted, certain that this was one vampire he could best with ease. "I've been wanting to stake you for so long and now I have the perfect opportunity." He pulled a stake from his pocket and advanced on the chipped vampire. And was thrown to the ground and attacked by the obviously chipless vampire.

"Not quite what you had in mind, is this, boy?" Spike sneered, jabbing his fists one after another into Xander's gut. The boy groaned in pain, then shrieked as Spike broke his ribs. The vampire reluctantly pulled back, unwilling to kill the boy as he so rightfully deserved. Buffy wouldn't let him near her again if he killed this worthless piece of garbage, Spike was sure of it.

He aimed one last kick at Xander's backside and turned to gather up Buffy's clothes before striding away, happy that the boy would be in pain for at least a month from the beating he'd administered. *Mmm, catharsis. How bloody marvelous. Now, back to my Slayer!* he thought to himself, humming a catchy tune from the thirties.

Chapter 30

Buffy was hiding in the bathroom. Angel was pacing nervously outside. She'd jumped from his arms the moment they entered the mansion and fled upstairs without a word. He'd followed, trying to find something to say to make her feel better. *Damn Xander, anyway,* he thought, *I don't really care if we never see him again, but she loves him as a friend. Needs him, god knows why. I hope Spike didn't hurt him…well, that's not really true. I hope Spike didn't kill him…nope, not true either. I hope she doesn't realize that Spike killed him. Yeah, that's about right.*

Angel smiled ruefully for a moment, aware that he just couldn't truly regret anything that happened to Xander. The boy had hated him from the start, with a virulence that he'd never even tried to conceal. The fact that Angelus had deserved that hatred didn't take away from the fact that Xander had held it long before Angelus came out to play. Jealousy was a powerful emotion, Angel knew. Look how he'd used it to torture Spike. Angelus had no real interest in Dru as anything but a tool, but he'd taken her from Spike simply because he could. Angel was still surprised that Spike would have anything to do with him after that, though honestly, it wasn't the worst thing Angelus had done to his childe.

Angel's keen ears heard the tell-tale sounds of Spike stomping into the mansion in his Doc Martens. The blonde vampire climbed quickly to the upper floor, carrying Buffy's discarded clothes in his hands. He met Angel's eyes. "Hiding in the bathroom again, is she?" he queried.

"Yes. Did you kill Xander?" Angel asked coolly.

"Naw. Beat him up some, though, stupid, bloody-useless cunt."

"Good. I suppose we can't kill him," Angel added regretfully.

"Not if we want to get laid anytime this century. And she's not immortal," Spike responded.

"Still, I suppose we should probably go in there. Talk to her. Or something," Angel said.

"You first, Sire. She's less likely to castrate you."

"I could order you to go in first. You are my childe, after all," Angel muttered, staring at the closed door with hooded eyes.

"Hells, Sire, I just took care of the boy for you. Now I have to beard the bloody Slayer in her den? Grow some balls, Angelus."

"I wish you wouldn't use that name, William," Angel replied tauntingly.

"Yes, Sire, Master of the Clan of Aurelius, Scourge of Europe, Blood of Nest, favored childe of Darla the Vicious and Sire of William the Bloody, Drusilla the Mad and Penn the Malevolent. Anything else your highness wishes of this humble childe?" Spike sneered, clicking his boot heels. He tested the handle of the door and found it unlocked, *more's the pity,* he thought

Angel cuffed him lightly on the head for his insolence, but let him go without a word. "I have to go talk to Giles about this," he said. "Will you…take care of her?" He was giving his permission for his childe to comfort his Mate and he knew that Spike would take full advantage of the fact. But Buffy needed it, needed someone to soothe her and tell her the hateful words that spewed from her friend's mouth were untrue and unkind.

Angel couldn't send Spike to Rupert, the two were simply not on speaking terms for something this delicate. So Angel must go. And Spike must stay. Angel swallowed down the jealous growl that threatened to issue forth. A part of him hated sharing Buffy with Spike. Hated that she now wore a Mark from his childe opposite from his own Mark on her neck. It didn't matter that his demon had done the marking whilst Angel was dying. All that mattered was that Buffy was his. His mate, his life, his light in the darkness. And now…now she was Spike's, as well. Angel had to come to terms with that or kill his childe. They were the only two options left him.


Xander pounded on Willow's door at the dorm, hoping that she was in. A groggy voice inquired, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Xander. Will, I've got to talk to you…now! It's about Buffy."

"Oh, did you see her, is she ok? I've been so worried," Willow said, hastily opening the door and letting him in. "Oh, my Goddess, Xander, what happened to you?"

"Oh, yeah. I saw her. Big YES on the saw her. Saw way more of her than I wanted to…at least, way more of her than I wanted to see without me involved…I mean, with them..." Xander trailed off incoherently. "Spike happened to me."

"Spike? But he's chipped, isn't he?"

"That would apparently be the big NO, Will. Can you do something for the pain?" Xander wheezed. "My rib is killing me."

Willow closed the door and seated Xander carefully on her bed. He looked like hell. Black eyes, bloody nose, and his torso…when she pulled his shirt away from it she gasped at the blackening bruises that covered him. "What exactly did you say to Spike to make him do this, Xander?" she asked, bustling around the room to gather healing supplies and an ace bandage to wrap his ribs.

"Um, we don't really need to go into that just now, do we?" he groaned, not really sure he wanted to tell Will that he'd called her best friend a whore. That hadn't been the best idea he'd ever had, now that he thought back on it. *Hell, if she's going to act the part, she'd better get used to the name,* he thought sullenly, wincing in pain as Willow wrapped his aching ribs.

"Is Buffy out of the hospital then? Isn't it awful about her mom? And losing the house? And having to drop out of school?" Willow asked anxiously. "How did she seem to you? Is she ok? Is she dealing?"

"Wait, what? What's up with her mom?" Xander asked, confused.

"She died. Didn't you know? Where did you see Buffy, anyway, Xander?"

"I, um, ran into her at the cemetery. Oh, god, her mom died this summer? When?"

"After we left, I guess. And she lost the house because the bank took it, Giles said. And she had to drop out of school. I don't know the whole story, he said I'd have to talk to Buffy about it. But I guess Spike and Angel got her through it somehow. It's weird, I don't know all the details," Willow said.

Xander smacked himself in the forehead. "God, she went through all that and then I attacked her the first thing I saw her. Shit!" he paced back and forth haltingly, only now noticing the emptiness on Buffy's half of the room.

"Xander, I don't understand. Why would you attack her? Did she think you were a vampire?"

"No, Will. I saw her with Spike and Angel. They were, well, um, they were using her and I got all in her face about it."

"Using her….oh!" light dawned on the still-innocent girl. "She was *with* them? In the cemetery? Well, I guess she and Angel used to, but she wasn't *with* Angel, right, I mean the curse…"

"Nope, he was holding her, though and Spike…" Xander blushed, "Spike was, um, you know, doing things to her."

"Xander, grow up for goodness sake. According to the Watchers' Diaries, Spike and Angelus were really fantastic lovers. Were they, um, sharing her?"

"Yes. She was, she seemed to be, well enjoying it."

"Well good then, she deserves a little happiness. Though maybe not in the cemetery. Kinda open, you know? Still, Giles told me she was in the hospital because Spike drained her, so I guess they're closer now. And she's living with them at the mansion. A lot of stuff happened to her while we were gone, Xander. Giles wouldn't tell me all of it, but I know there was a lot more, cause he got that serious face that he does, you know?" Willow knew she was babbling nervously but couldn't help herself.

"Geeze, Will, we have to talk to her, find out what went on. But…I'm not sure she's going to want to see me just yet."

"Xander, don't be silly. She won't be upset at you attacking Spike, after all, she'll know that you didn't know that Spike wasn't trying to hurt her, you know?"

Xander smiled ruefully at Willow's incoherent reply. Some things never changed. He just hoped that Buffy could find a way to forgive him for saying such terrible things to her before he knew the sitch. And he hoped that Willow never found out just what he'd said.

Chapter 31

Author's Note: Quotes are taken from BtVS ep "The Pack." I'm sorry about the brevity of my latest chapters. I'm having a hard time right now balancing the dreaded real life with the fic life. I'm working on the syllabus for a course on rhetoric and composition that I'm teaching in the fall, and consequently must read a book of essays to determine which ones I'll be assigning. In addition, I'm creating lesson plans for a full semester's worth of classes, helping my daughters finish up their school year, trying and failing to keep up with my chores at home, and attempting to find some time to spend with my darling husband. Probably way more than any of you care to know about my personal life, I know <grin>. I love writing, and love all of you, my readers, but I'm probably going to have to update my fics no more than twice a week from now on. Blessings! -Rhi


Buffy was washing herself all over. She had been for thirty minutes now. It wasn't helping. The interrupted arousal was driving her insane, but more than that was the pain of her rejection by Xander. She'd always known that some part of him hated her for her relationship with Angel and now he'd confirmed her worst fears. She remembered what he'd said to her when he was possessed by the hyena spirits.


Buffy glared up at Xander, who pinned her to the floor, "Get off of me."

Xander ground his hips into her slowly and grinned maliciously at her. "Is that what you really want?" he sneered. Buffy struggled against him, but he held her arms pinned to the floor with ease. "We both know what you really want. You want danger, don't cha? You like your men dangerous."

Buffy was starting to get scared. This wasn't her Xander, her kind, puppy-dog friendly Xander. "You're in trouble, Xander. You are infected with some hyena thing, it's like a demonic possession!"

Xander continued to grind his hips into hers sensually. The menace on his face completely transformed it and Buffy was newly aware of how big Xander was. He dwarfed her small frame, looming over her with malevolent lust. The hyena spirit had quadrupled his strength and she was afraid that he might be too strong for her. He smiled at her, "Dangerous and mean, right? Like Angel. Your Mystery Guy. Well, guess who just got mean."

Xander growled at Buffy in low tones. "Do you know how long... I've waited... until you'd stop pretending that we aren't attracted..."

Buffy threw him off of her and got up to face him. He got up, too, and began to approach her as she backed away.

Xander looked predatory and dark, stalking her and continuing to talk. "Until Willow... stops kidding herself... that I could settle with anyone but you?"

Buffy looked skittish and trapped. "Look, Xander, I don't wanna hurt you..."

He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her brutally against the vending machine. His smile was the worst part of it. Xander's face was transformed by that evil sneer to something menacing and truly demonic. He slammed her hands up against the machine and ground himself into her again. "Now do you wanna hurt me?" he asked, still smiling.

Buffy struggled, but the possessed Xander was just too strong for her. He knew it and reveled in his power over her. She could feel his hard-on pressing insistently against her groin, and it frightened her even more. "Come on, Slayer. I like it when you're scared," he crooned, pressing hard enough to bruise her through their jeans with his rock-hard cock. She struggled against him and he held her arms pinned there as if it were easy. He leaned closer to her face and she was afraid he was going to kiss her. Instead he scented her, closing his eyes to savor the smell. "The more I scare you," he inhaled again, right next to her face, "the better you smell."

She didn't know if he was going to kiss her or bite her, but she got the feeling that it didn't much matter to him. He was completely in thrall to the animal possessing him and that animal was not gentle, Buffy knew. Xander pressed even harder against her and she spared a moment's thought to be grateful that he couldn't take his clothes off and hold both of her hands pinned against the machine. He moved in and kissed her roughly on the neck. His hot mouth opened and she felt his tongue lick at her skin before he bit down hard.


Buffy shuddered, remembering how hard it had been for her to look Xander in the eye after that. She'd had her Slayer powers for her entire young adult life. So she'd never really worried about rape, simply because she was able to overpower any man who'd even dream of doing that to her. Being at the mercy of a man was unsettling to say the least and she wondered sometimes how other women could stand it. Most vampires she met were minions, interested in biting her, not using her. And they feared her, not the other way round. Now she understood too well the damage rape did. Understood and wondered if she'd ever truly be rid of the pain it caused her.

Xander held a different power over Buffy, she knew. She needed him. He was her touchstone of safety. He'd saved her life countless times, just as she'd saved his. His opinion…his feelings mattered to her deeply. She trusted him. In many ways, he was the brother she'd always wanted but never had. Now, with her mother gone and her college life destroyed, now more than ever, Buffy needed her friends. How could she possibly tell Xander about the rape after what he'd seen tonight? He'd think that it was her fault. Maybe he was right. Maybe she hadn't fought hard enough. She was the Slayer. She should have been able to bounce back faster, should have been able to fight. And she hadn't. She'd let them use her and use her and use her.

Buffy tried to hold in the sobs that wracked her small frame, but couldn't. How could she believe Angel and Spike when they said it wasn't her fault? They were vampires. They had no morals, at least no human morals. They lived for sensation, for the kill, the feed, the sex.

A small, rational portion of Buffy knew that wasn't true. Knew that Angel and Spike cared, truly loved her somehow. But she also knew herself undeserving of that love. Dirty. Xander was right. She was dirty. A whore. This all must be her fault somehow. If it was her fault then she could prevent it next time. She could do something different, be in control. Fucking vampires wasn't the answer. Xander was right. The hateful word echoed through her head and she cried harder. *Whore!*


Xander knew that he'd hurt Buffy's feelings, but reasoned that she would understand how shocked he'd been to find her screwing not one but two vampires in the cemetery when he'd been on his way to help her patrol. Really, she should have known better. What was she thinking doing that out in the open like that. And letting Spike drink from her? He couldn't believe it when Willow told him that. It sounded like Buffy had gone off the deep end this summer after her mom died.

Xander avoided his parents with a passion that bordered on obsession. They were extremely angry drunks, at each other and at him. Had been since he was a kid. He'd learned quickly to get out of his dad's way or risk spending days trying to hide the bruises from his teachers and friends. Willow and Jesse were the only ones who knew about it. Part of his failure in school had been due to the days he'd spent ditching classes so that no one would see the marks on his face; his arms and legs.

His mom had punished his dad for his mistreatment by sleeping with as many different men as she could, returning each time to scream their names and attributes at her sodden husband in front of her little boy. Women couldn't be trusted, not really, Xander knew on a basic level. They would betray you. Not Willow, though. She was different. The only one he could really trust. She'd helped him hide for years, helped him pass tests that he could barely study for because the pain in his body and mind was too much for him to concentrate.

*My dirty little secret,* Xander thought bitterly. *At least I'm big enough now for him to think twice before he hits me. And work, any kind of work at all, gets me the hell out of this damn house.* He thumbed through the want ads and saw one for a basic construction worker. *Hey, I could do that,* he thought and marked it to call later. Anya was out somewhere, and he was really tired. It was getting light out, he saw, and time to sleep. He curled up in his bed and grimaced at the pain from his rebroken ribs. *Ha, Spike as Daddy, wonder what he'd think if I told him that,* Xander thought, groaning at the all-too familiar pain from the bruises and bones. *They're wrong, though. There are some things you never get used to…* He drifted off into a pain-wracked daze, praying for unconsciousness soon.

Chapter 32

Spike had had enough. He wasn't going to bloody stand here and listen to the Slayer cry herself sick. It was going to be dawn soon, for fuck's sake. He was going in there and putting a stop to this bloomin' nonsense. Now. She was his, in whatever way he could claim her, and no baggy-pants'd, waste-of-space, teenaged loser was gonna hurt her. Not if he could help it. He kicked the door in with one sharp strike and was inside before Buffy even looked up.

The Slayer looked like hell. "Gods, Pet, you look like hell!" he blurted out, before he could stop himself. Buffy looked up at him with bleary eyes. Her face was a pale, blotchy mess. "Have you eaten anything today, Buffy?" he asked with concern.

The Slayer'd been fattening up a bit with Angel cooing over her like a broody hen, but she'd not yet replaced the weight that she'd lost at the beginning of the summer. Spike didn't like the way her collarbones stuck out. *Looks like she could saw through a board with those things, she does,* he thought. *Don't want to deal with another emotion storm ala Slayer. We'll just focus on something else.*

"No," she sniffed. "That hospital food is awful. I can't stand it."

"Well, Ducks, we're home now. And you've been soaking in there long enough to turn into a bloomin' prune. Whatta ya say we go see if we can scare up some food for you downstairs?"


Spike helped her out of the tub, trying not to leer at her naked, dripping body and doing a piss poor job of it. Luckily, it seemed to lift her spirits a bit, as she punched him in the arm and grabbed the bath sheet from him. "Get out, Spike. I want to get dressed and you're no help looking at me like that."

"Oi, it's a perk, Pet. I have to put up with you and poncy Angel all soulful and sweet, least you can do is flash some tits my way every once in a while. Is that really so much to ask?"

Buffy actually giggled a bit at that, shooing him away with a half-smile. She dressed quickly in faded jeans and a t-shirt, not bothering with a bra or socks. She ran quick fingers through her hair and shook it, then opened the door and walked down to the kitchen, where muffled swearing of a particularly coarse nature could be heard.


Giles was enjoying a cup of tea when a peremptory knock sounded at his door. He opened it to find Angel looming there before him. "Angel, do come in. How is Buffy? Do they know when she's to be released from hospital?" he queried.

Angel stalked silently into the room looking broody and awkward. "She's out already. Signed out AMA. Spike took her home."

"Ah, well, she hates hospitals," Giles noted absently, moving to sit on his couch.

"I remember," Angel said, and Giles thought of the last time Angel had been in hospital with Buffy.


Giles strode in with Xander, Willow and Oz. "How is she?" he asked.

Angel looked at him broodingly. "She's fine. She's asleep."

Oz glanced at the vampire with a puzzled frown, "Well, you seem all right, too."

Angel looked down in shame and wrapped his arms around himself. "Yeah," he replied.

Xander knew something was up. He looked Angel up and down. "What happened?"

Willow added worriedly, "When we left her she was fine. Did Faith…"

Angel interrupted her, still not looking at any of them. "Faith's out of the picture.  Buffy put her into a coma."

Xander took a deep breath and stared at Angel, already knowing what happened. "And?" he asked.

Angel was shaken and still unable to meet their eyes. "Buffy cured me…made me…" his voice trailed off in shame.

Giles said accusingly, "You fed off her." Every instinct within him demanded that he stake the undead creature in front of him for daring to harm his Slayer. Bad enough that she loved him and he hurt her so. Even worse that he continued to plague her very existence with his unnatural presence.

Angel looked up at him, took a deep, unnecessary breath, and nodded his head. "Yes." Inwardly he cringed from their contemptuous stares, unable to defend himself.

Giles stern asked, "How much?" Ripper rose in the back of his mind, demanding to be let out to punish this demon. Yes. Punish him for Jenny's death, punish him for daring to touch the girl who was his daughter in every way but flesh. Hurt him, break him, disperse him into dust for the pain and suffering that dogged his footsteps like an unholy shadow.

Xander swallowed hard and looked away. He wanted more than anything to scream, "You see, I told you so. I told you all but no, he's good, he's our friend." *He'll never be our friend!*

Angel was so ashamed he could barely speak. "She's gonna be fine."

Willow asked worriedly, "She won't be a vampire?"

Angel looked down at the floor again. "No…she didn't feed off me."

Xander shook his head. "Well, it's just good to know that when the chips are down and things look grim you'll feed off the girl who *loves* you to save your own *ass*!" he said hatefully. His voice, his face, his entire being screamed malice at the vampire standing before them.

Angel said nothing to defend himself. Willow and Oz just looked at him.

Giles spoke curtly. "You better go, Angel.  We'll watch over her." He couldn't stand to look at the vampire for another moment.

Angel shook his head in negation. He had to wait for her, had to be sure she was all right. He still couldn't believe that she'd made such a sacrifice. That the Slayer had forced him to drink her own blood. He had to hold her, to thank her. He couldn't leave! "I don't want to…"

Giles interrupted him in a hard voice that brooked no opposition. "The sun will be up soon."

Angel hesitated, reluctant to leave, and glanced up at Giles. He searched his face for an ounce of compassion, of understanding and found none. He swallowed hard against the emotions storming within him and nodded, casting his eyes down. He half looked towards Buffy's room, then slowly walked away. He could hear them clearly as he walked down the hall. Hear the hatred in their voices for him and all that he had ever been to Buffy.

Xander shook his head. "Gosh, I'm really going to miss him when he leaves town."

Giles, in full agreement, decided not to voice it. "Let's go find out how Buffy's doing."


Giles looked at Angel searchingly. "You know, Angel, I understand now that when you fed on Buffy it wasn't your choice. She told me how you crawled away from her…how she had to strike you over and over to get the demon to feed. I…I don't blame you for that occurrence."

Angel glanced up at the Watcher, surprised at even that much empathy from the man he'd wronged so terribly in the past.

"The fact remains, though, that you allowed your childe to feed off of the woman you claim to love. Feed enough to threaten her life…again. What were you thinking, Angel? What possible reason could there be to risk Buffy's life in order to save an evil, soulless monster such as Spike? Can you give me one good reason, one argument to help me understand how you could allow this to happen?" Giles was so angry he couldn't contain himself and jumped to his feet, pacing in agitation around his living room.

Angel met his eyes. "Nothing I can say could possibly justify allowing Spike to drink Buffy and Mark her," he admitted.

"Mark her? God, no, you let that thing MARK MY SLAYER?!" Giles pulled to a stop in front of the dark vampire and glared down at him. "You unmitigated bastard. You worthless piece of refuse! I should stake you where you sit and then destroy that abomination that you call your childe!

"Perhaps that would be for the best," Angel admitted. "But what about Buffy?"

"You've tied an eighteen year old girl to you for the rest of her life and now she's been suborned by your unholy offspring as well, Angel. God, you should both burn alive for this. How can it be? Has anyone ever been Marked by two vampires at the same time? It's not in any of my books or references!" Giles began pacing agitatedly once more.

"I don't understand it myself, Rupert, but the fact remains, she's carrying both of our Marks now. I can feel them in her, and she can feel us. You saw…in the hospital room…we're linked together."

"Bloody marvelous. Some godforsaken triangle between the sire/childe bond and the bond between marked mates has entangled my Slayer. Has she…gods I don't even want to ask this…has she marked the two of you in return?"

"No. She's never tasted us, Rupert. I wouldn't allow that to happen. The results are too unpredictable with her being the Slayer."

"I bloody well hope so! Marking another vampire as mate links your unlives together, correct?" Giles asked.

Angel nodded.

"What effect does the mark have upon a human?"

"Generally greater speed, stamina, strength, all the things that Buffy has naturally already as the Slayer. If the marks are reciprocal, longevity is increased by ten-fold."

"What?" Giles asked in surprise.

"It's true, it just rarely happens because most vampires are too rapacious to stop with a mark. They'd rather just turn their lovers. But if the marks are reciprocal but not fatal, the human lives at least ten times the normal life span of a mortal, sometimes even longer. There was one account of a priestess from Ireland, a Celt, who loved a druid who was turned. She wouldn't let him turn her, so they marked each other. She was still alive over a thousand years later."

"So if Buffy were to reciprocate with you and Spike…she would become virtually immortal herself?" Giles asked.

"The way I understand it, that's what would happen. But I don't know how the second mark would affect her. There's no way to tell. Since I wasn't conscious when her first Mark was given, I had no time to prepare her or even ask if she wanted it. She…" his voice trailed off.

"She forced it on you. I know," Giles sighed ruefully, contemplating the force of nature that was his Slayer. "Angel, I'm deeply concerned about Buffy. You've taken care of her whilst we've been gone, and for that I'm truly grateful. But even you must see that the life she's leading with you isn't one. She lives in the dark, she's developing a strong phobia about humans. There's no doubt that this isn’t good for her. Marking aside, this has to stop. At the very least, you need to give her space to reintegrate herself into her friend's lives once they get back."

Angel looked at the Watcher in concern. "You want me to leave her? Again? But she needs us…needs me…"

Giles cut him off. "Not forever, Angel. But you need to leave for long enough that she doesn't use you as a crutch to keep from having to deal with the real world. She's too fragile to survive this way. She must come back to the human life that she is meant to lead. I must insist upon it."

"Now, Willow and Tara have returned from abroad and I expect Xander any day now."

Angel interrupted Giles this time. "Xander is back."

"Oh?" Giles asked. I was unaware that he had returned. Wait, he hasn't been to hospital to see Buffy, nor here to speak to me. Where did you see him?"

"We, um, had a run-in with him at the cemetery early this morning. He…um…he found us in a somewhat…ah…compromising position," Angel choked out. If he could, he'd be blushing right now, he knew.

"You and Buffy? Well, that's awkward but hardly all that unexpected. He'd patrolled with you two before" Giles said.

"No. Not Buffy and me. Buffy and Spike…and me…." Angel's hooded eyes looked anywhere but at the Watcher.

"The *three* of you were cavorting in a cemetery? The very night that Buffy got out of hospital? Really Angel, do you have the sense God gave a stoat? Buffy is a teenager and as such I expect her to be ruled by her hormones at times, but you're over two centuries old, can't you keep the bloody thing in your pants until you reach the privacy of your own home?" Giles sputtered.

"This simply confirms what I've been saying, Angel. You need to give Buffy some space. This is unhealthy for her and it must stop. Surely, you can see that?" Giles appealed to the vampire's love for the Slayer. "If you truly love Buffy as you say you do, then you will give her time to heal and encourage her to do it in the presence of her human friends. I'm not saying you should walk out of her life forever, but you must be less present for a time."

Angel nodded reluctantly. "I've got to go back to LA anyway to prepare for the next part of the ritual to fix my soul," he admitted. "I can't feed for a fortnight beforehand and I didn't want to be around Buffy during that time. It's too tempting to smell her, feel her heartbeat and not be able to taste her."

"Good, then it's decided," Giles said. "You and Spike will go to LA and Buffy will move in here. It's the best thing for all concerned. He winced at the thought of Buffy invading his small flat, but it was the best for her, and that was all that truly mattered.

"I have to get home before dawn comes," Angel said, looking at the false dawn glimmering in the sky.

"I need to speak with Buffy and determine what she wishes to tell Willow and Xander about the summer. Shall I come at, say 6 o'clock tonight?" Giles asked.

"Six is fine," Angel said. "We'll expect you."

Title Page
Author's Page
Parts 33-36