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Title: Me, My Bestfriend and Baby Makes Three

Author: Silent Angel of Time

Rating: G Chapter 3

First Week in January-Week Four

“How much further is the house?” Willow asks once they have been in the car for what seems like forever to her churning stomach.

“It’s close, just around the corner.” Robin Wood responds driving down a street, in a nice upper-middle class neighborhood.

“I’m excited, aren’t you excited Wil?” Xander asks from the front seat.

“I feel sick.” Willow mutters, morning sickness had kicked in early.

“It’s from the excitement, we own a house Wil, can you believe it?” Xander is giddy, “thanks again Robin for helping us get this house.”

“It was no problem,” Robin responds turning the car onto a street equally as nice as the one before. “Besides I did it all from my desk at work, do you know how boring it is going from being principal at a school on a Hellmouth to a normal school?”

“You mean you miss people exploding in front of your office?” Xander questions.

“I never said that.” Robin pulls the car over and finally stops in a front of beautiful, white, Victorian, two-story house. “Here we are.”

Both jump out of the car quickly and face the house awed by it, Xander had seen pictures, but they didn’t portray how beautiful and large it actually was and Willow had refused to see pictures wanting to be surprised. “I had no idea it would be so big...” Willow breathes. “How can you afford any of this? Willow looks at Xander. “Putting money down on the house and furniture must have cost you a fortune...”

Xander shrugs, “I’ve got money, I’ve made a lot and you would be surprised at the nothingness to bye in Africa.”


“Hush and enjoy it Willow.” Xander orders with a bright smile, “I’m anxious to see what the decorator did with the place.”

“Decorator?” Willow asks.

“You thought I was going to leave decorating and shopping up to Robin here?” Xander asks.

“It’s a three bedroom house, three bathrooms, it’s got a kitchen, living room, entertainment room and an attic.” Wood informs as they walk up the pathway gesturing to the lawn around him he adds, “plus the huge back and front yard and wrap around porch.”

Willow’s eyes are already welling up with happy tears but Xander wraps an arm around her and urges, “don’t start crying yet, you haven’t seen the inside.”

“I don’t need to,” Willow responds, “I’m in love already.”

Once inside Willow heads in the direction of the living room, “I want that room last,” Xander responds. He shows her the large kitchen with lots of room for cooking, and the dining room with a table small enough to sit a family of three but could be extended to sit a larger number of groups and the final room he shows is the entertainment room that had a pool table, ping pong table and so many bookshelves that they formed a little alcove with room for a comfortable chair. Upstairs Xander’s room was first, it was simple the walls were painted blue and had a comforter that matched with a dresser, night table and television. Willow’s room is painted a soft pinkish-beige, the comforter is a pink floral pattern and there are wall shelves all around the room, a vanity and a dresser in the spacious bedroom.

“I didn’t have the decorator do anything with the baby’s room.” Xander states leading Willow to the biggest room across the hall from his and Willow’s. “It has a bathroom in it but really nothing else, I figured that this could be something we did together.”

Willow smiles at Xander, “thank you for all of this...”

“We aren’t done on our tour yet,” Xander responds and grabbing Willow’s hand he nearly drags her down the stairs.

“Oh right, the mysterious living room.” Willow replies allowing Xander to lead her down the stairs. Once they are at the bottom Xander places his hand over Willow’s eyes and leads her to the back of the house that Xander hadn’t let her see earlier. Walking past the stairs and the overlooking floor above Xander leads Willow into the wide open living room that has a bay window that looks onto the backyard with a cushioned seat, and chairs and sofas leaving plenty of places to sit gathered around the huge fireplace.

“Oh my God.” Willow breathes staring at the room.

“You always used to say that you wanted a living room where plenty of people fit in and can sit and talk, or read. There are 14 places for people to sit comfortably.”

“It’s so adorably comfy!” Willow announces and immediately plops down onto one of sofa chairs in the room, her morning sickness momentarily forgotten as she props her feet up on one of the cushioned ottomans that liter the floor. Willow pats the seats on either side of her for the guys to sit next to her, “I can’t wait to organize, and I want to make dinner...Robin do you want to stay for dinner?”

“Wil, we have no food and no plates to eat off of.” Xander laughs.

Willow’s face falls for a moment and then she shrugs, “well then how about 2 days from now Robin. You can be our first house guest.”

“All right,” Robin agrees, “that is if you let me treat you both to dinner tonight?”

Willow and Xander nod, “deal,” Xander responds.

“Robin I can’t thank you for the job.” Willow states at dinner later.

Robin shakes his head, “it’s really not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. Besides we need you at the school, the teacher we have now gave us her retirement notice last month and said she was retiring to Florida after the holiday break, you couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. School starts back in a week, will you be ready with lesson plans by then?”

Willow nods, “I started them as soon as I let you know I accepted a job, I was excited.”

Robin smiles at Willow, “the kids are all right, kind of rowdy but not our worst class by far.”

“If Wil can handle a high school class I’m sure she handle a 5th grade one.” Xander points out.

Robin seems a little less sure, “I’m sure it’ll be a new experience. What about you Xander, what are you doing for work?”

“I have an old friend who is a housing developer, we’ve worked together on projects and he gave me an management job and I’m almost done with architectural degree and he offered to put me on his architectural team. So I guess I am as set as Willow is.”

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