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Title: Another Gift
Author: Gileswench
Date: 5/20/03
Spoilers: Through Intervention, set in S5.
Summary: What Buffy needs, Buffy gets...with a little help from her Watcher.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Category: PWP
Distribution: If you've had my permission in the past, you have it now. All others, ask and ye shall receive.
Feedback: Constructive criticism always welcome. Praise abjectly sought.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, etc., etc., etc. I just let them have all the fun Joss won't. I own nothing except my twisted mind which you really don't want. Please don't sue.
Notes: This one comes to you courtesy of Faithful Chickie's Buffy's Final Days PWP fest. Let's all sit back and enjoy the pointless smut, people.
Dedication: To GilesFan, who almost delivered my hug to ASH, and to all of us who need a happy, smutty break after this season. Long live fanfic!

"Giles? Giles, wake up."

He grunted, annoyed at the interruption of his dream. In it, he'd been with Buffy...*been* with her in a way he knew he wouldn't be when he was awake. Now his groin ached with arousal, but he wouldn't be allowed to finish his nocturnal fantasy.

"Come on, Giles," she said, clearly annoyed at his refusal to wake immediately. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, open your eyes."

Wonderful. It really was Buffy waking him. His eyes shot open.

"B-Buffy...what's happened? Is it Glory?"

"Not a peep out of her. Sorry to wake you up, but I really, really need someone and you're the only person I could think of who could help. And are you wearing anything at all?"

"Shall I pull down the covers and let you see?" When she shrank slightly from him, he sighed and sat up, reaching for his glasses. While he didn't pull the blankets over his bare chest, he did tuck them neatly around his waist for modesty's sake. "What is this all about? What do you need?"

She settled herself next to him, leaning against his shoulder. When she spoke, it was in a small, uncertain voice.

"I can't stop thinking about what she said. How death is my gift. Do you think that means I'm gonna die?"

He couldn't help wrapping a comforting arm around her. He did his best to ignore the way his movement pressed her breasts against him.

"It might not mean that at all. It may be that your gift is the way you kill demons. That certainly is a gift to humanity. That's not all it told you, is it?"

Buffy shook her head. A few tendrils of blonde hair brushed against Giles' chest. His erection had been on the verge of subsiding, but the feel of soft, feminine hair tickling his nipple ended all hope of being able to offer her tea in his normal, comforting manner.

"There was also something about being full of love," she said. "But I can't see how that works. Giles, I can't seem to love anybody. And everybody leaves."

"I haven't left, and I don't mean to."

She looked at him with large, sad eyes.

"Could you think...I mean...would it be okay...?"

"Would what be okay?"

"If I...if I stayed? Here. Tonight."


"Please, Giles," she begged. "And I don't mean with one of us sleeping down on the couch. It's been so long since anyone held me. I really need it and you're the only one I can trust. Please hold me tonight. Please?"

He wanted to protest, but she was already climbing more fully onto the bed and he didn't have it in him to stop her. He couldn't let it happen without another token protest, though.

"Are you sure about this, Buffy? And when you say...hold you...dear lord...I..."

"I mean," she said quietly, "hold me. Or...if it's not too much to ask...would me?"

Even in the darkness, her cheeks were a deep scarlet. He reached for her, unable to stop himself. He pulled her down to him.

"I already do," he told her.

Giles took Buffy in his arms and cradled her to his chest. His lips gently touched her cheeks, her forehead, the tip of her nose, and finally, so softly she could barely feel it, her lips. His feather-light touches confused her. This was something new. Every other man had started by proving his passion with deep, hungry kisses and desperate groping. She might have known Giles would take a different approach. He smoothed back her hair and smiled at her. She leaned into his touch and smiled back.

"I don't break, y'know," she said. "You could be a little less hyper-gentle, if you want."

"Why don't you take off your jacket?" he asked. "That is, if you're staying."

He released her. Buffy shrugged off her jacket and kicked off her shoes. When she began to unbutton her blouse, Giles' hand stilled hers.

"Come lie here with me," he said. "There's no hurry, is there?"

"I...I guess not."

He put his glasses back on the nightstand and turned back, only to find Buffy still standing next to the bed.

"Are you absolutely certain this is what you want?" he asked her. "It's not too late to stop. And I warn you, I wasn't...expecting anything of this nature. We can't...well, there's a limit to how far I'm prepared to go tonight..."

"Actually, that's not a problem," she said uncomfortably. "I didn't know if you'd...have anything, so I...and I wasn't sure what kind you would want to use, so...the guy at the drugstore must think I'm sleeping with the entire army base or something."

She reached into a pocket of her jacket and pulled out a small plastic grocery bag. Inside, there were three different brands of condoms. Giles chuckled at the assortment.

"I had no idea the army was such a small presence," he joked. He peered nearsightedly at the boxes and chose one. "These should do the trick. Not my usual brand, but...well...and again, I have to ask, are you certain, Buffy? Is this really what you want?"

"Do you? Want it? With me?"

"If I didn't, we wouldn't still be talking about it. I'd have sent you on your way or told you to sleep on the sofa. You're still welcome to it, if that's what you prefer. So, have I a companion for the evening, a new lover, or a friend who needs to be reassured she's worth caring about?"

"I - I'm not sure yet. It's either one or two, if that helps. I know I want this. I'm just not sure how long. And I know that makes me a really crappy excuse for a person, but I'm a little confused right now about a lot of things. I need this, Giles. Please don't make me go to someone else."

His heart sank. It wasn't that she wanted him, but that she needed someone. Still, if she asked it of him, he would do whatever she required. He held out his hand to her. At least if she was in his bed, she would have someone to make love to her rather than someone simply taking her for his own pleasure. Whatever the personal cost, he would serve her needs.

"Come here," he said softly. "Come to me."

She slid hesitantly onto the bed and lay down next to him a bit warily.

"This is weird," she said with a breathless half giggle. "We're really gonna do this, aren't we?"

"Unless you ask me to stop, yes, we are."

Giles reached out to her slowly, giving her every chance to stop him. She stayed still, almost forgetting to breathe, but didn't say the words that would halt the proceedings. His fingers brushed against her cheek, her throat, down almost to the upper swell of her breasts, then back to her cheek. He leaned in and gently kissed her mouth.

She sighed against his lips and returned the kiss. Again and again his mouth touched hers gently. His arms wrapped themselves around her firmly, but softly, as if he held a priceless treasure. Her hands went uncertainly to his back. The skin was warm and she could feel slight ridges of scar tissue under her fingers. Part of her wanted to look, to see how many scars and how bad they were, but then she would have to give up the sweetness of his lips tenderly pressing against hers. She held him closer and parted her lips slightly.

When he felt her open to him, Giles introduced the tip of his tongue to the kisses. Her reaction was immediate and gratifying. A small, whimpering moan rose in her throat as he began to explore her mouth. His hand caressed her side, skimming near her breast and over her hip. Her tongue tangled with his. Their kisses became more passionate, deeper, wetter. His hand drifted to her belly, then to the bottom button of her blouse.

As he slid the button out of the hole, Buffy drew in a sharp breath. His hand stroked her gently.

"Don't stop," she found herself whispering.

She felt him smile against her throat as he kissed her there. His fingers went back to work, nimbly undoing closures of her blouse. When he'd opened the entire length of it, his fingers traced the path up her belly and between her breasts. Then he moved down and began to kiss the same trail. As he rolled over, the covers came away from his lower half, and Buffy realized he'd been naked the entire time. A flash of warm desire filled her. She ran her hands over his back as far as she could. She groaned and pulled him up to lie atop her.

"So sweet," he murmured against her lips. "So much sweeter than I'd ever dreamt."

"Mmmmmmm...and that's one nice butt you've got there," she grinned back as she grasped the body part in question with both hands. She was gratified when he wriggled against her hands. She gave a soft squeeze. "Yup, one very nice butt."

"I'm glad it meets with your approval," he giggled. "It likes a good deal of attention."

"Some parts of me are starting to feel a little neglected, y'know."

"Not for long. Trust me."

She kissed him warmly.

"I really do," she said.

He pulled back, still smiling down at her, and parted the sides of her blouse. He went briefly non-verbal when he fully realized she hadn't worn a bra.

"I know they're not very big," Buffy said quickly. "Maybe I should get a boob job?"

"Don't you dare," Giles said. "I can't bloody stand reaching for a breast and finding a balloon in my hand. Yours may not be large, but they're real, and they're beautiful. You're beautiful."


In lieu of a verbal answer, he leaned down and took her breasts in his hands. He rubbed his thumbs over her erect nipples, then ducked his head to kiss first one, then the other. He took one in his mouth and suckled at it while fondling the other with his large hand. Her hands went to the back of his head to encourage his efforts.

"Feels so good," she whimpered.

With his free hand, Giles reached down and unfastened her jeans. She raised her hips and helped him work them down her legs. Her panties were soaked and her thighs trembled with need. His cock gave an emphatic twitch of desire. Still, he had to ask one more time.

"It's not too late to stop," he reminded her. "Do you want this? Do you want me to make love to you?"

She reached down and ran her fingers over his hard length. He gasped at the heady sensation.

"I want you inside me," Buffy said steadily. "I need you, Giles."

With that, he brought a finger to her core. She groaned and raised her hips as he probed her womanhood through her silky underwear. She pulled his face to hers for another deep kiss. All the while their tongues slipped and slid together, he rubbed and stroked her most sensitive spot.

"Do you like that?" he asked softly.

"I love it. You're so good."

"Have you ever thought about doing this with me before? Have you wanted me to touch you?"

"I - I have for a long time," she admitted. "I was scared of it. I should have known you'd never hurt me."

He kissed her gently.

"We're here now," he said. "Let's just enjoy it."

She took his hand and placed it on her hip. He took the hint and slipped her panties down her legs. She smiled as she opened the condom wrapper and rolled the latex over his erection. Her hand kept hold of his cock as she lay back and raised her knees. He positioned himself at her entrance.

"I take it you're ready?" he chuckled.

"And waiting."

He slipped inside her, slowly stretching her open. Buffy gave a soft moan and clutched at his back.

"You feel so good, so good," she breathed.

God, Buffy," he moaned, "you're so tight, so sweet."

He kissed her as he adjusted himself inside her. When he pulled back from her lips for a much-needed breath, she began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" he demanded in a mock-insulted tone.

"It's true," she laughed happily. "What the First Slayer told me. I'm really, really full of love. I've never been so full before." She sobered slightly. "You're amazing, Giles. I don't care what some spirit guide tries to tell me; you're my gift."

"I've long felt that you were mine, as well. I love you."

She smiled up at him.

"Show me," she said.

He drew back his hips and began to thrust slowly, drawing out the pleasure of their coupling. Her hands moved restlessly along his back until they cupped his buttocks again. Again and again he rocked into her, withdrawing almost completely, then pushing back in. All the while, he kissed every bit of her he could reach. She took him with a strength and hunger that delighted him.

Buffy reveled in the feel of his body covering her, filling her, surrounding her. When she opened her eyes and looked into his, she saw the fierce devotion he'd always given her, and the tenderness he'd never allowed her to witness before. Her hand moved to stroke the hair back from his forehead.

"I love you."

Her simple declaration thrilled him to his very core. It didn't matter how she meant it. In that moment, it was true. He kissed her passionately and began to pump harder. Moments later, she clutched desperately at his back and shouted. He could feel her muscles clench around his cock as he worked toward his own orgasm. He felt his balls drawing tight, the seed rising in him, then the ecstasy of release. He called her name.

As the haze lifted, he found she was still in his arms, though they had rolled to their sides. She smiled at him and he couldn't resist stealing another kiss.

"That I don't think there are words. I'm wordless."

"Perhaps, fantastic?" he suggested teasingly. "Amazing? Bloody brilliant? Or I could be convinced that glorious sums it up nicely."

"Can I just pick 'all of the above'?"

"If you like. I'm in no mood to argue semantics just now."

"Okay, that makes it official," she said with a wide grin. "We are so doing this again."

"That might require a few minutes," he laughed. "I'm not certain I'll be...up to it again tonight."

"I guess that means I'll just have to stay until morning, doesn't it?" She leaned over and kissed him. "How do you like your eggs?"


"Yeah, eggs. For breakfast. Scrambled, sunny-side-up, over easy? 'Cause you've earned breakfast in bed."

He kissed her softly, then got up to deal with the used condom.

"However you'd like them is fine," he said. "So long as you stay.

He slid back into bed beside her.

"How long will this last?" he couldn't help asking.

"I - I don't know," she faltered. "But I was kinda hoping somewhere along the line I'd get that 'til death do us part' thing. Probably too much to ask."

"Actually, we've already gone beyond that." he ran his knuckles across her cheek. "And I'm not going anywhere. Not now I've had the chance to open my gift."

She wriggled atop him and smiled down.

"Next time, put some pants on, will you?" she joked. "I want to unwrap you, too."

They giggled and kissed some more, but eventually the sounds evened out into the deep breathing of sleep. They spent the night tangled together comfortably in a Celtic knot of limbs, smiling contentedly.


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