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*Blood Problems*

Deformed Red Blood Cells Medical Advice
Deformed Red Blood Cells Discussion

Deformed Red Blood Cells
Medical Advice

There are many potential problems with blood, some of which could be potentially quite serious. If you have any doubts, meet with your doctor for a proper diagnosis. This website is not intended to replace a doctor’s visit if indicated. Taking Antioxidants with Digestive Enzymes is NOT a "cure all" for all blood conditions. However many patients suffer needlessly from simple-to-address blood conditions that are not threatening to life, but at the same time will prevent happiness and good health from occurring. The following suggestion is given with this in mind.

Super Antioxidant and IsoZymes, TOGETHER: Suggestion: Consume a MINIMUM of 2 (two) Super Antioxidants with 2 (two) IsoZymes, between meals, 2 (two) times per day. Suggestion: First thing in the morning before breakfast, and again immediately after getting home from work before eating dinner. Or as an alternative, take your second dose just before going to bed at night. The key points to remember are twice per day and on an empty stomach, and daily. The IDEAL is 3 (three) Super Antioxidants with 3 (three) IsoZymes, between meals, 3 (three) times per day. The healing properties of the synergistic combination of the Super Antioxidants with the IsoZymes, with no food in your stomach, will go directly into your blood stream. While in your blood; your red blood cells, your blood plasma, and any other factors present in your blood will be acted upon by these supplements. If you take these items with food in your stomach, then the IsoZymes will be used up digesting that food and the combined synergistic action of the Antioxidants with the IsoZymes will be lost. In my personal and professional opinion, it is best to stick with the products suggested. Both of these products have been carefully designed with many items in each product to create the best synergistic action potential possible as separate products. Then when combining these two items as suggested, the synergistic actions will be magnified. It is the principle of one plus one equals three. (1+1=3) One Antioxidant has the action potential of one; likewise with IsoZymes. But one Antioxidant taken with one IsoZyme, together, has the action potential value of three.
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Super Antioxidant: Free radical damages can be linked as one of the causative roots of many diseases, including dementia. Antioxidants help correct and then protect from further free radical damages. What is a Free Radical? A Free Radical is an unstable oxygen molecule that possesses an unpaired electron. This molecule is constantly trying to become whole by robbing cells of vital components. These biochemical compounds called Free Radicals damage our body and its cells. Both external pollutants and biochemical process of the body cause excess Free Radical reactions; Environmental pollutants, numerous food additives, and stress are only a few of the many ways Free Radicals are formed. The way in which Free Radicals are normally kept in check is by the action of Free Radical Scavengers that occur naturally in the body. These scavengers neutralize the Free Radicals. It’s important to assist our body by additionally supplementing daily with Antioxidants. Supplementation with only a few antioxidants though, gives us much less protection, than utilizing a complete array of antioxidants. This is due to the fact that the antioxidant defense system works as a team. If members of the team are missing, the outcome is poor. Maximum protection requires the complete array of established antioxidants in nutritionally meaningful amounts. Super Antioxidant was formulated with this understanding. Stressful living produces a much higher amount of free radicals then found in otherwise normal individuals. Free radical damage has many extreme negative complications, including faster aging, and is believed to be the root cause of many of our degenerative diseases. It is my professional conviction that "Type A" personalities will have a far greater amount of free radicals in their bodies when compared to Type C personalities. It is well known that Type A personalities die more often of heart disease, stoke and cancer than Type C personalities. Type A personalities do not handle stress well. Type C personalities are not affected by stressful situations like Type A personalities are, and they handle everyday stressors calmly. Most people I have met will working in my profession are Type A.
NOTE: In cases of cardio (heart) problems, it is advisable to take IsoBoost, Dynamic Multi Plus, and Super Antioxidant together. Cardio patients need a lot of extra attention.
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IsoZymes: Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. "IsoZymes" is a very complete spectrum of several digestive enzymes, all working in synergy. Raw food has intact enzymes that assist in the digestion of that food group. Cooking destroys enzymes. Our bodies also have enzymes that assist in digesting foods, however enzyme function diminishes with age. Failure to completely digest foods leads to incomplete assimilation of nutrients. The result is the development of a number of chronic medical conditions, food allergies included. "IsoZymes" are made from premium plant sources. Plant based digestive enzymes work at any pH; meaning once it is in your stomach, it starts working right away. Animal based digestive enzymes do not begin to work until after your stomach pH drops very low; thus any person with hypochlorhydria (a lack of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juices), may never benefit from animal based digestive enzymes. Enzymes taken with meals will be used up in the stomach while they help digest that meal. Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will go into the blood stream intact. Blood conditions such as stacking of red blood cells (RBCs) like a stack of coins (RBC Rouleau), or red blood cells clumping together (RBC Aggregation), or accumulations of Uric Acid Crystals in the blood, can be greatly helped with a combination of Plant Digestive Enzymes and Antioxidants, taken on an empty stomach. (See our section on pain.) Health NOTE: Individuals with extreme cases of Gastritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers should begin their Enzyme Supplementation with "IsoGastric" and gradually transition over to "IsoZymes" in approximately 4-6 weeks. This is due to the situation that Protease may temporarily have a burning sensation on individuals with these situations, thus "IsoGastric" does not contain Protease.
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Dark Field Microscopic Blood Analysis: You may find it difficult to locate a doctor, or anyone else that uses this technique. The FDA does not approve of dark field microscopic blood analysis, therefore many doctor’s hands are tied. Viewing a fresh, natural blood sample (a sample not altered with any stains, etc., needed for normal microscopic exams), under the technology of a dark field microscope, will reveal conditions of your blood not normally even considered during the diagnosis of a normal blood test performed in doctor’s office or a lab. A dark field microscope is a microscope designed to permit diversion of light rays and illumination, from the side, so that details appear light against a dark background; as opposed to light passing straight through the specimen. If bright lights from the microscope pass directly through the specimen, the heat from the light source will kill the RBCs faster. Also, by diverting the light rays, a greater amount of depth and details can be viewed. (Almost like a three-dimension view).
If you cannot find anyone in your area that can perform this test for you, drop me an email asking for help to: HealthCareAnalysis(at)

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Deformed Red Blood Cells

blood type diet, red blood cells, bad blood, problems with blood, stagnant blood, toxic blood, deformed red blood cells, deformed RBCs, deformed RBC, misshaped red blood cells, altered red blood cells, problems with blood, malformed red blood cells, altered red blood cells, damaged red blood cells Live Blood Analysis: Blood is the carrier of life giving oxygen and nutrients. If there are problems with your body, telltale signs will show up in your blood. If there are problems with your red blood cells (RBCs), then the vital oxygen and nutrients needed for life and health cannot be transported properly throughout your body. Dark field microscope studies can reveal some of these problems.

The more common, simple-to-address problems associated with blood dysfunction are conditions called RBC Rouleau and RBC Aggregation. In RBC Rouleau the RBCs are stacked on top of each other much like a stack of coins. If this condition becomes more severe, then the RBCs will start to clump together in large groups, much like sludge, called aggregated RBCs. When RBCs are stacked or grouped together, it is very difficult for those RBCs to receive fresh oxygen and nutrients, and equally difficult to give these nutrients to cells. Some of your smallest capillaries are so tiny that only a single RBC must be folded so it can pass through. In RBC Rouleau and or RBC Aggregation, RBCs cannot pass through the smallest of these capillaries.

The reason why it is so important to detect possible RBC Rouleau or Aggregation, are these conditions can be a common denominator of seemingly endless ill health. And unless these conditions are corrected, you can take supplements and other medicine endlessly and your health may never improve. You will likely always be in some amount of poor health; the only differences from day-to-day will be the amount of poor health you are in.

Both digestive enzymes and antioxidants are very effective in reversing RBC Rouleau and RBC Aggregation if taken together and on an empty stomach. Lasting effects will not occur overnight. It may take being on a therapeutic dose of both digestive enzymes and antioxidants for 2, 3, or 4 months to really make a lasting difference. However some improvements may be noted quickly.

There are other blood conditions that can be improved with antioxidants and enzymes, taken together, between meals. If you cannot locate anyone to test your blood, the consumption of antioxidants with enzymes still retains sound validity. The reason is simple. Exposure to modern day atmospheres, auto exhaust, pollution, food additives, processed foods, and a whole host of other unnatural substances, will take it toll on our sensitive biological bodies. The suggestion of antioxidants with enzymes as a base for health care is sound therapeutic and preventive advice for our industrialized world.

It is very important to understand digestive enzymes. If taken with food, those enzymes will be used up digesting the food in your stomach, which is a very important factor to help prevent Rouleau and Aggregation in the first place, partly due to pH changes from poorly digested food. In order for the enzymes to work at reversing the Rouleau and Aggregation that is already present in your blood, the digestive enzymes MUST be taken on an EMPTY STOMACH. Therefore, you will be taking your digestive enzymes at two different time frames throughout the day: Between meals, and during meals.

My IDEAL suggested protocol is: Take approximately 3 (three) IsoZymes with 3 (three) Super Antioxidants, on an empty stomach, a minimum of 3 (three) times per day. Then also take approximately 2 (two) digestive enzymes with each meal for complete digestion. This will help prevent your blood pH from changing which could alter your red blood cells. The slight altering of blood pH is considered to be one of the causative effects of RBC Rouleau and Aggregation. This suggested dose between meals is variable depending upon the severity of the condition of your blood. The suggested dose with meals may need to be altered depending upon the amount and types of food consumed. More severe blood conditions require more digestive enzymes and more antioxidants taken between meals. A meal that is large, and or has a lot of meat, will require more digestive enzymes with meals.

My MINIMUM suggested protocol is: 2 (two) IsoZymes with 2 (two) Super Antioxidants, on an empty stomach, a minimum of 2 (two) times per day

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.