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~*Let the choices you make today be choices you can live with tomorrow*~

Hey, here are some pics of me and my friends being goofy and such..hope you like!

My school pic 2001
Kasie and me
Kasie, me, Rachael
me, Kasie, Rachael
Brit and me
Rachael and me
me, Kasie, Rachael again
Me and Andrea
Me, Andrea, and Alicia
me and Bubba
me and Rowdy
Andrea and all of her friends!
Andrea and Alicia
Eric and I at Dusty's wedding
If you want to get lucky with me buy me this house! haha
Kasie is a muscle women!
Me before my brother's wedding

DiCkInSoN! wow I miss it...but not as much as the guys!! ;)
Andrea, Josh, and me having a little to much fun!
Josh and me
Josh singing
Tyler and me
Tyler and his guitar
Josh, me, Tanner
Andrea and Tyler
Evan in his car
who flashed the camera?!
Brandon..Andrea's DiCkInSoN man!

Dana (my sister) and me on Christmas Day 2001 aren't we cute?!?!?!
Dana and me 1
Dana and me 2
Dana and me 3

*A little about me*

I live in North Dakota. If you want to get a hold of me I have MSN my email address is and I also have ICQ my # is 94624614. I work at Herberger's come VISIT ME!!!!!! haha

Hey, I would like to say hi to some of my friends!!!*ANDREA*wow it's been a crazy summer!! it's been great though! we both have men now! :) but we do need to go to Dickinson...sometime..haha*KASIE*oh girl I'm sorry for being a bitch to are one of the greatest people ever! love ya hun stay sweet*DANA*Your the best sister anyone can ever have!!!! I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!!!*JESSE* hey hun, you are the best!! you are the sweetest guy I have ever went out with I hope it lasts!*TRACY*Wow the memories we have! we have to go ride horse more often wow that was alot of fun! haha like old times to bad you don't have a pool anymore huh? haha love ya hun! I'm gonna miss you so much when you are gone! :(*RACHAEL*I'm so glad we got so close! you have nothing like your cousins! haha I love you! we have to go see Tyler again sometime and I will try to remember to turn off my lights! haha*ALICIA*Hey hun. Where have you been!??!! love you!! thanks for always being there for me! your the best!*SAVANNA*You are such a little sweetie!! You are great!! Child Dev was fun!!*RAYME*no more classes together! :( well least it's summer now! hehe we will have to go to surrey together sometime so you can see your lover man! haha*DAVID*Hey don't change alright?! your the best ever! thanks for always being there for me and remember I'm always there for you! You're never picking the movie again!!haha ROAD TRIP! hehe SOON if your car will make it!!*ANTHONY*I hope things get worked out and you get what you want in life. I'm always here for ya! we do have to go to Dickinson together promised! haha *JAKE*We don't have anymore classes together!! :( man that blows! haha *AARON*I'm glad we started are awesome!*TYLER*Hey hun Summer is here now!! yay!! you better get your ass up here!! I'm trying so hard to get down there! I love you hun!*JOSH*Glad everything is going good for ya! love ya hun*JON* aka JONNY BOY!! You are a great man!! hehe very funny! *TODD*It was nice seeing you again..haha a little interesting but it turned out better then I thought it would!*TRAVIS*You are such a sweetie!! thanks for the key chain! we have to hang out more*BRANDON K*Next time I go to Dickinson I will try to bring Andrea with me K?! haha*RYAN*We need to hang out again just next time have something planned!*JAKE*Like mooning guys? haha*TYLER B.*You should watch out what you say when you are drunk...or you will get your butt kicked!*BILL*It was nice meeting you...but I don't know what to think of you...haha.*BILLY*Well now you know the truth I hope it doesn't change much...your awesome I still need your help K?! hehe*ROB*When is our date?? haha I might not be here that weekend! haha damn huh*CHRISTINE*Your awesome hun!! English is alright! the class sucks but we have fun!*DEREK*When are you coming to Minot?! hopefully soon!*BREANN*We need to party together again!! my house sometime soon I will be having a bonfire you better be there!*JESSICA*I'm glad we are friends have changed alot and it's awesome! hehe we have to party sometime!*BRANDON*When are we going to do something?! thanks for always being there!*JAY*Glad we are talking's awesome! I will have to go up there again sometime soon!*DEVIN*you are a hottie and really funny but Andrea wants it's staying just as that! hehe we need to party together though!*JOEY*DAMN BOY YOU FINE!*MOE*When are you gonna get the money to afford to come see me?!?! better be SOON! hehe*MIKE*Don't worry I'll call ya up when I go down there*Well that's all I'm gonna put on for now I will add more later, Love always


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