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Kathy's Zelda 64

Frequently Asked Questions
Tips, Cheats, and Codes
Some Other N64 Links
My Greeting Card Service!!
All Great Faires and Fairy Fountains!
Heart Containers!!!!!! ALL 36!
10 Big Poes


Visit my Zelda 64 Rumours board: Rumour Board

Wanna visit my brother's Zelda Page? Just click here.

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DEAR ZELDA-LOVERS: I have passed Zelda 64 myself, so I decided a walkthrough for my page is not necassary! Therefor, if you have any questions, just email me or check the FAQ page. I know that I haven't been at my email for a while, (my computer broke down, so I had to re-install Windows 98 and Internet Explorer) but now I'm back in the biz. Feel free to email any questions you may have about the game.

IMPORTANT: I want to tell you all NOT to believe ANY rumors about unfreezing Zora's Domian or getting the Triforce!!! It doesn't exist! (remember "Luigi" in Mario 64?)

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