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First Run

For Shadowrun, 3rd Edition

First Run    This module is an excellent source for new players and gamemasters. It offers suggestions for new gamemasters that can help them understand the concepts of running a campaign, distributing karma, and balancing the challenge of the game to the strengths of the party.
   The module sets up three separate adventures, ranging from a simple gun battle to smuggling and running against a corp, with each adventure increasing slightly in difficulty. Each scenario is split into different sections, allowing the GM to learn about the insights of the scenario before running it, with minimal difficulty.
  1. "What's Up, Chummer?" - "a synopsis of the action in the scenario." Here the GM gains a basic overview of the scene, as well as a glimpse of how the scene can be connected to the other scenes in the book.
  2. "Tell It To Them Straight" - This section contains the information intended for the players, and which can be pretty much read out loud or related in a Q&A session.
  3. "Hooks" - This section is where the GM finds hints on creating the proper mood setting, as well as the plot twists and hidden information critical to the scenario (from the player's point of view, at least - hehehe).
  4. "Behind the Scenes" - This part lays out the majority of the information the GM will need. It covers starting the scene, NPC reactions to the party, maps, critters and NPC stats, among other things.
  5. "Debugging" - gives the GM troubleshooting tips.
  6. "It's a Wrap" - deals with finishing up the details, such as after-effects of the run - future developments, political fallout, plot ideas, and other items.
  7. "Awarding Karma"
  8. "Legwork" (information that the players may uncover through their connections, astral research, or Matrix runs)
  9. "Cast of Shadows" (NPC descriptions, information, stats, full histories, and personal motivations).

Each adventure is completely self-contained, not requiring any use of the other two to be complete, but they are able to be connected fairly easily.    I have only run in a couple of adventures, and have been the GM in a couple more. As a minimally experienced player/GM, I can definitely vouch for the value of this module to people who are new to the game. It is also quite valuable to the experienced people, too, since all three of the adventures are well written, completely fleshed out, and each can be adjusted to account for an experienced party's abilities as well as an inexperienced party's inabilities.

   Overall, an excellent sourcebook. I definitely recommend it, and have enjoyed looking through it. The cover price is $12.00, and, personally, I found it well worth the money.

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