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A noun may be made plural by using the suffix "-se."  Gender is indicated by the noun prefixes "im-" and "na-".  However, gender is, unlike in the romance languages, only used as a means of specification.  For example:  "tu" is person, but "imtu" is man and "natu" is woman.  Also, the prefixes "bene-" (full of) and "nich-" (without) may be used to transform a noun into an adjective.

zhuvena -- youth

zhevita -- life

zhumbila -- joy

zilenshia -- silence

tu -- person

choveno -- child

imicho -- son

naicho -- daughter

vire -- husband

bela -- wife

perfekta -- mother

paterne -- father

komeno -- food

akua -- water

amzhuora -- love

bonitam -- kindness

fitam -- faith

rikal -- gift, offering

fiurasheth -- fury, wrath

fiurash -- anger

malech -- hatred

maleket -- harm, damage

muntad -- world

kephid -- pack, bag, load

ologesh -- stare, gaze

deam -- day

nakesh -- night

capashev -- head

ekleshia -- body

pia -- foot

mandad -- hand

supiek -- leg

dimnte -- tooth

imrege -- king

narege -- queen

eonera -- honor

malechumek -- bad health

beachumek -- good health

luamthe -- light

nekluam -- dark

nekthermek -- cold

iuvealek -- rain

kaled -- snow, frost

ali -- here

ale -- there

ke -- that
