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Amen -- amen, so be it, I agree.

Le Sangera Livedet --  A formal greeting; literally, the blood saves, and the person greeted would respond with either the same phrase or a simple amen

Pesh le dea de gumstaet -- May the day please you; a formal farewell

Bea dea -- Good day; an informal greeting and farewell

Pesh kete Om ke... -- May would God that...  Used to express hope:
                            e.g. Pesh kete Om ke dechem veminens repishmemnta.
May would God that they come quickly.

Mvi eko tal amzhuoreo,
eko nontal viesheo  --  If I ever loved, I never lost.

Om lamech-esetheos ma esetheos
Ma umchos non esemnus  --  God was and is, and we are not.