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Adjectives do not need to agree with their modified nouns, unlike Romance Languages.  The suffix "-gad" (nature) may be used to form a noun from an adjective, and the suffix "-memnta" (in manner) may be used to form an adverb from an adjective.  Also, the suffix "-eshk" can be used to imply approximation, e.g.  rug = red, rugeshk = reddish.

rug -- red

blag -- white

neg -- black

azhag -- blue

vezheg -- green

maziag -- yellow

anchag -- orange

moreg -- purple

repish -- fast, quick

phesheth -- held, fixed, set

pheset -- sure, certain, definite

chraphek -- harsh

bea -- good

sumbea -- better

mesumbea -- best

non -- not

not -- no

kulan -- then

kuam -- when

aku -- where

gamke -- what

perpesh -- why

kie -- who

tal -- ever

rephet -- again

umtiath -- until
