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Silbernagel Family Crest

Silbernagel Crest


Place/Date Printed:
    22 April 1633

Article Title:
    Translation of Coat of Arms Certificate which was given to the citizen and brewer Georg Silbernagel in Lanshut on 22 April 1633 by comes platinus Georgius Roerl von Shierling.

    Georgius Roerl von Shierling

    The information contained here was originally written in the Old German language. This rough translation was done by Hans-Joerg Welz on 18 March 1998.


    I, Georgius Roerl von Shierling, preacher of the Roman Empirical Church, under the most merciful master from the Imperium Pfaltz and court Lord, in Latin Comes Platinus, offering to all and everyone, spiritually and worldly persons, no matter what or who you may be, all the good and bad ones, I hereby this open letter do make known to all humankind in this time the most illustrious, almightiest, and unconquerable Prince Ferdinand, the owner of this name elected Roman Emperor for all times the ruler of the land/country of Germany, Hungary, Bohemia, Dalmatian, Croatia, Slovakia, King Arch Duke of Austria, etc...., who gave me by his wisdom and reasoning and his well meaning good mood and fast advice, from his own instinct/reason and almighty knowledge coming from his imperial perfectness, some stately honors and privileges, among them all to this one, who in his merciness and freedom given to me so that out of the imperial perfectness, honorable persons whom I have found deserving, which is up to my discretion, everybody according to his stand and rank (in society), may award a coat of arms, on the 17 March 1629.

[ here ends the first sentence. The original contains a total of 192 words. What Georgius is saying is that he was given the power to award coats of arm on the 17th of March, 1629 by Prince Ferdinand. Please also note that during this time, church and state were one.]

    Today now the honorable citizen and brewer, Georg Silbernagel, from the state Landshut in the land of Bavaria, came before me to plead compliantly to give him and his descendants a coat of arms and rights to rule over his people, therefore I listened to his compliant pleas and investigated his honorability, reliability, maturity, good ethics, serenity, and honesty. In my almighty knowledge and by the power invested in me, do award a coat of arms to Georg Silbernagel and all his heirs, male and female, for all eternity.

    This coat of arms and heirloom has an all black shield, which has in its middle a whole, yellow or gold upright standing lion on three yellow or gold spheres, and in his front paws holding one silver nail, with his tongue(s) fully extended and a double tail. On top of the shield, a closed, armored tunier helmet with a golden chain/necklace. On top of the helmet, a twisted Turkish headdress, black and yellow alternating, from which two alternating black and yellow horns extend. Again, from which out of each, a green acorn with three leaves extend. Between those [horns], another silver nail standing on three golden spheres. The helmet covering, black and gold colored, like the one shown on this drawing.

    Furthermore, to before described George Silbernagel and his descendants, besides the coat of arms and heirloom, [I give] the power to get involved in all and every honorable and honest affairs, arguments, in good and bad, in storms [unrest], fights, discussions, the ability to set their own taxes, preside over funerals and weddings, and to hold court, give judgments, and to speak law. All of his actions must be honorable.

    All of this was done on the day of the Holy Christ, the twenty second of April in the year one thousand six hundred thirty-one.

Georgius Roerl, comes Platinus m. p. 22 April 1633

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