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Aunt Snapple's Real World and Road Rules Homepage

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July 22 - new comments posted for Big Brother 2

Road Rules and updated Real World comments will be posted in a few weeks.

Big Brother 2

Big Brother 2

Real World 10 New York

Real World 10

Real World/Road Rules Casting Special

Casting Special

i have the names for the new cast of RW 10 and they are...

Mike 19 Parma,Ohio

Coral 21 San Francisco

Lori 21 Boston ( winner)

Malik 23 Berkeley,California

Nicole 22 Atlanta

Kevin 22 Austin,Texas

Rachel 18 Orland Park,Illinois

as i get more information it will be posted on this site...

Road Rules 10 are

Jisela 19 Tampa,Florida

Adam 22 Richford,Rhode Island

Steve 23 Lawrence,Kansas

Blair 20 Scott,Louisiana

Sophia 23 Wantagh,New York

Ellen 22 Vernon Hills,Illinois

You know you love it (or do you?) - Temptation Island

Temptation Island

Do you know who The Mole is?

The Mole

Real World Road Rules Challenge 2001

RW and RR Extreme Challenge 2001

Who is that Aunt Snapple bitch anyway?

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to check out my comments on SURVIVOR click here...

Survivor Comments

to check out my comments on SURVIVOR 2 - the Austrailian Outback click here...

Survivor 2 Comments

to check out Matt from RW New Orleans web site click here....

Matt's website

Julie from New Orleans has a site too....

Julie's website

This is a cool site for the new CBS show Big Brother

to check out my comments on BIG BROTHER click here...

Big Brother Comments

for more updates check out...

Bunim and Murray

to check out my comments on the real world/road rules challenge 2000 click here...

RW and RR Challenge 2000 Comments

to check out my comments on the Real World Reunion 2000 click here...

Real World Reunion 2000 Comments



OK I have to give Rolling Stone credit for this one...

but here goes...

These are the names and profiles of the cast of RW New Orleans!!!!

RW New Orleans...

Matt, age 21

from Hiawassee, GA

Matt's alterna-christian (ha, ha should be interesting!!!)

He's paying tuition by working as a web designer...


Melissa, age 23

from Tampa, FL

half-black, half-filipina, says she doesn't get along with other women


David, age 21

from Chicago

hard working black guy, works out daily, doesn't drink or smoke, wants to be president!!


Jamie (a guy), age 21

from suburbs of Chicago

aspiring e-commerce magnate, runs website


Kelley, age 22

from Fayetteville, Arkansas

aspiring motivational speaker


Julie Stoffer (yeah i found out her last name, now you all can stalk her!), age 20

from Delafield, WI

naive Mormon


Danny Roberts (another one to stalk)

age 22

from surburban Atlanta

the gay guy, U. of Georgia grad, an in-progress coming out story


I don't have too much info. on the Road Rules people but they are

Holly, Kathryn, Masada, Theo, James, and Laterrian

first episode is june 6 10 p.m.

C U there!!!


I'll comment on MYOB, Colin's new show and the Real World/Road Rules Casting Special...

MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

This is a pretty good show. It's writer/director is Don Roos who wrote and directed that sleazy comedy the Opposite of Sex starring Christina Ricci.

Colin play's an office assistant. It was weird seeing him in a show other than the Real World but he seems to be a good-enough actor and the show's entertaining.

The only strange thing about the show is it seemed to be more like the first 30 minutes of a movie starting out than to be one show in a series.

New Info on MYOB...Oct. 22...Uh, did anyone else watch this show? Cause it seems to have gone bye-bye? Anyone know what happened here? If so e-mail me,k? comments on the Casting Special...

First off I'd like to say that I was a little pissed off that I was expecting to watch the first episode of the Real World tonight and all I get is the damn Casting special!

They said that the 1st episode is now June 13. But they weren't clear when the 1st episode of Road Rules is going to air.

If I find out any info. on this I'll post it here.

Now I'll comment on the finalists...

To see my comments on the finalists click here...

Comments on the Finalists

To see my comments on Real World New Orleans click here...

UPDATED 8/16/00!!

Real World New Orleans

Real World New Orleans Reunion Comments...finally!

RW New Orleans Reunion

Some new info. on Road Rules

As you should know the first episode is June 19 at 10 p.m. eastern time

Also I didn't know which Holly made the show, but now I'm getting vibes that Holly M. from California made it. I wanted the "hick from Tennessee" Holly G. to make it, but oh well :-(

By now you know that Holly M. made the show obviously!

To see my comments on Road Rules 9 click here...

Road Rules 9

since June 30, 1999

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Thanks for voting in the last quiz. With 212 votes the most annoying cast member on RW/RR All Stars was Amaya (big shocker!) with 38% of the votes and Los came in 2nd with 26% of the votes.

In the most recent quiz with 187 votes your two favorite cast members from RW New Orleans were Julie with 26% and Danny with 21 % of the votes.

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