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'Promoting Genera/ Aviation Since 1965'


of the Nodak Flying Club, Inc.

(Grand Forks, North Dakota)


1. All members shall be furnished a copy of the Nodak Flying Club Constitution & Bylaws and Operating Manual & Rules.

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3. The member shall be charged the wet-rate at all times. At GFK airport, aviation fuel will be charged to the Nodak Flying Club account with local aviation fueling supplier. Aviation fuel purchased away from GFK, i.e., on cross-country flights, will be credited to member account only with the original paid bill (or photo copy of original bill) submitted to NFC. Aviation fuel purchased will be credited at a maximum of $2.72/per gallon. The aircraft will be refueled after each flight.

4. All time must be logged after each flight and shall be computed to the next highest tenth. Hobbs meter readings will be used Log record aircraft time. In the event that the Hobbs is inoperative, tach time will be recorded. When Hobbs/tach time is not properly recorded, the flying time will be com

puted by average gas consumption based on records maintained by the club.

5. Members monthly dues of $24.00 and aircraft rates are payable the first day of each calendar month and are delinquent on the 15th of that month. After the 15th of each month the Treasurer will supply a list of members who have not paid their bills to scheduling and those members will be grounded until all charges are paid.

6. On all cross country flights the Pilot-In-Command is responsible for adequately securing the aircraft over-night, tie downs, or hangaring. The club does not pay these expenses.

Credit Policy of Nodak Flying Club:

1. Maximum credit allowed is $200.00

2. Statement balance is payable on the first day of each month and becomes delinquent on the 15th of the month.

3. Failure to pay club bill promptly may result in inactive status and/or termination of membership.

4. Paid fuel bills presented to the club will be credited at the actual cost not to exceed $2.72 per gallon.

5. Club insurance allows a member to 'share" the operating expenses (reference Part 61, Private Pilot Privileges) with passengers.

Scheduling of Aircraft:

Any member with flight time scheduled, who is 15 minutes or more late, forfeits his/her right to the aircraft.

When the aircraft is scheduled for an extended cross-country flight his/her rights will be forfeited after 60 minutes, unless departure time has been rescheduled.

Any member 'jumping" schedule before the 15 or 60 minute limit has expired will be penalized by the Board of Directors.

Minimum time for operations on an overnight cross-country flight shall be 2 hours per day.

Overnight Cross-country flights in the Cessna 152 are prohibited and can be done only with the approval of the Board of Directors.

All cross-country flights beyond 72 hours or outside the contiguous 48 States is subject to prior approval of the Board of Directors.

Flight Rules:

1. No one other than a club member is to act as Pilot-In-Command of a club aircraft at any time. Our insurance is such that if this were to happen, the club aircraft is not insured and the PIC shall be liable for the full amount of any damage.

2. Members will take dual instruction only from approved club instructors. Members must be checked out in club aircraft, by an approved club instructor, prior to flying* or soloing in that aircraft. The member will also be approved to solo in less complex aircraft at the desecration of the club instructor. (Example: If a member checks out in the C172 he/she is good to fly the C152 at the discretion of the CFI.) All members must have a check out form on file before scheduling any club aircraft.

*See Requirements to Fly Club Aircraft

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4. Club members will not remove or replace aircraft in the mass hangars. Call line GFK Flight Service to have aircraft pulled out of mass hangers.

5. All aircraft will be pre-heated at members expense before starting is attempted at temperatures below 32' F. Unless the aircraft has been flown recently so that heat in not required, or the Tanis Heater (if installed) has been plugged in. All aircraft will be pulled out of the hangar before pre-heating.

6. All members must operate aircraft at all times in compliance with current FAA regulations. Student pilots flying solo must also comply with the following minimums:

a. 1500 foot ceiling

b. 5 miles visibility

c. 15 kts. wind max. (Logbook endorsement, approved by the CFI, for higher limits)

d. A temperature no lower than 0° F. (logbook endorsement, approved by the CFI, for lower limits)

7. Spins in club aircraft are prohibited unless done for training purposes with an approved club instructor. Club instructors may obtain permission for spin training in utility category aircraft on an individual basis from the individual aircraft owners.

8. All mechanical difficulties will be reported to the appropriate member so that action can be taken. (Telephone numbers are kept in each airplane). (Note: When a discrepancy has been recorded on the discrepancy log, the aircraft is technically not airworthy until the log has been signed & cleared by either a certified mechanic or a member performing preventative maintenance.) Members are encouraged to take care of minor problems such as low tire pressure, themselves.

9. If the aircraft owner cannot be located, a member may authorize maintenance on an aircraft without permission if the estimated cost of the work is less than $100.

10. The Pilot-In-Command shall before beginning a flight, consult the inspections list in the airplane to ensure that all required inspections have been completed and the aircraft is in an airworthy condition.

11. All aircraft owners and operations manuals shall be left in the aircraft at all times. Extra copies can be obtained at FBO’s or bookstore.

12. The Club shall furnish oil to each aircraft owner for changes and will maintain supply at the hanger for adding oil. It shall be the responsibility of the owners to supply oil specifications to the club and to placard aircraft accordingly.

Requirements to fly Nodak Flying Club Aircraft

Initial check out:

Cessna 152

One hour in make and model

One hour of ground instruction on operation of aircraft

Sign off, by Club instructor, on check out form

Cessna 172

One hour in make and model

One hour of ground instruction on operation of aircraft

Sign off, by Club instructor, on check out form

Club Currency Requirements:

Members must fly a minimum of 3 hours in the past 6 months in the most complex aircraft they intend to fly. Any member not meeting this requirement must be checked out by an approved club instructor.

Insurance Policy requirements for currency:

Club members must have Logged 5 flight hours in preceding 90 days of the day of the intended flight. Or in lieu of, 2 hours of dual instruction in make and model of aircraft to be used.

Federal Aviation Regulations:

Pertinent FAR’s Part 61.23 Medical Certification

61.56 Flight Review

61.57 Recent Flight Experience

"Approved Flight Instructor'' Policy of Nodak Flying Club

1. Only approved club instructors are allowed to give flight instruction in Nodak Flying club aircraft. Except for check pilots and examiners.

2. All Certified Flight Instructors requesting 'approved instructor" status in Nodak Flying Club are subject to the approval of the Club Board of Directors. All club CFI’s will comply with all applicable regulations, medical requirements, and club by-laws.

3. The Board of Directors will maintain a list of all approved club instructors and initial checkout pilots.

4. Approved club instructors must attend 2 club functions within the last 90 days in order to maintain “approved instructor” status.

5. All members requesting “initial checkout pilot” status in Nodak Flying Club are subject to approval of the Board of Directors. Initial Checkout pilots must have been an active member in good standing for at least six Months and be familiar with club rules and regulations.

6. Initial checkout pilots must attend 3 club functions within the last 90 days in order to maintain 'initial checkout status.

7. Approved club instructors are expected to encourage members to participate in pilot proficiency programs, keep aircraft and clubhouse clean, and participate in club activities.


Approved Instructor: A Certified Flight Instructor approved to give flight instruction in club aircraft of a specified group. i.e. Mufti-engine, Single-engine, High performance.

Initial Checkout Pilot: A club member approved to give initial checkouts to licensed pilots joining the club. (Student pilots upon soloing may be approved by their instructors.)

Club Function: A club board meeting, general membership meeting, club safety seminar, or any other activity sanctioned by the Nodak Flying Club.

Revised by BOD 07 /02

Approved by General Membership 09/02