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said. Said is a neutral verb. Use it instead of maintained/declared/refuted/claimed/revealed wherever possible.

same. Use so with instead of same is the case with.

sex. See gender.

should. See must.

simpleton. A simple person is not a simpleton. Use with care.

since. Refers to a fixed point. Write since Tuesday not since a week.

some. Prefer about to some. Write about 50 people, not some 50 people.

spurn. Prefer reject to spurn.

stationary. Do not confuse with stationery. Write stationary truck or stationery shop.

stationery. See stationary.

still. Write remains/continues, not still remains/continues.

subsequently. Avoid. Use after/afterwards/later/then.

substitute. See replace.

summit. Reserve this term for a meeting of only heads of state.

superlatives. Do not write Maradona is the greatest footballer. Pele's fans may object. Think twice before using superlatives.

Journalism Online