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parallel construction. Clauses in a sentence should have the same grammatical form. Do not write the lion ate the cow and the calf was eaten by the cub. Write the lion ate the cow and the cub ate the calf. Write he is either a saint or a fool not he is either a saint or foolish. See correlatives.

passive voice. Use the passive voice if the agent is unimportant. Otherwise the active should be used. Do not write doctors performed a surgery. Write a surgery was performed. See active voice.

past. Past few days means recent past. Last few days means the end. See last.

people. From 20 humans onwards are called people. Fewer than that are persons.

persons. See people.

portmanteau word. It is an artificial word that combines the meanings of two others. Motel is formed out of motor and hotel; brunch, out of breakfast and lunch. See guesstimate..

practicable. Means that which can be done. Practical means that which is useful.

practical. See practicable.

precipitate. Means rash/hasty action. Precipitous means extremely steep. Use with care.

precipitous. See precipitate.

precondition. Avoid. Use condition.

presently. Means shortly, not now. Write he will come presently. Do not write he is presently a cobbler. See now.

prevaricate. Means evade the truth. Procrastinate means delay.

prior. Prefer before to prior to.

pristine. Means former/original condition, not pure/clean.

procrastinate. See prevaricate.

prophecy. See advice.

prophesy. See advice.

punctuation. Punctuate for clarity. Short sentences need fewer punctuation marks than long sentences.

puns. Use puns with care. If they are in bad taste, avoid.

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