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negative. A double negative makes a positive. Not uninterested means interested. I don't want nothing means I want everything. Better avoid. Also avoid answered in the negative. Write no instead. See affirmative.

new. All records are new. Do not write set a new record.

no. See negative.

noisome. Means harmful, not noisy. Write noisome odour or noisy crowd.

noisy. Means clamourous. See noisome.

none. Singular but takes a plural verb. Write none have, not has, the right to kill.

non sequitur. Means that which does not follow. Do not combine unconnected sentences. John studied French in school and John died in 2001 have no logical connection. So do not write John, who studied French in school, died in 2001.

not. Avoid. Do not write not happy/bad/beautiful but sad/good/ugly.

noted. Do not write noted scientist. If he is really noted, why state the obvious? Avoid it.

now. Prefer now to at present wherever possible.

number. Write the number is but a number are.

Journalism Online