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ilk. Means of the same place or name, not of the same kind. Best avoided.

imbue. Imbue people with ideas. Inculcate/infuse ideas into people.

immolate. Means kill as sacrifice, not burn.

important. A relative term. See bad.

include. The word is used to refer to a part of a list. Humans include the male and the female is wrong. Write humans include the male/female.

inculcate. See imbue.

indicate. Prefer show to indicate.

infinitive. The infinitive should not be split. But split them if the result is rhythmic. To boldly go, to fluently speak...

inflict. A person inflicts a wound. See afflict.

infuse. See imbue.

injury. Not a synonym for wound. Persons are injured in an accident but wounded in an attack/combat.

inquire. See enquire.

irony. Comprises inner and outer meanings. Wise guy may be said of a person who has done a foolish thing. Do not use strange/paradox as a synonym for irony.

its. No apostrophe for possessive pronoun. Write it's if you mean it is.

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