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handicapped. See disabled.

hang. Criminals are hanged. Pictures are hung.

harass. See embarrass.

hard. A person who hardly works is not a hard worker.

hardly. Means scarcely. See hard.

hike. Prefer rise to hike.

historic. Means famous in history. Historical means belonging to history. Write historic event, not historical event.

historical. Write historical evidence/principles. See historic.

hit. See collide.

homosexual. Homosexual women are lesbians. Homosexual men are gays. Do not write homosexuals and lesbians. Write gays and lesbians. See gay.

hopefully. Means with hope. Do not use it to mean it is hoped that.

hyphen. Use hyphen to avoid ambiguity. Last minute changes means small changes that were made last. Write last-minute changes to mean changes that were made at the last minute. Five year-old kids means there are five kids aged one. Five-year-old kids means the kids are aged five.

Journalism Online