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elder. Prefer elder to older when referring to a relation. Write elder brother but older citizen.

embarrass. Spelt with a double r. Harass has a single r.

enormity. Means a monstrous deed. Not to be confused with enormous. Enormity is a noun. Enormous is an adjective. A dinosaur is enormous.

enormous. Means huge/immense. See also enormity.

enquire. You enquire about a person's health. You inquire about a person's past. Use with care.

entail. Entails a penalty is right. Entails a gift is wrong.

entitle. Prefer title to entitle. Write the book is titled Paradise Lost. But critics are entitled to tear it apart.

euphemisms. Avoid euphemisms. Call the spade a spade. Write the king died not the king passed away.

event. Avoid the phrase in the event of/that. Use if/that instead.

evince. Prefer show/display to evince. Write the king showed interest.

ex-. Use with care. An Indian ex-player means an Indian who is no more a player. An ex-Indian player means a player who is no more an Indian.

exceptionable. Not the same as exceptional. You question an exceptionable deed but praise an exceptional deed.

exclusive. An interview is exclusive if given to only one person. Do not write an exclusive chat with reporters.

expect. See anticipate.

extent.Avoid the phrase to the extent that. Use if/when instead.

eyewitness. Prefer witness to eyewitness.

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