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... of me, friends, and other stuff.
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This is a picture of me and my friends, it was taken before the Christmas Ball in December of 1997... from left to right- Rebecca Doucette (my 1st cousin) She likes comming to my house and breaking the dishes! *laughs* Then there's Nicolle Dixon (me) I'm the crazy and foolish one, I blame it on the Dixon in me! Then there's Diane Dunphy. At the bottom is AJ Doucette (Rebecca's brother and my cousin)... He's just a pest! *he he*
Here is my Daddy's boat. Ain't it nice...? He called it the "Little Dream" but the name "In Debt" is more appropriate I think. But it's really nice and fast! Way faster than Kelly Donovan's, that's because my dad has a Cummins and Kelly only has a shitty Jon Deere engine! I don't know what he's trying to prove with that!!! Anyways, the "Little Dream" takes out the "Tyler, Ryan & Girls" every race they have. Time for a CUMMINS Kelly!
Ah, isn't that sweet! Danial when he was a baby... such a cute kid, what ever happened...?
Look at this Tash! MY "Shera- Princess Of Power" suit! (and carebear pjs)*he he*
This is a picture of me when I was about 4 with my budgie bird, Gizmo. (I named him off of the Gremlin's movie... the cute lil guy) I must have really loved those Care Bear pyjamas! (i'm wearing them in this pic too)
Joel with his long hair in grade 7. He got it cut since then so he doesn't look like a little girl anymore. "Is that a new band or something...?"
This was my first boyfriend, Little Mur! Look at those cute curls!!! :o)
These Pictures Were Taken February, '99
SURPRISE BECCA! ...You're picture isn't here anymore!!!
This is Roger... uh, don't ask!
What's wrong Alan... Troubles getting your locker open...?
Here's Jimmy, aka Josh. He's such a sweetie... and he laughs like a girl!
From left to right: AJ. Doucette, Rebecca Doucette (yes, she is growing horns) *lol*, Nicolle Dixon (me again), Jennifer Fitzgerald and Vicky Jackson. Taken at the semi-formal dance here at Cabot High, February 10th 1999.
Yeah! Another picture of me... this was taken before the winter ball at Sydney Academy back in February.
These are some pictures or a picture of each of my twin cousins. Kathy is on the left and Kelsey is on the right... Check out the shades!!!
This is a picture of my brother lookin' pretty cool against, uh, somebody's truck... *shrugs* I don't think he tried to drive this one though!
Here's my baby girl, Teaka! She was just a puppy when this was taken, she's a bit bigger now... not much, but a bit. She is sooo sweet! Everyday when I come home from school she waits for me on the edge of the deck and watches me come up the hill. Then when she clues in that it actually is me (she's kinda dumb) she leans forward, squints her eyes and sticks out her tounge (it's adorable, you gotta see it)... Then when I get really close to her she raises her left paw up so I'll rub her tummy, then after that we race to the front door! *he he* She usually wins though!
Here's a stupid picture of me and Becca before a rave... I'm pissed cause I wanna leave, so is Becca but she at least faked a smile!
This is me and Becca (again, I know) all dressed up and on our way to the Christmas Ball '98. Exactly one year after the picture at the very top of the page was taken!


These are pictures that were taken before the prom, outside of my house, from left to right: Me, Martin Capstick, Adonia DeFreitas and her boyfriend John Burton
Here's a picture of John and Adonia... aren't they sweet!
All of us again...
Well, I don't know what I was looking at in this picture... I think John was playing with himself!!!


These are the people who came from Neil's Harbour Elementry School into Cabot High and are graduating this year! Not too many of us! (o:

(left to right): Murdock Burton, Nicolle Dixon, Josh Rambeau, Alison Hatcher and Alan Smith.

This is a picture of all me and all my best friends...

top row (left to right): Martin Capstick, Josh rambeau, Danial Doherty & Jonathan Brown

bottom row (left to right): Jennifer Taylor, Shelly Coones, Nicolle Dixon (Tracy Stockly is supposed to be in that space) & Natasha Neal.

Here's the best picture I've ever seen in my life! This is Tashie when she was 3! Obviously she was freaking out at the time 'cause that's what Tash does best!