"Not In North Dakota anymore!"

Well You Guessed It, My Page Is Under Construction!

Everyone Loves Me...


I am now at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. I am loving it here among the 26,000 students. I am in a sorority here at KU, and I party every weekend! I can't wait to go back and visit all of my friends back home in Fargo, N.D. (Yes, there really is a city named "Fargo"). I get a lot of shit for having my "North Dakotan" accent.

I will try to update and add a whole new homepage soon, with recent pictures too!

Butthole Bloopers


Last April a bunch of people from this church went to Mexico and lived in a village for over a week. While we were there, we pretty much learned everyone's bodily functions.

-- here is one funny story on April fools

The "bad" girls that went to Mexico stole the guys' underwear to hang them up at our construction sight the next morning. While we were stealing the underwear from their huts, my friend Tay-Tay had to let her butthole explode. Oh my gosh, it was the worst smelling fart I have ever smelt. I mean it was terrible. Just farting in one of those huts is bad enough, having it be over a 100 degrees with no air, and then to top it off having it be the worst smelling thing ever alive. It was terrible!!! never underestimate a woman's fart!

The next story also took place in Mexico...

In Mexico we would have teams, and the teams cooked supper for that night. Well, for supper on the third night we were there, the "cooks" decided to make onion-rice soup. It was pretty good soup, but they added way too much onion's to it. That night everyone came to our hut starting at about 2 a.m. or so. Our hut was the only hut with a bathroom. To make the toilet flush you had to pour water down it (not a real bathroom). Anyway to get to the point, the rest of the time we were there, everyone had the worst diaherria they have ever had. It was not pretty at all.

School Incident

It was the second week of school my junior year. A few of my friends were in the gym just sitting around the floor wasting time until our practices started at 4. Well, I was laying on the floor and the football team was sitting on the bleachers about 15 ft. away. The next thing I knew it, my friend Kelly decided to step on my stomach, at that very moment a very LOUD and I do mean loud fart came out. I did not know what to do, so I sat up, while my face had turned bright red. I desperately turned to my friends and said "Oh my god! What do I do?" I pleaded for them to help me out and say it was my shoe that made the noise. I tried to explain to them it was my shoe, but they knew that it was a LOUD smelly fart. I was in shock of what just happened. I could not believe I farted in front of the whole football team, which they heard loud and clear and knew who it came from and what it was. I just could not believe it! I will never live that moment down, ever again!!!

Good things in the World:

Sex on the Beach (remember that Kelly?)
Sex in the hammock (haven't you ever wondered how the mexican people have sex in those things??)
Sarah Garaas- She is my long lost lover...She is now at Dartmouth College showing all of the men how to party like a Fargoan!
Rachel Garaas-- claims she is Asexual, but I don't believe it cause she is my lover! She is also at Dartmouth College living it up with all of the men and ladies (j/k, only the men!)
Kelly Taylor- is obsessed with me, I know she wants me! (remember prom, Kelly?)
Going to Kim's lake cabin with twenty other people! You would not believe how many rooms they have in their cabin (shall I say manchine?)
Angie Thomas- she is my sex mentor and I miss her tons. I dont know how I live without her. She is going to UND! I haven't found anyone to dance skanky with except her.
Jenny Nelson- I miss her tons, and well I don't know how to live without her either. I am use to seeing her over at my apartment everyday. She now is roommates with my other bestfriend, Angie! I miss them both tons!!! Most people thinks she looks like Alecia Silverstone. ("the couch is on my sweatshirt out there!")
Kim Lillestol- She is the shit! I love her to death also. "kimmy" She is my sanity! She is attending UND (the party school). What can I say about "kimmy," except that I miss her tons, and I am so happy that she writes to me on a regular basis. Oh ya, she is a model for Victoria Secret.
Jeff Hertel- he is so dreamy, I am obsessed with him. I finally admitted it! He is seriously the greatest guy God ever created!

Bad things in the World:

Tay-Tay's fart
the old people that live below me
Skanky Whores (I only know two, and I hate them with a passion!)
Trying to study at KU!
I hate it when ex-boyfriends find the need to bad mouth their ex-girlfriends to the whole world, especially when it is my bestfriend that they were talking about. NICE!

Things about me... (I seem to be a very interesting and fun lady)

Well this is a little about my life... I am was in swimming and captain of the girl's team this fall. I am in studenct council and captain's council. Last summer in June, I moved out of my house (at age 16) and now I am living in an apartment with two older guys. One of them is my brother, who is 22; and the other guy is his friend, Ryan, and he is 24. They are both bartenders at TGIFridays. I am now 17. The reason I moved out is cause my parents moved to Topeka, Kansas and I did not want to move my senior year at Fargo South. Next year I am planning on attending University of Kansas (KU), they are the Jayhawks and are #8 on the party list of colleges in the nation. So it will be one fun freshman year for me!

Now a little about my apartment...

it is a really nice apartment. Underneath our building is an underground garage. It also has a workout center and a big screen TV, along with a pool table and dart board. Then our apartment is really nice too. I love it there. But below us, we have two old schmucks! They always take a broom stick and pound it on their ceiling cause, well because we are walking around. For heaven's sake, they called the manager on me, cause I was showering at 6:15 a.m. and said I was showering for over an hour. Now that is pathetic and very ruthless!!! ("Light as a feather, stiff as a board")--that is our saying in my apartment when we walk across the floor.

--My other neighbors--
I have these really sweet neighbors right across the hall. Their names are Al and Doris Johnson. They have a grandson that is friends with Sarah Garaas. I am in love with those neighbors. Their trade mark name is "Aldoris." Their license on their car has that, their business is named it, all of their business cards have it printed on them. Everything has "Aldoris" on it. They are the cutest old couple you have ever seen. They give us their newspaper. Oh, they are so sweet. One time he came over and he was looking at our dishwasher thinking it was the oven, and then he just left! It was so funny and adorable!

My good friend Julie Bentson has had many little slips in her life time. Well, two years ago, she was over at our friend's house and she was running to get outside in the back yard and she ran into the sliding glass door. Sure that is funny by itself, but the best part was that she broke her nose, that is how hard she hit it. It was real bad! her face was all black and blue.

My favorite things to do:
play 007 (James bond)
watch movies (we have a ton of them at my apartment)--I am not exaggerating either
go on e-mail
Give Snuffy food!
pretend I have friends
Go to Kim's house
Go to the bars
Go to the dance clubs
ride the good old dependable pony

My favorite words or phrases:
"Panties" (I am obsessed with that word)
"If it doesn't fit, make it fit!"
"Ya, Sure, You betcha' don't Cha KnOw!"
"If you lose it is not the end of the world, cause if it were than where would all the losers in this world be?"
"Fargo is not that bad of town, you just have to live on the wild side and ride the pony once in awhile"
"Love hurts, so why do we love just to get hurt?"
"You only live once, so do whatever you want that pleases you. Don't chicken out!"
"Hay una fiesta en mis pantelones" (there is a party in my pants or shall I say panties??)
"Got To Hold Da Pussy" (that is for you, Jenny!)
"Son of a HOOCHIE momma!"

Thoughts to Ponder:

Don't you ever wonder when you are walking down the street and people look at you, do you ever think "hey look at me cause I am gorgeous!"?
I always wonder how women can be lesbians? How could you not love a man and his natural stick?
Is this really the world? I mean, this whole thing could be my dream, and everything I am doing is dreaming. Is this all my unconscious mind??
Are people really people, or are we just all aliens? And the aliens are really the people?
Don't you ever wonder what people do in their own time, and what they think about?

Things to do in Fargo on a Friday night:

hang out at Taco Bell or Burger King
Go to Kim's house and give Snuffy food!
go bowling
come over to my apartment
go on e-mail
find your corner on broadway
come to my bedroom
Party in my pants
Shove people in would chippers!
drive the snowmobiles up and down our streets
There is not much more to do in our boring little city, except group orgies and hanging at Kim's!

Things to do in Kansas during the week:

Monday night a sorority girl goes to "chapter" and then you go home and watch TV or try and study.
Tuesday night, we have a "date dash," or we go to a bar for $1 draws.
Wednesday night we go to another bar called 'Dos Hombres' and dance there oh and drink.
Thursday night it is 'Greek night' at a dance club/bar and we get in free before 10. Or you can go to another bar where they have a dance floor.
Friday night we go to a bar, or there is a party at a fraternity or we have a 'date dash'.
Satuday night we go to a KU basketball game and then we go to a fraternity or to another bar.
Sunday you sleep until 1 p.m. and then lay around and watch movies all day and do laundry and pretty much recover from the week!

Short overview of the week:
Homework/TV/Chapter, drink, drink/dance, drink/dance, drink, Basketball game/drink, & sleep/laundry/TV!

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Here is a Pic of ME!

My new homepage (under construction)

Sarah's Page --I guess you could say her page is ok, but it doesn't quite compare to mine...

Rachel's Page --She has put a lot of time in her page LIKE ME!

Jeff's Page --WOW! despite being the HOTTEST guy I know, he has the best page I have ever seen! Check out his page and sign his guestbook. He needs to have a homepage so it looks like he has friends.

I am trying to update this every week now!

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Email: maberle@sendit.nodak.edu