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Welcome to Kristin's Web Page!

Welcome to my BSB/Nsync Web Page!


Last updated: 9/26/00

Well, I don't think I'm going to be updating this page anymore! Maybe when I find the time, but since school has started, I've been VERY busy! BUT! I will keep what I have up on the page, just because I put a lot of work into it and I don't want to waste all of that time! I do still check my guestbook so if you want to sign that, I will try hard to get back to you! Same with the e-mail! So, until....whenever!

Kristin :)

The new and IMPROVED Bsb vs. Nsync Check out the new Nsync Video Review!

Humor Stuff My Jokes and Lists are up!

Links Just some links to check out!

That's all for this update! Hopefully more coming soon! :)

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And NO I didn't try to get a score of 69! It just happened!!
