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*Liver Detox and Support*

Liver Detox and Support Medical Advice
"Liver Detox and Support", herbal capsule
Liver and Gallbladder, tincture recipe

Liver Detox and Support
Medical Advice

Liver Detox and Support: Your liver is primarily responsible for breaking down and packaging up toxins for transport out of you body. If your liver is not functioning at top capacity, then a build-up of toxins can occur. The first sign of toxin build-up is usually headaches and nausea. It is therefore essential to process, deactivate, package up, and then eliminate toxins. Your liver is also responsible for storing glycogen, which is converted into glucose (blood sugar) in times of need. Your liver can store up to about 24 hours worth of glycogen at any one time. Your liver is the second largest organ for good reasons. "Liver Detox and Support" is a safe and convenient formula for natural liver support. It contains a unique blend of amino acids to nourish, cleanse and support normal and healthy liver function. It is an important supplement for providing maximum liver detoxification processes as well as protecting the liver from harmful environmental and microbial damage.
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"Liver Detox and Support", herbal capsule

congested liver, liver toxins, liver detoxification, liver detox, liver support, jaundice, bile, gallbladder, gall stones A congested liver will cause a build up of liver toxins. Liver detoxification is best accomplished through specific liver support herbs. A toxic liver will cause headaches and nausea.

This PowerHealth International Liver Detox and Support herbal formula is in capsule form, is safe, and is very effective for liver detox and support.

Carqueja - This herb has many properties including hepatoprotective (liver protective) properties. It is commonly used by the indigenous peoples of the rainforest of South America in many types of liver disorders. In a study with mice in 1986, a crude water extract of Carqueja protected against liver damage and increased survival rate by 100% in mice exposed to a toxic liver chemical.

Mutamba - Mutamba has had a place in herbal medicine in almost every country where it grows. In Brazil and Peru its uses include assistance in enhancing liver health. It contains a number of recognized constituents including alkaloids, bet-sitosterol, mucilage, tannins, terpenes and proanthocyanadins.

Chanca Piedra - This plant is so named as its Spanish name means "stone breaker". It has been used for generations by Amazon peoples as a remedy for gallstones. The plant is also employed for its hepatotoxic protection attributed to two compounds in the plant, phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin. These were isolated and described by Indian researchers in 1985. Some studies have also documented anti viral activity against the hepatitis virus but this remains controversial as not all studies have confirmed this.

Erva Tostao - The worldwide use of Erva Tostao roots for various liver complaints and disorders was validated when researchers demonstrated in 1980 and 1991 that a root extract provided antihepatotoxic properties in animals, protecting the liver from numerous introduced toxins.

Picao Preto - A research group in Taiwan has stated that this herb "can protect liver injuries from various hepatotoxins and have potential as broad spectrum antihepatic agents".

Jurubeba - This herb is listed in the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia as specific for anemia and for liver disorders.

Gervao - North American practitioners have used Gervao leaves as a natural remedy for parasite, liver and digestive problems.

Boldo leaf - In herbal medicine today, Boldo is used extensively throughout Europe, North America, South America and Latin America as a specific treatment for gallstones, and many types of liver, stomach and digestive disorders.

Sarsaparilla- This herb has been reported to enhance the absorption and bioavailablity of other phytochemicals and herbs. It is often included in small amounts for this attribute.

Side Effects:

As a number of these herbs have diuretic properties, increased frequency of urination is possible, there are no other known side effects.


1. Brown DJ. Herbal Prescriptions for Better Health. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1996, 151–58.
2. Wagner H, Horhammer L, Munster R. The chemistry of silymarin (silybin), the active principle of the fruits of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Arzneim-Forsch Drug Res 1968;18:688–96.
3. Feher J, Lang I, et al. Free radicals in tissue damage in liver diseases and therapeutic approach. Tokai J Exp Clin Med 1986;11:121–34.
4.Taylor L. dHerbal Secrets of the Raiforest. Prima Publishing, 1998.

Liver and Gallbladder
An Herbal Tincture Formula

The following liver detox recipe works very well. It is included here for those who like to make their own tincture mix. (A tincture is an herb in liquid form, usually with 35 to 50% alcohol base.) If attempting to make this formula, caution must be exercised with Chelidonium as indicated below. A much safer and more convenient formula is in the PowerHealth Liver Detox and Support formula indicated above.

The first five listed herbs make a very fine herbal tincture for both liver and gallbladder support. It is indicated for deficient liver function; as an adjunct to orthodox medical treatment of hepatitis and jaundice; for those involved in occupations that expose them regularly to liver toxins like dry cleaning or spray painting; gall bladder disease; high cholesterol; and allergies.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, must use with caution.
Recommended Administration: 5ml (1 tsp) with 20 ml (4 tsp) water or juice, TID (three times per day).
Children under 12 should be given half quantity.
For best results the formula should be taken 10 – 20 minutes before meals and sipped slowly.
Toxicology: This formula is non-toxic when taken at the recommended quantity.
Toxicology: Large amounts of Chelidonium majus are toxic due to its alkaloid content and may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Excessive amounts may also cause abortion.
One of the alkaloids, sanguinarine, has been shown to cause glaucoma in experimental animals when given in high quantities.
Reference: Phytosynergistic Prescribing, First Edition, 1994, K. Bone

This herbal tincture would include the following ratio:

  • 5 parts – Silybum
  • 2 parts Taraxacum
  • 2 parts Cynara
  • 1 part Chionanthus
  • 1 part Chelidonium

5 parts: Silybum Marianum / Milk Thistle Extract - Milk thistle extract has a remarkable ability to regenerate liver cells and protect the liver against potent liver toxins by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and assisting in removing these toxins from the liver. These effects are attributed to the flavonolignans called silymarin. Silymarin is an antioxidant with powerful liver protective effects. Silymarin also contains bitter principles and stimulates bile secretion and digestion in general. Its important positive effects on the liver naturally improve digestive processes.

2 parts: Taraxacum officinale / Dandelion Root – Taraxacum is a bitter, containing taraxacin. It also contains two pentacyclic steroids, taraxasterol and taraxerol. The actions of these compounds are not clear, but possibly contribute to the plant’s beneficial action o the liver. Taraxacum increases the secretion of bile and is indicated in a wide range of biliary and hepatic conditions, including cholelithiasis and jaundice. It is widely regarded as the supreme liver tonic. Taraxacum also has gentle laxative properties.

2 parts: Cynara Scolymus / Globe Artichoke - Cynara is the Brazilian name for the globe artichoke. Cynara has similar liver protective and regenerating properties to Silybum. These properties are ascribed to the constituent cynarin. It also contains a bitter sesquiterpene lactone, cynaropicrin, tannins and a number of enzymes. Cynara also is a cholagogue (increases bile production in the liver), and has been shown to reduce blood lipid levels. It is also a choleretic (increases the flow of bile from the gallbladder), and a choliokinetic (increases the contractile activity of the bile duct), which makes this herb indicated in gallstones and gall bladder disease, as well as conditions where there is liver cell damage or chronic liver dysfunction. Animal studies have shown an ability to increase the flow of bile by 60 % to 400 % in a twelve-hour period. Additionally, artichoke has demonstrated cholesterol and lipid lowering properties.

1 part: Chionanthus Virginicus / Fringe Tree – Chionanthus is a cholagogue with stimulating action on the liver, gall bladder, and spleen. It contains saponins and a lignan glycoside, phyllyrin. Chionanthus is used in a variety of hepatic and biliary complaints including cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, jaundice, enlarged spleen, portal hypertension, etc.

1 part: Chelidonium majus / Greater Celandine – Celandine is a plant with specific actions on the gall bladder and bile ducts. It has marked spasmolytic properties due to its content of isoquinoline alkaloids. Chelidonium is a cholagogue, stimulating the secretion of bile as well as secretion of pancreatic juice. It has a normalizing action on the gall bladder and is indicated in most conditions involving gall bladder and bile ducts.
Toxicology: Large amounts of Chelidonium majus are toxic due to its alkaloid content and may cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Excessive amounts may also cause abortion.

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DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.