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Welcome to Park, Jeong Wook's Home Page


    Hi, There !
Thank you for visiting my homepage.I was born in Seoul, Korea on September 15, 1968. I am the oldest son and I have just one younger brother who works in Poland.I believe I was brought up in a very traditional Korean family and business environment. These affect my studies in colleges. So I enrolled in Sung Kyun Kwan University and chose International Trade as my major in order to prepare myself for future business.I have also been a member of amateur fine arts club at my previous university. I believe that visual art is an outlet for me to express my feelings and thoughts on canvas. At the age of 22, I reported to the Korean army to fulfill my military requirement. I had participated in many military projects at the divisional headquarters. While serving the army, I had the honor of receiving official commendations from a squadron commander as well as from a divisional commander. Soon after I finished military duty, I went back to my college to finish up my work and started preparing for the government officials exam.  Following the graduation, I decided to enroll in a graduate school to major in International Economics. Through this program, I received master degree in International Economics in 1996. By the time of graduation, I decided to quit preparing for the government officials exam and thought of working in private sectors. Then I realized that I lacked practical business knowledges and analytical skills. I considered various options and I came to a conclusion that I needed an MBA degree. That is why I entered in MBA program of Boston University. Finally I finished the degree in May 1998 and came back to Korea. I started to work as an equity analyst for SK Securities in Seoul, Korea. I set up KOSDAQ market part of my company in 1999 and became the first analyst of the market. My team was restructured in March 2000 and I have been working as an semiconductor industry analyst since then. 
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