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*Heart Attack, Stroke,*
*Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis*

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Heart attack, Stroke, Heart disease, Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, Hardening of the arteries, Coronary artery disease, and Cardiovascular disease are the same problem. All arteries and veins are affected, everywhere in the body, not just the heart: kidneys, eyes, liver, feet, essentially every tissue that has blood passing through it can have the same problem, clogged arteries and veins. Bypass surgery is the absolute, last resort treatment.

Nutritional Medical Advice
EDTA Registry
Coenzyme Q-10
Herbal Support
Heart Attack Risk by Blood Type
Heart Attack Risk Reduction after EDTA Chelation
Heart Attack Risks in General
EECP, Enhanced External Counterpulsation

Medical Advice

Sugar Stopper: Diabetes is very high in the scale for the development of heart disease. Diabetics have a many fold greater chance of developing heart disease that the non-diabetic. Type II adult onset diabetes begins with the body’s in-ability to keep blood sugar levels in balance. Sugar Stopper is an herbal support for balancing blood sugar levels naturally and helps balance blood sugar reactions. If you are diabetic, or hypoglycemic, or hyperglycemic, or have diabetes in your family, you suffer a much greater chance of developing arteriosclerosis than someone who does not have diabetes. The diabetic suffers first from decrease kidney function, decreased eyesight leading to blindness, and decreased feeling in their feet, which eventually leads to open sores in their feet. The common cause is more rapid atherosclerosis / arteriosclerosis. Controlling blood sugar is very important for these patients. Approximately 16 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes, and several other million from hypoglycemia. It has been shown that many of these individuals respond very effectively with the use of herbs and nutritional supplementation, which can complement conventional medical treatment and assist against some complications of these chronic but manageable diseases.
Available from:

HeartWise: Cholesterol Maintenance: HeartWise cholesterol maintenance contains the ingredients that have demonstrated their incredible lipid-lowering properties in numerous clinical studies. "HeartWise" not only assist in lowering total serum cholesterol and plasma triglycerides, but also, greatly reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol; while at the same time has shown to increase HDL (good) cholesterol. HeartWise is a smart and cost effective solution to assisting the body with unhealthy cholesterol levels utilizing natural nutritional supplementation.
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Co- Q-10: Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring substance found within our food and is synthesized by each and every cell of our body. It is a vitamin-like substance that resembles Vitamin E, but is an even more powerful Antioxidant. It is the only natural antioxidant found in human tissue. Coenzyme Q-10 declines with age and should be supplemented in the diet. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Coenzyme Q-10 alone is effective in reducing mortality. Its functions include: 1. Antioxidant ability - By scavenging free radicals this compound stops damage to cell membranes that may occur from excess free radicals 2. Energy function - Coenzyme Q-10 is vitally important in the formation of ATP by the cells of the body. ATP is the molecule responsible for energy stores within the body. All cell functions are dependent on adequate cellular levels of ATP. Adequate levels of ATP must be maintained or the body suffers from severe energy loss and poor organ function. The supplemental use of Coenzyme Q-10 has been well researched in cardiovascular disease. There are numerous double blind studies that show its benefits in congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy (poor pumping of the heart). Co-Enzyme Q-10 appears to increase the heart’s ability to tolerate lower levels of oxygen and has shown benefits in individuals with angina (chest pains from decreased blood flow to the heart). It also benefits allergies, asthma, and respiratory disease, and is used to assist the brain for abnormalities of mental function such as those with Alzheimer’s.
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IsoZymes: Digestive enzymes are important in heart disease because you will need to properly digest fats and triglycerides. Taking enzymes with meals will help digests fats and triglycerides in your food. Taking enzymes between meals will help digest the same, but that which is floating around in your blood. (See our section on Blood for more details.) Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. "IsoZymes" is a very complete spectrum of several digestive enzymes, all working in synergy. Enzymes taken with meals will be used up in the stomach while they help digest that meal. Enzymes taken on an empty stomach will go into the blood stream intact. Blood conditions such as stacking of red blood cells (RBCs) like a stack of coins (RBC Rouleau), or red blood cells clumping together (RBC Aggregation), or accumulations of Uric Acid Crystals in the blood, can be greatly helped with a combination of Plant Digestive Enzymes and Antioxidants, taken on an empty stomach. (See our section on pain.) Health NOTE: Individuals with extreme cases of Gastritis, Gastric or Duodenal Ulcers should begin their Enzyme Supplementation with "IsoGastric" and gradually transition over to "IsoZymes" in approximately 4-6 weeks. This is due to the situation that Protease may temporarily have a burning sensation on individuals with these situations, thus "IsoGastric" does not contain Protease.
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IsoGastric: Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. This multiple enzyme nutritional supplement was formulated for those Individuals who suffer from gastrointestinal distress. Individuals with gastric or duodenal ulcers, indigestion, and those with a stressed gallbladder or liver will benefit from "IsoGastric." "IsoGastric" contains specialty herbs that are soothing to the gastrointestinal system and does not contain Protease.
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Vitamin E-Plus: It was discovered during autopsies that patients who died of heart disease had far less stores of vitamin E in their heart tissue than patients who died for other reasons. (Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Michael Murray, N.D., available at many bookstores)Vitamin E plus includes ALL the naturally occurring forms of Vitamin E, not just the alpha tocopherol form as found in most available brands of Vitamin E. This health fact is extremely important, as the ingredients within Vitamin E Plus have been shown effective in suppressing free radicals that are not controlled by the use of only alpha tocopherol alone. Studies have shown these mixed tocopherols have enhanced immune system benefits, improved antioxidant properties, and improved cardiovascular benefits above and beyond common forms of Vitamin E.
Available from:

Essential Fatty Acids: Fatty Acids that cannot be made by the body and which must be supplied through the diet, are called Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s), also referred to as Vitamin F. These essential fatty acids are also known as polyunsaturates, and are recommended in order to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and to reduce the risks of heart disease and stroke. EFA’s have also shown to be needed when dealing with candidiasis and coronary heart disease, and to minimize blood clot formation. It is of critical importance to obtain both adequate levels and appropriate ratios of the different types of essential fatty acids. Power Health’s Flaxseed Oil provides an excellent source of omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids.
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Ester-C with Bioflavanoids: Vitamin C is the single most cost effective antioxidant (dollar-to-dollar amount for antioxidant properties), than all other available antioxidants. This particular formulation has vitamin C metabolites, primarily threonate, which act as "cellular door openers," which makes this vitamin C more bioavailable. Vitamin C performs many vital functions within the body. It increases the strength and integrity of connective tissue including the inside of your blood veins, producing significant positive effects upon the cardiovascular system. Ester-C polyascorbate is a breakthrough in Vitamin C technology. This esterified form of Vitamin C has been shown to increase white blood cell ascorbate levels four times more than usual forms of Vitamin C. Ester-C also provides bioflavanoids to enhance Vitamin C bioavailability while assisting in maintaining capillary and vein health.
Available from:

IsoBoost: Iso means "the same". ISO Science is the science of using natural "isomolecules" that your body recognizes as "similar" or "equivalent" to your body's own and are instantly absorbed and utilized. "IsoBoost" replaces conventional vitamin / mineral supplementations. There are no pills or capsules to swallow. This is a unique all-in-one complete, liquid supplementation with HUNDREDS of highly absorbable ISO nutrients working synergistically together in a maximum absorption formula, assuring that no nutrients get lost on the way to your cells. IsoBoost was specifically formulated to nourish, fortify and balance your body at the “cellular level.” The normal liquid dose of one-ounce per day, has to potential of replacing many individual pills / capsules per day.
NOTE: In cases of cardio (heart) problems, it is advisable to take IsoBoost, Dynamic Multi Plus, and Super Antioxidant together. Normally however, IsoBoost is excellent alone because IsoBoost is very broad spectrum and also has some antioxidants already in the formula. It is just that Cardio patients need a lot of extra attention.
Available from:

Dynamic Multi Plus: This is a top-of-the-line multiple vitamin and mineral supplementation. High quality multi-vitamin / mineral formulas are needed to add the necessary "co-factors" needed for enzymatic pathways.
NOTE: In cases of cardio (heart) problems, it is advisable to take IsoBoost, Dynamic Multi Plus, and Super Antioxidant together. Cardio patients need a lot of extra attention.
Available from:

Balanced B-Complex: Adding B-Complex, or singly adding all the B-Vitamins to an EDTA IV administered in our clinic, is standard procedure in the medical field. I have received special training in EDTA chelation therapy and can testify to the importance of the B vitamins in heart disease therapy.
Available from:

EDTA chelation IV therapy: This is an in-clinic procedure only. It is listed last because it can be costly, especially when adding doctor’s visits into the equation. However it is about 100 times less expensive than bypass surgery, and is non-invasive. EDTA has been successfully used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis for over 50 years. Yet there is a very select few Medical Doctors and even fewer Naturopathic Doctors who have received proper training in this wonderful technology. It will be difficult to find a doctor who practices EDTA because the AMA and FDA do not promote this technology to Medical Doctors. EDTA is administered directly into the blood veins and must be administered in a medical office, hopefully under the direction of a doctor who has been trained in EDTA IV chelation therapy.
Available from: a few, very special and open mined doctors who believe in Alternative Care Medicine.
You may need to check out the International College of Integrated Medicine,, (ICIM), to find a doctor in your area that uses EDTA in his or her practice.

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EDTA Registry

Dr. David G. Young, N.D. of Portland, Oregon has been trained and selected as a Co-Investigator in a "National Registry to Track Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Vascular Disease Treated with Nutritional Supplements and EDTA Chelation with Magnesium." Dr. Terry Chappell, M.D. of Bluffton, Ohio is the Coordinating Investigator. This Registry is sponsored by the American Institute of Medical Preventics, and has been given a waiver by an Institutional Review Board. The University of Cincinnati Medical Center for Biostatistic Services is coordinating and analyzing all the statistical data. Patient privacy is assured as his / her participating doctor gives each patient a numeric ID number that will be used in the data analysis. This Registry is to help determine the effectiveness of EDTA Chelation Therapy to prevent heart attacks and strokes with patient’s known to have vascular disease.

This registry has now been formerly closed and finalized. Doctor Young was very proud to have been a part of the wonderful research.

EDTA chelation has been used successfully for treatment of arteriosclerosis / heart disease for the last 50 years. It has been a proven chelator since its discovery in the 1930’s. The purpose of this registry was to prove to the AMA and FDA in a manner they cannot refuse to acknowledge, the efficacy of EDTA for prevention and treatment of heart disease.

For more information, about EDTA, please visit my section on Chelation, EDTA.

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Elevated levels of homocysteine, a metabolic by-product of the body’s metabolism of the amino acid methionine, has recently been recognized by medical authorities to be a very significant risk factor for the development of heart disease and stroke. Just as we must control raised levels of cholesterol, it is equally important to maintain proper levels of homocysteine in the body to avoid serious illness. Certain nutrients and co-factors are necessary to assist the body in the lowering of dangerous levels of homocysteine and thus decreasing cardiovascular risk to the individual. These are: Folic Acid, Vitamin B-6, and Vitamin B-12. Magnesium also has been shown to be helpful for the heart. Additionally, the herb Hawthorne is well known for its established history as a heart tonic.

Homocysteine is the metabolic breakdown product of the amino acid methionine. The basic reaction is Methionine, is metabolized to Homocysteine, which is metabolized to Cysteine. These reactions require specific enzymes and specific enzyme co-factors. These enzyme co-factors include Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, and Folic acid. When either the enzymes are not functioning properly (due to lack of these vitamin co-factors) or they are present in insufficient amounts (due to genetic factors), there is a build up of the toxic by product named homocysteine. Homocysteine facilitates the production of H2O2, which easily forms free radicals that damage the lining of blood vessels. Plaque develops on these damaged arterial walls and narrowing of the arteries occurs. This may result in heart attacks or stroke. This has been confirmed in numerous studies including a study in January of 1999 published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. In this study, the risk of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) and stroke increased directly with increased levels of homocysteine. In fact, elevated levels of homocysteine have now also been shown to be a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Recent research suggests that cancer and arthritis may also be at least partially linked to elevated homocysteine levels.

The regular supplementation with adequate levels of Vitamins B-6, B-12 and Folate has been demonstrated in numerous studies to lower homocysteine levels to normal in most individuals.

It is highly recommended to visit with your personal Health Care Professional for specific help.

Side Effects:

None at recommended amounts. Utilizing Vitamin B-6 in dosages exceeding 200 mg to 500 mg. daily may result in nerve damage.


1. Perry IJ, Refsum H, Morris RW, et al. Prospective study of serum total homocysteine concentration and risk of stroke in middle-aged British men. Lancet 1995;346:1395–98.
2. Clarke R, Smith D, Jobst KA, et al. Folate, vitamin B, and serum total homocysteine levels in confirmed Alzheimer disease. Arch Neruol 1998;55:1449–55.
3. Boers GHJ, Smals AGH, Trijbels FJM, et al. Heterozygosity for homocystinuria in premature peripheral and cerebral occlusive arterial disease. N Engl J Med 1985;313:709–15.
4. Glueck CJ, Shaw P, Land JE, et al. Evidence that homocysteine is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic patients. Am J Cardiol 1995;75:132–36.
5.Total Homocysteine Concerntration and the Likelihood of Nonfatal Stroke: Results From the Third Natinal Health and Nutrition Examination Surbey,1988-1994. Giles Wh, etal Stroke,1998,29:2473-2477.
6. Homocysteine and Short-Term Risk of Myocardial Infarctrion and Stroke in the Elderly: The Rotterdam Study,BotsML,etal, Arch Intern Med, January 11, 1999;159:38-44.
7. Stampfer MJ, Malinow R, Willett WC, et al. A prospective study of plasma homocysteine and risk of myocardial infarction in US physicians. JAMA 1992;268:877–81.
8. Kuller LH, Evans RW. Homocysteine, vitamins, and cardiovascular disease. Circulation 1998;98:196–99[editorial].
9. Ubbink JB, Vermaak WJH, van der Merwe A, Becker PJ. Vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folate nutritional status in men with hyperhomocysteinemia. Am J Clin Nutr 1993;57:47–53.
10. Ubbink JB, Vermaak WJH, ven der Merwe A, et al. Vitamin requirements for the treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia in humans. J Nutr 1994;124:1927–33.
11. Wilcken DEL, Wilcken B, Dudman NPB, Tyrrell PA. Homocystinuria—the effects of betaine in the treatment of patients not responsive to pyridoxine. N Engl J Med 1983;309:448–53.

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Coenzyme Q-10

Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring substance found within our food and is synthesized by each and every cell of our body as well. Its functions include: 1. Antioxidant ability - By scavenging free radicals this compound stops damage to cell membranes that may occur from excess free radicals. 2. Energy function - Coenzyme Q-10 is vitally important in the formation of ATP by the cells of the body. ATP is the molecule responsible for energy stores within the body. All cell functions are dependent on adequate cellular levels of ATP. Adequate levels of ATP must be maintained or the body suffers from severe energy loss and poor organ function. The supplemental use of CoEnzyme Q-10 has been well researched in cardiovascular disease. There are numerous double blind studies that show its benefits in congestive heart failure and cardiomyopathy (poor pumping of the heart). Co-Enzyme Q-10 appears to increase the heart’s ability to tolerate lower levels of oxygen and has shown benefits in individuals with angina (chest pains from decreased blood flow to the heart).

Additional effects of Coenzyme Q-10: Healing of periodontal tissue (the gums of the mouth) may require increased energy production; therefore, researchers have explored the effects of Coenzyme Q-10 supplementation in people with periodontal disease. Double blind research shows that people with gum disease given Coenzyme Q-10 achieve better results than those given placebo.

Mitochondrial function also appears to be impaired in people with Alzheimer’s Disease. Preliminary research indicates Coenzyme Q-10 may slow the progression of this disease.

Coenzyme Q-10 also appears to have a beneficial effect on blood pressure by lowering the resistance of the blood vessels.

Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to decrease in tissues with aging. Additionally, numerous medications such as anti-depressants and cholesterol lowering medication may cause a deficiency in this nutrient.

Side Effects:

No known side effects.


1. Weber C, Jakobsen TS, Mortensen SA, et al. Antioxidative effect of dietary coenzyme Q10 in human blood plasma. Internat J Vit Nutr Res 1994;64:311–15.
2. Gaby AR. Coenzyme Q10. In A Textbook of Natural Medicine, by JE Pizzorno, MT Murray. Seattle: Bastyr University Press, 1998, V:CoQ10–1–8. [review].
3. Mortensen SA, Vadhanavikit S, Baandrup U, Folkers K. Long-term coenzyme Q10 therapy: a major advance in the management of resistant myocardial failure. Drug Exptl Clin Res 1985;11:581–93.
4. Morisco C, Trimarco B, Condorelli M. Effect of coenzyme Q10 in patients with congestive heart failure: a long-term multicenter randomized study. Clin Invest 1993;71:S134–36.
5. Mortensen SA, Vadhanavikit S, Baandrup U, Folkers K. Long-term coenzyme Q10 therapy: a major advance in the management of resistant myocardial failure. Drug Exptl Clin Res 1985;11:581–93.
6. Kamikawa T, Kobayashi A, Yamashita T, et al. Effects of coenzyme Q10 on exercise tolerance in chronic stable angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol 1985;56:247.
7. Mortensen SA. Perspectives on therapy of cardiovascular diseases with coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone). Clin Invest 1993;71:s116–23 [review].
8. Imagawa M, Naruse S, Tsuji S, et al. Coenzyme Q10, iron, and vitamin B6 in genetically-confirmed Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 1992;340:671 [letter].
9. Digiesi V, Cantini F, Bisi G, et al. Mechanism of action of coenzyme Q10 in essential hypertension. Curr Ther Res 1992;51:668–72.

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Herbal Support

Red Yeast extract, Garlic, and Gugulipid have demonstrated powerful beneficial effects in the lowering of cholesterol levels. These herbs and nutrients, backed by scientific study, not only have been shown to assist in lowering of total serum cholesterol but also assist in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol. Additionally, these herbs may promote the control of elevated triglycerides (fats).

Red yeast rice extract: This supplement was studied (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Feb 1999) in a placebo controlled prospective randomized 12-week trial at a university research center. The results of this study showed an average reduction of serum cholesterol from 254 to 208 with an associated decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol. There were no significant changes in the placebo group. Additionally, triglyceride levels decreased as well in the red yeast rice extract. There were no adverse side effects and no change in liver function tests (as can be seen with the cholesterol lowering medications).

Red yeast rice produces these benefits based upon numerous constituents within the supplement. Monacolin K (also known as lovastatin, similar to the cholesterol lowering medication) is produced by this strain of yeast. The monacolin K content though is only 0.2% or approximately 5mg (significantly less than the drug which is 20 to 40 mg.) Other constituents are providing cholesterol-lowering effects as well. These include B-sitosterol, isoflavones and monounsaturated fatty acids. It is the combination of these ingredients, which provide for this supplement’s beneficial effects as a lipid-lowering agent.

Garlic: There have been mixed results with garlic extracts in studies, which address the cholesterol lowering effects. This may be due to the method of processing. For example, carefully dried sliced cloves retain their potency, but extracts or oils prepared by steam distillation or organic solvents have little activity. A recent German study evaluated 800 mg/day of dry garlic powder and revealed remarkable reductions in cholesterol and triglycerides. For best results if using supplementation, use a dry garlic powder. Probably the most cost effective, and the most potent, is to purchase organically grown whole garlic at a respectable grocery store, or health food store. Taking fresh garlic in this manner is the way nature has intended. However others who come in close contact with you through out the day may disagree.

Guggulipid: This Indian herb contains numerous beneficial phytochemicals. The primary constituents include guggulipids and B-sitosterol. Studies with this herb have demonstrated a 27% reduction in total cholesterol, 22.4% reduction in triglycerides and an increase of 22.4% in HDL (good) cholesterol in four weeks with no adverse side effects.

Guggul has additional properties of functioning as an anti-oxidant and as an inhibitor of platelet aggregation (excess platelet stickiness). These properties make guggul an excellent supplement for individuals concerned with elevated cholesterol and heart disease.

Side Effects:

There are no known side effects of red yeast rice extract. As this supplement does contain small amounts of levastatin, Coenzyme Q-10 depletion may occur and should be supplemented. Guggulipid may cause gastrointestinal upset. Individuals with liver disease should consult with their health care professional prior to use. Garlic may inhibit platelet aggregation (stickiness) and should be discontinued prior to surgery. Please consult with your health care professional in regards to any surgical procedures.

There are no known drug interactions.


1. Satyavati GV. Gum guggul (Commiphora mukul)—The success of an ancient insight leading to a modern discovery. Indian J Med 1988;87:327–35. 3. Singh K, Chander R, Kapoor NK. Guggulsterone, a potent hypolipidaemic, prevents oxidation of low density lipoprotein. Phytother Res 1997;11:291–94.
4. Mester L, Mester M, Nityanand S. Inhibition of platelet aggregation by guggulu steroids. Planta Med 1979;37:367–69.
5. Koch HP, Lawson LD, eds., Garlic: The Science and Therapeutic Application of Allium sativaum L and Related Species, 2d ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1996.
6. Legnani C, Frascaro M, et al. Effects of a dried garlic preparation on fibrinolysis and platelet aggregation in healthy subjects. Arzneim-Forsch Drug Res 1993;43:119–22.
7. Warshafsky S, Kamer R, Sivak S. Effect of garlic on total serum cholesterol: A meta-analysis. Ann Int Med 1993;119(7)599–605.
8. Neil HAW, Silagy CA, Lancaster T, et al. Garlic powder in the treatment of moderate hyperlipidaemia: A controlled trial and a meta-analysis. J R Coll Phys 1996;30:329–34.
9. Heber et al. Cholesterol lowering effects of a proprietary Chinese red yeast rice dietary supplement. AJCN. Vol.69, No.2,231-236, Feb.1999.

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Heart Attack risk by Blood Type

Type A Blood:
Age 30: 03% Risk
Age 40: 05% Risk
Age 50: 17% Risk
Age 60: 31% Risk
Age 70: 36% Risk
Age 80: 36% Risk
Age 90: 37% Risk
Type AB Blood:
Age 30: 00% Risk
Age 40: 01% Risk
Age 50: 02% Risk
Age 60: 15% Risk
Age 70: 32% Risk
Age 80: 32% Risk
Age 90: 32% Risk
Type B Blood:
Age 30: 02% Risk
Age 40: 02% Risk
Age 50: 03% Risk
Age 60: 05% Risk
Age 70: 15% Risk
Age 80: 20% Risk
Age 90: 22% Risk
Type O Blood:
Age 30: 00% Risk
Age 40: 00% Risk
Age 50: 00% Risk
Age 60: 01% Risk
Age 70: 04% Risk
Age 80: 10% Risk
Age 90: 17% Risk

Reference: Blood type heart attack rates from “The answer in is your bloodtype”. S. Weissberg M.D. 1999 page 78

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Heart Attack Risk Reduction after EDTA Chelation

EDTA is a universally proven chelator since it was discovered in the 1930’s. It is called a chelator because it pulls, claws and dissolves plaque in the arteries that is flushed out of the body through the kidneys.

In a report by Doctor Blumer, there is up to a 86% reduction in risk of heart attack after 15 chelation treatments with EDTA.

Type A Blood:
Age 30: 03% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 40: 05% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 50: 17% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 60: 31% Risk reduced to 02%
Age 70: 36% Risk reduced to 03%
Age 80: 36% Risk reduced to 04%
Age 90: 37% Risk reduced to 04%
Type AB Blood:
Age 30: 00% Risk reduced to 00%
Age 40: 01% Risk reduced to 00%
Age 50: 02% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 60: 15% Risk reduced to 03%
Age 70: 32% Risk reduced to 05%
Age 80: 32% Risk reduced to 05%
Age 90: 32% Risk reduced to 05%
Type B Blood:
Age 30: 02% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 40: 02% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 50: 03% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 60: 05% Risk reduced to 02%
Age 70: 15% Risk reduced to 03%
Age 80: 20% Risk reduced to 04%
Age 90: 22% Risk reduced to 04%
Type O Blood:
Age 30: 00% Risk reduced to 00%
Age 40: 00% Risk reduced to 00%
Age 50: 00% Risk reduced to 00%
Age 60: 01% Risk reduced to 00%
Age 70: 04% Risk reduced to 01%
Age 80: 10% Risk reduced to 02%
Age 90: 17% Risk reduced to 03%

Reference: Study by Dr. Walter Blumer M.D. Switzerland.

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Heart Attack Risks in General

Arterial Plaque: As we age, plaque develops in our arteries. At the same time, our pulse pressure increases. A high pulse pressure causes the arteries to excessively stretch with each heartbeat. (*1). This can cause plaques attached to the arterial wall to loosen and rupture. A pulse pressure greater than 65 (Systolic minus Diastolic = pulse pressure), triples the risk of a heart attack. (*2) EDTA may decease pulse pressure and help to dissolve already present plaques.

Blood Clots: Infections, toxic metals, immunizations (*3) and stress can cause the blood to form clots inside the body. These clots can cause symptoms from mild discomfort and shooting pains to heart attacks and strokes. Inhibition of platelet aggregation (blood clots) is seen within minutes of the administration of EDTA.

Angina: Angina is chest pain caused by a decrease in the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart. It can be thought of as a little heart stack. Angina can be caused by clots, plaque and / or vascular spasm. Angina is a very serious warning sign. EDTA and magnesium may both be indicated in the case of angina.

Stress: Stress increases blood pressure, pulse pressure and causes the blood to become more clotted. All of these increase the risk of heart attacks. Magnesium, potassium and minerals helps to turn off the stress response (sympathetic nervous system)and turn on the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system).

Toxic Metals: Toxic metals cause blood clots and can lower the levels of oxygen in the heart and other tissues. The hearts of heart attack victims usually show very elevated levels of mercury, the metal used in silver fillings. (*4). Elevated levels of cadmium are often found in patients with high blood pressure. EDTA can remove mercury and cadmium, as well as other toxic metals.

Mineral Deficiencies: The food we eat is almost totally devoid of the minerals magnesium and selenium due to the poor farming practices or our agriculture industry. Deficiencies in these two vital minerals are believed to play a role in the development of heart disease.

Cold Feet: Prior to causing acute heart disease, arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis manifest as a disorder called peripheral artery disease (PAD) in which the blood supply to the feet and legs is reduced. (*5)). Cold feet are the first sign of PAD. If the soles of your feet are below 88 degrees F, you may have the beginnings of PAD.

Infections: The following six infections are associated with a two to four-fold increase in heart attack risk: P. Gingivitis and B. Forsythus (*6) (found in the mouth); H. Pylori (*7); Herpes Simplex Type 1 (*8); C. Pneumonia (*8); and Nanobacteria.

1. The Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque. S. Dalager-Pederson, MS, E. Pederson, M.D., PhD.< S. Ringgaard, M.Sc., E. Falk, M.D., PhD. P. 9 AHA, 1999.
2. Athanace Bentos, M.D., PhD. Hypertension 1997; 30: 1410-1415.
3. Hypercoagulation Theory Viable Explanation for some CFS and FM Symptoms, David Berg, Hemex Laboratories 10-05-2001
4. Heavy Metal Toxicity, an audio presentation. David Minkoff M.D.
5. JAMA Vol 286 No. 11, September 19, 2001
6. Robert J. Genco, D.D.S., PhD. Chair of Oral Biology, UB School of Dental Medicine. 7. Dr. Steven Kerrigan, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
8. Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. Nov. 7, 2000

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EECP, Enhanced External Counterpulsation

Your heart pumps blood throughout your entire body to supple tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The heart is unable to obtain this energy directly from the blood it pumps. It relies upon its own set of blood vessels called the coronary arteries, for its own oxygen and nutrients.

EECP has been designed for treatment of refractory angina, which means your heart is not receiving the amount of oxygen it needs during times of exertion. EECP will only benefit the heart. It will not clean out plaque like the EDTA. It appears to work by increasing collateral circulation of the heart, IE adding extra blood flow to the heart muscle.

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) is a noninvasive, atraumatic outpatient treatment available to provide long-term relief of symptoms in patients with ischemic heart disease who are not candidates for other revascularization options.

EECP treatment uses computerized electrocardiographic sequencing to rapidly inflate and deflate leg cuffs, with resultant increase in diastolic pressure, coronary perfusion pressure, venous return, and cardiac output. The typical treatment lasts for one hour. It is recommended to do a series of 35 treatments over a period of approximately seven weeks.

Although the mechanism of action is not fully established, collateral recruitment, neurohormonal mechanisms, and peripheral conditi0ning effects probably contribute.

This therapy works nicely in conjunction with EDTA Chelation therapy. If both therapies are performed in the same day, it is advisable to perform the EECP before the EDTA.

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DISCLAIMER This information is provided for Educational Purposes Only and has NOT been designed to diagnose, treat or cure any health conditions. Please consult a qualified Health Care Professional with Nutritional Training to diagnose your health conditions and avoid self-diagnosis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated statements about these health topics or any suggested product compositions.