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Where Has Hayden Gone?

Paul Hayden Desser is one of the most interesting characters to enter the music scene in the last several years. Therefore, it is my privilage to open, what I hope will be a most comprehensive Hayden site. While I will try only to include as original material the things which I cannot find elsewhere on the net, I will include links where basic Hayden information can be obtained. It is unfortunate that the Official Hayden Site is down, much information was learned by hours spent reading there. I, however, will include the link in the event that it is back and running soon. Enjoy what you find here.

In the meantime, check out Hayden...

On Morning Becomes Eclectic (on Real Audio)
The Video for The Closer I Get (.ram file)
Nothing to do with Hayden, but rather me.
And this one contains my music.
Tree's Lounge Video (.rm)
Hayden on Everything I Long For