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Gary's Canada Goose Hunts

Hi, my name is Gary Loper and this page is dedicated to providing you with most of the specific information about hunting Canada Geese with me in North Dakota

Hunting location- My hunts for Canada geese during the early regular season are in Ward, McLean, Mountrail or McHenry counties.
Season dates- Tentatively, for the fall of 2002 the Canada goose season opener should be 28 Sep.
Note: Shooting hours are from 1/2 hr before sunrise to either 1 or 2 pm based upon Std. or savings time. Beginning 12 October, Saturday and Wednesday all day goose hunting is allowed.
Best time for success- Cacklers and lessers dominate action from the opener to mid or late October. There will be small concentrations of local Giants until mid-October, when they are eventually joined by Interior and Western subspecies from Canada. Action is predominately larger subspecies from early November to season end.
How many birds can a person shoot? The limits for 2001 were 3/day with 6/possession. The limits should be the same for 2002.
Suggested gun/ammo for geese- Any gun capable of shooting 1 1/8 oz of or more of steel shot(or similiar non-toxic shot). Lesser canadas shot sizes- #1-4 shot. Larger subspecies- #2 or larger.
Hunting methods used for geese- I prefer field hunting over decoys in a field. I lay within 50-150 decoys based upon the subspecies, (more for the lessers, less for greaters)the number of birds and hunting pressure.

If you have any more questions about goose hunting in ND, please send me an email.

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