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Gold Pets

"This is the best way I have found to honor my pets."

Coat your pets in GOLD!


Pre-order is needed. Call us and we will pick it up.

 The Procedure:

The cost:

After a loved one dies, what do you do? Do you love your pets? If you do love your pets, you should consider the options. You could have it cremated, stuffed, buried or have it plated in you favorite decorative metal.  After plated, it can be mounted on a plaque made to stand on its own or you could have it made into a different position depending on how soon you send it it. )  So if you are looking to spend a lifetime with your pet, have him or her stuffed and plated now.

1: Fill out signup sheet.

2. Send $250 dollar check to Gold Pets. 

3. Send the caption for the plaque on which your gold pet will be displayed.

4. Choose the material you want the base made out of.

5. Leave the rest to us and in 5 to 7 weeks... PRESTO, you have a golden pet good for a second lifetime, yours.

  1. $250 dollar down payment.

  2. $200 for small animal, $400 for a big animal and $600 for a huge animal.

  3. Price for the shipping of the return of animal. Small animals will be sent via UPS and big and huge animals will be delivered with out own trucks and shipping will be done by the weight of the animal and the distance of our trip.

  4. And there are no refunds! Sorry.

Picture of my first three customers. (before the dipping of course.)