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Gloucester Inhabitants Webpage Webring

The Gloucester Webpages Webring is a webring for anyone who lives in Gloucester Massachusetts and has a webpage. The content of the webpage does not matter as long as it is not too offensive and does not contain pornography.

If you live in Gloucester and have a webpage you would like to be seen, then follow this link and join this webring:
Gloucester Webpages Webring

This is what the html fragment will look like on your page:
Gloucester Webpages Webring
Gloucester Webpages Webring
on this site is owned by --your name!

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After you submit your site to the webring, you will need to copy and paste the html fragment and place it on the same exact page you gave when you submited your site.
To get the correct html code you can go to Gloucester Webring HTML Code. You will have to copy and paste this into your site. You will then have to edit it according to your page.