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Canadian-Alien Conspiracy

First, I'd like to point out that this conspiracy, like the rest of the ones listed here is merely a joke. It has absolutely no serious intent, and I don't want you thinking that I'm some kind of psycho conspiracy theorist or anything. Well, actually, I guess I am, but I don't believe them. Arg! I'm confusing myself! I think I'll just type the damn conspiracy.

While I was half watching a stupid movie on the scifi channel and listening to my sister talk about the aliens and how they're invading and all that, I was hit upon by an idea, one that she had never even considered. "The aliens are in league with the Canadians!" I said. "Yeah! I mean, think about it, it would be perfect. They all go up to Canada, congregate there, and then, when they're ready, invade across the largest unprotected border in the world!"
"Why would they want to invade America?"
"Because it's there. And who doesn't want to come here? Well, besides the ethnocentric Chinese."
"Well, if the Canadian government is in on the whole thing, then why are there reports of downed UFO's in Canada?"
"To allay suspicion. And because you can't keep something that big entirely under wraps."
"Yeah right, Emily. Now shut up, I want to watch this movie?"
"Why do you want to watch someone get abducted by Canadians? You'll see it soon enough. Yeah, when all those UFO's come flying across the border, blowing up everything in it's path, and there'll be nobody there to stop them, well, except maybe paranoid people like Mr. Schwartz, then you'll be saying "Why didn't we listen to Emily" as you all are blown up."