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Never ever tell people when you do well on tests. They'll think you're bragging. When did it become a crime to be proud of yourself?

Today was the last day of school. There's been some good and some bad. I said something I shouldn't have in English, but that's nothing giant, life-changing, and friendship-ending. So, the rest of my day is good news. We watched one of Mr. Anderson's famous tourism videos in Psychology. I almost got in trouble for saying "It's just a tourism video he uses to keep us occupied!" Never state the obvious to your substitute teacher. In Chemistry, we ate food and sat around talking all hour. And in History, we played Mad Gab. English was okay beyond me opening my big mouth when I shouldn't have. So I had a nice slacker morning.
Then came the afternoon of fun and good news. I got a 100% on my precalc test. And a 96% on the quiz I retook. Which gave me almost a 92 for the quarter and for the semester. A-, baby. And I actually have a chance in hell at getting an A in Speech if I get a perfect score on the semester test. Oh yeah. That's something I had given up hope on. I'm beyond thrilled. Especially since it's a really easy semester test... :)

Well, it's 2:40 am. Why am I awake now? Well, it's been a week since I last set foot in the school (and that was to pick up my Speech semester, which I got a perfect score on), and I've adjusted to staying up 'til 3 or 4 in the morning. I was already up 'til 5 once this summer. I plan to see the sun rise sometime this week. Then, I leave for governor's school on Saturday...
But that's all petty stuff that's happening in my daily life. I just don't feel like going into anything worth talking about. So, I'll continue to bore you all with talk of governor's school and new glasses.
Yeah, I got new glasses. They're sort of an irregular octagonal shape and kind of a wine color, and I'm still not sure if I like them, yet. They also come with clip on sunglasses, which probably isn't the coolest thing I've ever owned. But oh well. They don't look TOO bad. And the sunglasses are handy. It's just another blow to any pretense I had at being anything but a pathetic geek. You see, my parents also bought me a graphing calculator for governor's school, and AP calc next year. I'm officially a giant nerd. And not just any nerd, a math nerd. Ugh. I'd rather stick to being an English geek.
And now, it's Thursday, and I leave on Saturday, and I still haven't even started packing. I'm going to end up rushed to get all my stuff for six whole weeks together in two days... But I sort of knew this would happen. But, Christ. Six weeks? That's a long time to be away from home. I hope I have fun. And have plenty of time to go online. I'm so pathetic...

I'm at governor's school. That sucks. Sort of. I dunno. I don't want to be here for six weeks, though. Today's my dad's birthday. I should call him. And stop by the student union to pick him up a t-shirt at the bookstore... That's seriously what he wanted. An NDSU Bison t-shirt. And since I'm on the NDSU campus... Hell, I should probably go do that now. Or I can when I get out of class at 4:30. Or I can at noon tomorrow. He's coming to Fargo on Friday to bring my grandma home from the hospital. She had surgery, but everything went okay, so that's good. I guess I should be happy that the biggest thing I have to worry about is surviving six weeks of governor's school. But I'm halfway through one week, and then we're going to the mall tonight... I'll live. And spend the night shopping. :) I love shopping, if you don't know. I'm actually drooling at the prospect of going to the Mall of America in about a week and a half. :D Yeah. That was the psychotically excited face. I rarely use that one... But six hours in a governor's school van? Oh well. It'll be all worth it in the end. I just hope Mike doesn't whine too much as I drag him around the entire Mall of America. I also hope he doesn't seek revenge by making me go on rides at Valley Fair that will make me throw up. I threw up on a ride at our county fair once. I HATE being spun in circles... Bleh. Anyway, I think that's really all I have to say right now. I swear to God I'll update my page someday. Honestly!