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Wow. It's 2001. And... I don't want the world to end. Usually I hope for the Apocalypse, but this year, I'm not going to mind if it doesn't come. Life's not too bad. I have a family, I have friends, I have a boyfriend who loves me... Yeah. I guess I actually don't feel worthless. Or alone. It's kind of nice :) Oh, great. I'm allowing myself to show emotion... And it's positive... God, I'm probably going to get so much shit for this...

Well, at least it's only been a week since I felt like acknowledging my page's existance... Well, somebody e-mailed me complimenting it again. I wish you people wouldn't do that! Then I feel all guilty and make all these plans to do something and... Bleh. Oh well. I have a few things I want to do to it Wednesday night at 2 am... Hopefully I'll get around to it this time. If not, maybe I'll do it Thursday afternoon. Since I get Thursday and Friday off for test exemption :) Woohoo! Unfortunately, the semester ends Friday. I thought it ended Monday, so I was going to not bother coming to school on Monday. Now, instead, I'll prolly go tomorrow and Wednesday. Wasting a day I could've missed... Bah.

Ha! You thought I was dead, didn't you? Nope. Sorry to dissappoint everyone... :P

Today's been an interesting day. I guess I'll start with homeroom. I skipped it to help Martine hang up wrestling posters. Hers is hilarious. It's a cowboy wrestling a buccaneer. Or however the hell you spell it. It's a poster for the Killdeer Cowboys. It's funny. After climbing up and down the bleachers and taping posters up, I rushed to my first hour class, Psychology, to find out we had a test. That was the first time Boyde heard me swear, I guess. :) I think I did okay. And we get another day to go back through. Then, on the way to Chemistry, I stopped dead in the hall and stared at Ben. He was wearing Laura's clothes! (Laura is this new girl that he's friends with. She wears huge pants and black shirts. She has a lip ring and purple hair.) He had on big, baggy pants and a black t-shirt that said something about him being confused and prone to wandering. I don't remember the exact quote. But it looked good on him. At least I thought it did. Maybe I just go for the whole nonconventional look. But he was getting teased. Matt tried to pitch a tent with his pants. And I heard so many jokes about Ben "getting in Laura's pants." It was pretty funny. Then, in English, I heard some good jokes about Ben, Mr. Schwartz, and Cassie. Yesterday, we had a guest speaker. Cassie was checking him out the whole time. I guess he wasn't that bad looking, except he was going bald. At 26. Kinda sad. Let's see... In Precalc we had a homework quiz. It was nice, though. It was like a regular quiz, except we could use our homework. Since I hadn't done my homework, but knew how to do the assignments, I actually got about an 18/20, versus the 2/10 and the 8/10 I would've gotten otherwise. Which raises my homework grade considerably :) Then I managed to pass a Contemporary Affairs quiz that I hadn't read the material for. But I'll finish this later. I have to go to bed.

And once more, Emily vanishes for a few days. I've lost all ambition, I think. I can just let this place rot away. I've gotten that feeling that I need to be doing something again. But I never can do anything... I've decided that I will be spending the majority of my adult life in a cardboard box. Hopefully I'll contract some disease that will make my life relatively short. I'm the laziest creature on the face of the earth. Just try to argue that one.
Lately I've begun to feel cooped up in this little box again. I need to get out and do something. My life is so dull it's horrid. I think my extreme laziness, apathy, and lack of motivation are contributing to this. I need to do something wonderfully exciting or at least creative soon. If I ever get up the ambition, I've decided that my goal in life is to have a series on FOX. Seriously. That's how low I've sunken. FOX. :P
My mom found out I haven't been doing my math homework. Got a big lecture about that. Didn't help that it was the day after I got in trouble in Speech class. Had logged into MSN after Simpson told us specifically not to. Got grounded for three days for that. I'm starting to get too addicted to this damned machine. It's causing me more trouble than it's worth.

Hey! I actually changed something on my page. I'm getting a little less lazy. I'm being FORCED to do my math homework every night (my parents are now treating me like a delinquent 8-year-old), and I'm getting stuff accomplished with my page. Too bad a good chunk of my journal somehow got deleted. Ah well. Only about 6 months...
Think I did pretty poorly on my Precalc test today. Blanked out a couple things we needed to know. That's never good. Oh well. I can always retake it. I know what I'm doing for the most part. That's better than most people are doing :P
I guess things are going okay. Or they would be if my parents would treat me like an adult. But that's not going to happen ever, probably. At least I'll be a legal adult in a year and a month and then there won't be a goddamned thing they can make me do. If they try, I can always live with Lindsey for the two months until graduation.
Hmm... Speaking of my parents, my mom will probably be home soon. And since I'm only supposed to be online for two hours a day... :P

Ah... It's Ash Wednesday. And I'm not going to church! Wild horses couldn't drag me... But my mom's taking my sister. So I get more computer time...
Not too much going on in my life. My dad's trying to give me some incentive to prepare for college. For every hour I study for the ACT, I get half an hour on the internet. Martine suggested that one. Because that's what her parents do to her... Apparently, my parents idolize hers... Bah.