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It's March. Yay. Actually didn't have drama right after school today. It felt weird to ride the bus home. But I'm glad I did, as the ride was about 5 minutes longer than usual. About halfway home, Marianne (sp?) pulled the bus over and proceeded to yell at two of the sixth graders on our bus, Ryan Jore and Josh Celander. They were sitting together and being too loud. So they don't get to sit together anymore. Then we finally got back on the rode and had just turned off the highway when Cindy suddenly stood up and yelled "You're all being so loud, if a train was coming you wouldn't be able to hear it!" Everyone laughed at her, then she got off the bus and walked the rest of the way home. Next we dropped off Celanders, then Ryan Ralph stood up, turned around and yelled "Look! There's a train coming!" Marianne slowed the bus down and told Ryan that wasn't funny. I thought it was. Then, just before the Ralphs were dropped off, Ryan turned around and blew a raspberry at some little kid. Marianne yelled at him and kicked him off the bus for a day. FINALLY the bus reached my house.
What else? Discovered that after a month and a half the 13 teardrops thing still isn't old. It may never be. At noon Lindsey and I went to Martine's office. Lindsey submitted a quote of the day to Cybergrrlz, the e-zine that Martine edits. It was about the gnomes coming to kill us all. She discovered the fun in annoying Cybergrrlz. Martine also related some anecdotes about Jarrett and his friends submitting some of her old poetry. Hm, maybe I should submit one of my ever-so-deep journal entries, to see if I can get it posted between the lamentations about too many boys liking a girl and laughed at. There's an idea. Or make one up. One that starts out with "Today I died."
What else? Oh, today in Spanish we pissed off Schwartz. As usual. And he stole a drawing of Zorak from Martine. Then Lindsey showed off the drawing of Zorak on her arm. This Space Ghost thing is reaching the point of obsession among my friends. But it's still funny as hell :)

Well, technically 3/5/00, as it's 1:17 am, but I'm still awake, so today will refer to the 4th, not the 5th...
Anyway, today was a pretty uneventful day. Had 8 am drama practice, but that was it. Last night drama was awful. Mr. Simpson about lost it, and so did most of the cast. At one point nearly everyone was crying. What was I doing? I was cracking jokes to try to cheer them up and rejoicing that I remembered my lines with only minimal study time. The story: he got mad at the two people who skipped last night's dress rehearsal to go to a hockey game. He took it out on us. We got mad because we thought drama was supposed to be fun. Jenna started crying. Everyone else followed. I teased Dustin that he was crying too, which he wasn't, Kristin about bit my head off. Then, we all fell apart. Everyone was getting pissy, it was getting late, emotions were running high, and nobody was able to follow the play, catch their cues, make their entrances, do their lines, or anything. It was awful. Thankfully this morning was better. Mr. Simpson must've figured out that he was being kind of hard on us. He didn't say anything when we messed stuff up this time. I'm glad things are getting better...

Today was the LYO swim party. I went. So did all my friends. Well, except Amber, because she was babysitting. There was only room for 4 passengers in Shawn's dad's car, so I didn't get to ride up w/ my friends. Instead, I ended up crammed in the back seat of the Wisness's van next to Bryan Fulweider. Fun. Found out where everybody was last night. Party at Lindsey's. I wasn't invited, big surprise. I'm kinda glad I didn't watch as everyone demeaned themselves, though. I hate the idea of getting drunk? Why would you want to do that to yourself? I mean, what's the fun in acting like a total idiot and puking all over? I guess it's still some kind of bonding thing, cuz I'm getting left out of everything again. Either that or everyone's mad at me. Today they called me a Jesus hater. Even though they were joking and I know it's just their insult of the week, it still kind of hurt. Oh well, that's just them. On the way back I rode in the van again and told my horrifying halloween story. Stranded at Schwartz's. Exxagerate a little and it could be a pretty good movie. I already wrote a story based on it, only it's not as good. Especially everyone dying in the end. That was just my unexpected plot twist. It needs changing. I suppose I could try again. Instead of viewing the fire from a distance, it could be approaching the house. And when we drive up in the terrible windstorm, we could find Bruce over, dressed as Batman and Mr. Schwartz dressed as Robin. That would be eerie. Might make a good disaster movie for the Family Channel, er, I mean Fox Family. Just needs a really lame title... Halloween Fire works. Yeah, tell the story of some fictional small town, with a sudden, terrible windstorm on Halloween night... They'd go for it. Yeah, I do like trying to turn my life into something off TV. But everyone does, don't they?

Today was a good day. A really good day. Woke up this morning at 9 am, after 8 hours of sleep. Showered, checked my e-mail, talked on the phone awhile, found out we were going to Williston, called Kristin to see if she wanted to come with, and left town about noon. Did some shopping, ran into half the population of Watford at Wal Mart, got our matching shirts to wear for district STAR events Monday, ate at Hardees and came back. We also bought a giant bag of Gardetto's to eat tomorrow while we finish up our STAR project. Anyway, we got back, then I got ready to go in for drama tonight. It was the last night of our play. It was a blast. Before we went on, the senior cast members presented Mr. Simpson with a shirt bearing his favorite phrase in connection with drama: "Sorry doesn't cut it!" Then, we went on for our play and we all did pretty well. Once again, Mr. Simpson would not dim the lights forever on Garrett and my big kiss scene (I should mention that he's kissing me on my frog mask). But he finally did and I did my last frantic costume change and my last bow praying that my dress wasn't going to reveal too much to the little kids up front. Then, while the other play was going on, I sat back in the teachers' workroom and talked with Martine and Lindsey, and Martine painted my nails with some of the color change nail polish we got free while I showed off the one fingernail I had managed to grow out past my fingertip. So, now when I drum my fingers it goes "thump-thump-thump-click." Kristin would be disgusted. She's always had really long nails. I've always bitten mine. Just sitting there talking and stuff was really fun. I haven't done it in awhile. Three weeks ago, and then last week I ended up offending almost everybody, without really meaning to. I should learn to think before I speak. They were all pretty mad at me for awhile, and I was really really thrilled that they might have already forgiven, or at least forgotten. I had been expecting at least another week of solitary noon hours and sitting at home alone crying and regretting what I said. But, I guess things actually worked out for the best. I'm so incredibly happy. Well, anyways, after the 2nd play, we took pictures, changed out of our costumes, and then took apart the set and Sara, Garrett, Martine, and I sat around talking about Sailor Moon for awhile. We're our town's official Sailor Moon fan club, or at least we should be... Then, for our cast party, we all went extreme bowling. That was great. I bowled a 93, WITHOUT CHEATING ON MY SCORE!!! Then we bowled another game, just for fun. Well, actually Kristin, Martine, and I went over and helped Garrett, Dustin, and Lindsey finish up the game they had just started. Martine and Garrett both named their bowling balls. Garrett's was "Black Death" and later he changed it to (said in really creepy sounding voice and followed by maniacal laugh) "Wicked Lady." Martine named her ball "The Moonlight Knight," then "Darien," so she could say she scored with Darien, then changed it to Donald so she could creep people out by saying she scored with Donald. The best part was probably watching Lindsey bowl. She'd set the ball down, then get a running start, dive down, scoot along the floor really weird, then push the ball with her hand. It was great. And Martine and Kristin danced a lot. They jitterbugged, mostly, and did a bunch of other dances I don't know. And some they made up. And some that are just scary. Kristin knows the dance to almost every Britney Spears song, for example. But who do they call Miss Spears? The one who knows the lyrics and dances to all her songs, or the one whose grandma went to the clerk at Wal Mart and asked what kind of music the kids like and was given a Britney Spears cd. Yup. And that's how I earned the nickname I hate the most. So, yeah, we had a blast. And the drama club paid for it all. The bowling and the massive amounts of soda and candy consumed. The only bad thing was that almost everyone used the same ball. There's this awesome red one that fits my fingers just right, is pretty lightweight, and is lucky. At first, Alecia and I were using it. By the end of the night almost everyone was. Well, except for Martine and Garrett. They were busy scoring with Darien and Wicked Lady. We probably would've ended up going on like this for quite awhile if, at about midnight the manager of the alley turned on the lights and shut off the music and indicated that we'd better leave soon. So Martine, Garrett, Dustin, Sara, and I left. Andy and Kaitlyn were still bowling. Martine gave Sara, Garrett, Dustin, and me rides home. We discussed what Garrett should tell his parents if they were mad he was home late. Like that everyone in the car was drunk (none of us drink, btw), and he had to give directions, if they asked why Martine didn't drop him off first as he lived in town and Dustin and I live out in the country. I'm the farthest out besides Martine, and by the time we got to my house everyone was still in the car except Dustin. Then everyone came into my house because Martine wanted to borrow the Britney Spears cd, so Kristin could teach her the dance moves to it. So, yeah, tonight was fun. Probably the most fun I've had in quite awhile. So, as it's now 1:03 am and I have to get up and be ready for church by 8, I'd better be going.

Was typing that in just as the clock flipped from 11:59 on the 18th to 12:00 on the 19th. Yeah, another one of those late night entries. Well, it's been a week now, hasn't it? Yeah, I got lazy. Again. So, I guess I'll give an update on my life. Monday: district STAR events. We're not going to state. I'll leave it at that. Kristin was really really really really really really upset. And she automatically goes to state anyway. Lindsey and I, who now have to spend two more days in school than we'd have had to, don't really care. It was our first year and we tried. But, anyway... Our basketball team went to the state tournament this weekend, got last place. Well, at least they went. Could've been worse. What else was mildly dissappointing? Oh, got a B on my history test. But that actually was good, since I was pretty sure it was a B- or C. Ooh, scary, huh? Hmm... can't think of too much else that happened. It was a 3 day week cuz of spring break. I didn't do anything over break. Just went to Williston today. Yippee. Ugh. I've got so much updating that should be done on this page. I've been seriously considering starting over. 'Cept I'm not very talented at making it look nice... I wish I knew how to do all that cool web design stuff and make a decent-looking page by myself... It would be nice... I just need to figure out what I'd do differently. I guess probably clear out all the crap on here, especially the stuff making fun of my teachers and stuff. This is getting kinda old. And spring's supposed to be a time for new beginnings. I've had this in mind since about when I offended Martine deeply. It's just doing something now...

And another 5 days have gone by. This time I was going to update stuff--honest! But the cooling fan bit the dust on the computer. Once again we had to call upon the rat to fix this piece of shit. And I can call it a piece of shit now without guilt because Kristin can't hear me and Kristin has a new computer. So nerts to her. Heh, picked that phrase up from Lindsey. Yeah, I'm kinda mad at Kristin right now. I'm in the process of convincing myself not to get all pissy and evil. For the sake of what was, I'm desperately trying not to be offended by what is. We used to be best friends. That was January. Now, as April approaches, I'm starting to doubt we'll ever really even be friends again. The last two months we've been fighting off and on. Every time we make up she talks about how she's still mad but she'll graciously accept my apology and just bottle up all her anger until it eventually explodes one day, but that's all right, we'll still be friends. And then I tell her not to bottle up her anger but let it out. Then she makes herself into some sort of martyr for the sake of friendship. But I suffered through her apology and the following 2 months, which included her lying about me; ignoring me; nearly constantly making fun of me; then acting all self-righteous when I asked her to stop, saying that I have to be nice to her in order for her to be nice to me, even just for one day. The last thing was a 5, 10 minute speech/tantrum at the lock in our LYO put on. I was playing Truth or Dare (Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise, or Repeat) with Kristin, Julia, Garrett, and Shawn. My turn came around and I picked Kristin. She chose promise because Andy had just figured out a truth question to ask her that she didn't want to answer (she had just asked him if he's ever liked a certain wrestling coach and she wanted to avoid the natural response to that question), as I was completely unprepared for that choice (I was hoping she'd forget and pick truth so I could embarass her in front of Garrett, Andy, and Julia) I asked her to promise the first thing that came to my mind: "Promise you'll act civil towards me on Monday." She got really angry and started going off about how things don't work that way. She wouldn't stop going off about how things don't work that way. I got sick of it. So did everyone else. She overreacts to everything. She also exxagerates everything. And what she can't exxagerate, she makes up. Her life has to be like one of her soap operas. And she's such a hypocrite. I admit that I've had my moments of hypocrisy as well. Almost everyone has. But at least I don't go around calling people sluts then going and flirting with everything that moves only to turn around and make out with my boyfriend in the back of Julia's car, Lindsey's pickup... And at least I don't suddenly change my opinion on something and yell at everyone for not changing theirs as well (our first fight, the one that I can't apologize for since I don't believe I was wrong). Yeah, doesn't sound like a very good friend, huh? Not a very good girlfriend, either. Matt's my friend and I don't like how she treats him. She doesn't return his calls, she won't ever hook up with him when he wants to, she says she'll be somewhere and she isn't, she flirts with a bunch of other guys, she's going to another guy's prom out of town and staying at his house! And yet she gets mad if he so much as speaks to another girl. And she doesn't trust him at all. She freaked out and wouldn't believe him when a very unreliable source told her he had been making out with Julia. Neither one would do that to her. Well, so much for trying to forgive her. So much for trying not to be mad at her. Maybe I should just shut up. On a related note: Matt's been jokingly saying he should dump Kristin and go out with me. I've rather enjoyed pondering myself in the light of the boyfriend stealing ex-best friend. Funny how things look from other people's perspectives, huh?
In other news: In english class we're reading "A Separate Peace." Since we started reading Lindsey's been saying "Finny dies. The best friend always dies." I knew she was right, the best friend always does die. I was hoping this would be different. But it's not. If Finny didn't die, I seriously doubt the story would ever have been very popular or made into a movie. But it ruined it for me. They picked the perfect character and first tried to tarnish him, then ended up killing him off. Not only did he die, but he died a wussy death. I guess I knew that, though, after he broke his leg so he couldn't play sports or fight in the war. Lindsey knew it too. She was right, this story was predictable. I wish it wasn't. Speaking of stories, I've been wanting to write one lately. I was thinking another damn sequel. Me and my sequels. Sometime in the future of "The Pheasant is Watching." Would end up being yet another tale of totalitarianism. Think I'll call it "Ballad" (Martine and Lindsey should now be laughing). Wonder how many pages I can take up describing the sundial in the courtyard in front of the House of the Street Sweepers. *Heehee*