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A Shrine For Queenie: A Site Dedicated To Robin Finck

Echoing the Sound

The Fountain of Decay

NIN Link List

Broken Banner Exchange
click here to join the broken banner exchange

The Art Of Self Destruction
The Art of Self Destruction -- NIN: skin fluid  Fix
Click here for NIN.

Nine Inch Nails Search Engine

NIN Santified

My Place iN the Great Below
Wake Up In Flames!

Non NIN Links

Check out my dark poetry page

Fear the Mullet!!!!

The Darkfear Banner
                                         ExchangeThe Darkfear Banner Exchange
The Darkfear Banner Exchange

     Banner ExchangeDamnage.Com Banner Exchange

Klutching Envy

Damnage.Com Banner Exchange
Damnage.Com Banner Exchange

Hate 'N Stink & Bratney Spears? Click Here!

Oh My Goth

Monolith Graphics

The Dark Poet's Society awesome dark poetry
Cheeze Whiz of the Nacho Varietythis is my friend kelly's page and its the place to go if you like cheese whiz and depeche mode
GlitterGoths IndeX
Scary Valentine Offical Site intense synth heavy new band, hypnotic rythems and intoxicating vocals. a definate must
Dope Offical Site metal/industrial band. i just got their new (and first) cd, Felons and Revolutionaries, and i cant stop listening to it. if youve never heard them, i definatly suggest checking them out.
Kittie Offical Site this band really sucks. dont ask me why their link is here.
Uranium 235 Offical Site very cool new band, they sound alot like manson and orgy. i definatly suggest checking it out
Life....? awesome poety page, really deep stuff
