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Crystal's Place in Cyber-Space

Greetings, mortal! I am known as Talia. My main interests are drawing, singing, speech, writing HTML for web pages, spending time with my boyfriend and friends, chatting, playing Magic: The Gathering, AD&D, and some of the other White Wolf Games, like Werewolf: The Apocalypse, and mostly just spending time on the computer. I also love researching everything and anything that I find "supernatural". Aliens, ESP, I even had a fascination for the Loch Ness Monster when I was really little. *grin* I justify the fact that I research things like vampires and ghosts and things with the statement, "know thy enimy. I'm also a renown singer, having many awards for my talent. I don't like to flaunt it, but I've been told I'm quite good. I've never sang for any weddings or anything like that, but I did get a high school letter for music within the two years I was at that particular school. Anyway, this is me. I'm not a supermodel, I'm not a total brainiac, but I have been said to be a nice person and a loyal friend. That's all I need. **NOTE** This is an old picture. It's closer to what I currently look like because my hair is short now, but it's from the day after my 16th birthday, while at a speech meet in Devils Lake, ND. My friends Mike and Amber from Grafton are on the either sides of me, and I'm in the middle.

My Work and Other Things

I'm sorry if none of these links really have anything to them, but I haven't got the time to keep up with this anymore! There is more poetry, and new things, such as my (now working) links section, and I will hopefully be updating the Sailor Site soon as well.

Poetry & Stories
NEW!!! Artwork
NEW!!! My Pictures
Regina Lunae's Sailor Site
My Links to Other Worlds
NEW!!! My Resume
