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You Are So Beautiful
You Are So Beautiful

No matter how old we get you will
always be so beautiful to me

I love you.
Since you came in to my life, I've look forward
to each sunrise, the early morning, with you in
my arms, the midnight skies with us beneath a
zillion stars, move me.

You make me feel like no one else could.
I like the person I am when I'm with you.
you bring out a part of me that I never knew
existed, a part that was born with our first hello.
you make me complete; now I have a reason to try;
now I have a cause, a reason to believe in all the
wonderful things life has to offer, You took my
hand and drew me into the light, and you saw in me
all the qualities that no one else had ever noticed.
You gave me hope, inspiration, pride, and love.

Yes I love you, for all the reasons and for
so much more. I love you for being yourself,
and I love you because of the person you
made me.
I loved you from the first day I meet you
I have falling so in love with you, this
feeling I have in side of me you put there
You put a love than I have never known

our life is a love story that people one
read about, I love you with all my heart

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You are so beautilful
By : Joe Cocker