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Home of Blackrayne

Hello, Blackrayne's a little about me:

Well, I will tell you the facts about me now that I have told you the stupid stuff. Not much to tell. I'm attending NDSU in Fargo, ND. It's okay here, I'm getting education and get to spend time with my wonderful friends... (Pictures available below) I am studying nursing, or that's what is decided so far, it might change...again. I find life to be the most beautiful gift I have ever received, and never stop thanking God for letting me live it. Yes, I am religous, not overly so, but I am. Ummm....what else? I guess there isn't much, but if you have questions, feel free to email me at or contact me through ICQ, my number is 4548458.

Some great links here...some about me, some I like...please enjoy!!!


My Tattoos

My Family

My pets

My Poetry


Eddie Izzard: Best stand up comedian I've seen in a long time...

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