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William Mosley's Last Word

Why we need new leadership in America

"Uh, Mr. should put a little ice on that."

I'm a 21 year old African American male who is also an education major attending Jacksonville State University. It's not the grand epitome of quality and excellence to some, but it is still quite a good school. Some of you might question my reasons for making this web site. Well, I am a conservative person. I am not republican nor democrat, but here lately I've not been pleased with the things that William Clinton has been doing; rather, not doing in office.

A few monthes ago, Mr. Clinton come out and told the world that he has created a surplus. A surplus of over $70 billion. The first surplus in 3 decades. The public never questioned it. It was like they just wanted him to do something good so that it would make him seem like a better person. However, The so called surplus is not a surplus at all. If you borrow $30 from a friend and then you buy that same friend a $2 necklace, you still owe the friend $30. Mr. Clinton took $70 billion from social security and claimed he has a surplus. But in all truth he now owes social security $70 billion. Thats your fathers, your mothers, your aunts and uncles and your grandmothers money. All of my family is democratic though. And they support Mr. Clinton 100%! Why?

Another topic is national defense. You might have heard the republicians talk about national defense in the republician response. We don't have a national defense system. If, say for instance, Russia decided to launch a missle at the US, all we could do is launch one back at them. You might say that it's even. But Russia can intercept our missle. Theirs will hit an American city. I think we need to get the president to talk more about the safety of our country instead of how our relations with China are panning out. By the way, before I get off of the subect of national defense, I think you should know that Mr. Clinton sold China the technology to build them a defense system and the capablities to launch ICBM's (Inter-Continental Bolistic Missles) in exchange for the funds to run his 1996 campaign. Once he sold them the technology they aimed 13 of the 21 missles thay have at the US.

My next topic is social security. Most Conservatives believe that we should do away with this system. Although I'm conservative, I believe we should keep it but, it should be voluntary. Any how, Mr. Clinton along with the democratic part of congress wants to raise the retirement age to 70. *ALL AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN, LISTEN*. The average death rate for a white female is 75 years; A black female is 73; A white male is 71 and a black male is 64. Yet, black males still support a man who wants to take money away from us that we will never see. I hate to be critical of this guy but facts are facts. I'm not anti-democrat but I am against anyone who wants to screw me over.

Those of you who are not from atlanta might not know what I 'm about to say. Bill Cambell, Atlanta's Empirial Mayor, wants to sue gun manufacturer's because of the harm that gun's have caused. Does a gun have a heartbeat? Does a gun talk? Do guns have the power to place taxes as they see fit? Of course not. but this is just a foreshadow of what is to come. A time when private ownership of guns will be illegal. A time where we can not defend ourselves from our own government.

What is this about Kosovo? I really do feel bad about people getting killed but that is not our fight. Lets analyze this entire situation indirectly. Somewhere around 1300 A.D., Muslims came to what is now Kosovo and took the country from the Serbians. During that process, they killed hundreds and thosands of Serbians and the Kosovors continued to kill them up until modern times. In the 1970's there was a brief peace in where the politics in that area were stagnent. In 1980, a radical serbian who loved his country and wanted to take is country back to the prominence it once knew came to office. His name was Slobodon Milosevic. Now we're fighting against him because he wants to better his country. That sounds familiar to me. What if the Russians supplied the Native Americans with Missles and guns and told them to take their country back?

(Some of the knowledge I speak from Neal Boortz of Newstalk 750am WSB in Atlanta, Georgia. If you're ever in Atlanta, listen to him. He'll make you think!).

If you want to contradict anything I've said, please feel free to write me and voice your opinion. This is America! We're free!......Are we?

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