Ezekiel 22:26

  1. Intro.
    1. Ezekiel is revealing the failures of God’s leaders and people
      1. they had allowed the pagan culture that was all around them to influence them
      2. it is no mystery that we live in a very pagan society today
    2. as Christians we are to be in the world, but not of the world
      1. pagan ideas, philosophies, and attitudes abound today
      2. we must not allow them to influence us, or we will be in danger of becoming like the people in Ezekiel’ day
      3. we would do well to examine our lives regularly for the influences of the pagan world
    3. many Christians are living under the influences of our pagan culture
      1. it has stunted their growth
      2. it has warped their attitudes toward God and the things of God [have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them]
    4. if we are to have the blessings of God, we must cast off the influences of our pagan culture and have the right attitudes about spiritual things
    5. right attitudes will make a difference in our lives
  2. the local church is not a social club, but a holy gathering of God’s people
    1. many Christians have a very casual interest and involvement in the local church
    2. the Bible tells us that the church is something very special to Christ – Ephesians 5:25-27
      1. He loves the church
      2. He died for the church
      3. He is going to make something very special out of the church
    3. if the church means so much to Christ, what should it mean to us
      1. the work of the local church is the work of God
      2. to be involved in the work of the local church is to be involved in the work of God
      3. we need to encourage and support the work of the local church
      4. God has a purpose for each of us in the local church
    4. our pagan culture says that these things are unimportant (no need to help or be involved)
    5. the work of the local church is the most important thing going on in a community
  3. the Bible is not a decoration for a shelf, but a decoration in our life
    1. the attitude that many Christians have toward the Bible must make God sick
      1. some throw it around like a football
      2. some use it to press flowers
      3. many seldom read it
      4. most never even read it through once
    2. it’s no wonder that many Baptist end up in false religions
    3. there is no benefit in not knowing the Word of God, but rather we are worse off for it – Hosea 4:6
    4. the Bible is profitable in all areas of our life – II Timothy 3:16-17
  4. serving God is not a hobby, but a holy calling – Ephesians 4:1
    1. the meaning of the word "hobby"
      1. something we spend our spare time on
      2. no urgency in being completed
      3. the end result does not really matter
    2. the hobby attitude has gotten into many Christians
    3. serving God is a holy and serious calling
  5. our worship services are not performances to be viewed, but they are an encounter with God
    1. the thing missing in most worship services is an awareness of the presence of God
    2. television has caused many people to be only spectators in life
      1. people come to church expecting to view a performance
      2. this pagan philosophy is the cause of all kinds of spiritual sickness
      3. it causes people to attend services on an irregular bases (just missing one episode)
      4. it causes people to have a critical spirit instead of a seeking spirit
      5. it causes people to think little of goofing off in services
      6. the spectator mentality causes some to arrive late or leave early
    3. this attitude is a sin against God
    4. we need to have the right attitude about our public meetings with God
      1. we need to come seeking; wanting to have communion with God
      2. we need to come attentively, with our ears open to the Word of God
  6. the purpose for living is not entertainment, but spiritual achievement
    1. the entertainment industry is the largest industry in America
      1. we are entertained from morning to night (radio and TV)
      2. entertainment has so captivated us that it is the only reason some have for living
        1. we have multi-million dollar sports heroes, but missionaries cannot get to their mission fields because of a lack of fund
        2. sports in the local schools are more important than a quality education
    2. this attitude has infected many Christians
      1. they substitute entertainment for what is really important
      2. they are more interested in entertainment than achievement
      3. they want to be stimulated rather than being used of God
    3. our purpose for living is to let Christ live His life in us – Galatians 2:20
    4. the entertainment mentality is a damaging influence; it is a pagan influence which keeps us from pleasing God
  7. conclusion
    1. God says some things are holy and some things are profane
    2. do you know the difference between the holy and the profane
    3. are you following that which is holy, and refusing that which is profane