I John 3:4

  1. what is sin
    1. definition
      1. anything that is contrary to the character of God
      2. God is the standard in determining sin
      3. to conform to God’s standard is what is expected
      4. not to conform is sin
    2. words used to describe various kinds of sin
      1. transgression – Isaiah 53:5-6
        1. an overstepping of God’s Laws
        2. it is doing what a man ought not to do ("keep of" sign)
      2. iniquity – Isaiah 53:5-6
        1. not just disobedience, but rebellion; hostility toward God (like some teenagers)
        2. to do things that are by nature wrong
      3. unbelief – John 3:18
        1. rejection of divine revelation
        2. disagreeing with God, or calling God a liar
      4. sin – Romans 3:23 (missing the mark)
    3. some basic truths concerning sin
      1. sin is always committed against God first
        1. sin is directed against man in a secondary sense
        2. example: Joseph was pressured to commit adultery – Genesis 39:9
      2. sin is committed by omission or commission
      3. sin can be inward or outward
        1. it is sin to think wrong thoughts – Matthew 5:27-28
        2. it is sin to do wrong
      4. sin is universal – Romans 3:23
      5. it is not the amount of sin, but the fact of sin, which separates us from God and heaven
        1. big and small sinners have the same problem
        2. to miss by an inch is just as bad as missing by a mile
  2. where did sin come from
    1. God’s creation was good – Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31
    2. man was created in God’s image – Genesis 1:26
      1. sinless
      2. a mind that could think God’s thoughts
      3. a heart that could respond to God’s love
      4. a will that could do God’s bidding
      5. they could think, feel, and act God-ward
    3. man was created with a free-will
      1. they were given one commandment (don’t eat)
      2. some questions confronting this couple with a free-will
        1. do you understand with your mind – don’t eat
        2. do you love me with your heart – don’t eat
        3. will you obey me with your will – don’t eat
      3. they chose to eat
    4. the first couple was created in God’s image, but their children were born in the image of man – Gen. 5:3
      1. sin nature
      2. sin is hereditary like many diseases
  3. what are the effects of sin
    1. separation from God
      1. man was created to enjoy fellowship with God
      2. Adam and Eve no longer met God in the cool of the day, but hind from God
      3. they lost their close fellowship with God
    2. it brings physical death
      1. before sin there was no death or growing old
      2. because of sin we must "return unto the ground" from which we were made – Genesis 3:19
    3. sin brought famine, weeds, rust, pollution, crime, and cancer
      1. man should have a holy hatred for sin
      2. instead we reject the idea, ignore it, ridicule it, or enjoy it
      3. this is insanity
    4. a closer look at the price tag of sin
      1. fear of being caught – Proverbs 28:1
      2. poverty – Luke 15:13-16 (prodigal son)
      3. surprise in judgment – Proverbs 29:1
      4. effects future generation – Exodus 20:5
      5. hell – Romans 6:23
  4. is there a cure
    1. God does not change; the wages of sin will always be death
    2. God has provided a cure
      1. it required an infinite amount of love, grace, and mercy
      2. to satisfy the demands of divine holiness, justice, and truth
      3. in the fullness of time Jesus came
        1. He tasted death for every man – Hebrews 2:9
        2. He died the just for the unjust – I Peter 3:18
        3. He became sin for us, so that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him – II Cor. 5:21
    3. what has happened to our sins
      1. cast into the depth of the sea – Micah 7:19 (where no light can penetrate)
      2. removed as far as the east is from the west – Psalm 103:12 (an infinite distance)
      3. behind His back – Isaiah 38:17 (a place where He cannot see)