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Trinity Episcopal Church - Wahpeton, ND

The Reverend Harvey Henderson - Vicar

Contact information:

Harvey Henderson
P.O. Box 245
Wahpeton, ND 58075-0245
Tel: (701) 642-3218
Fax: (701) 642-5116

Schedule of Services

Sunday, April 22
The Second Sunday of Easter

Acts 5:12a, 17-22,25-29or Job 42:1-6
Revelation 1:(1-8)9-19 or Acts 5:12a,17-22,25-29

John 20:19-31

Psalm 111 or 118:19-24

Sunday, April 29
The Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 9:1-19a or Jeremiah 32:36-41
Revelation 5:6-14 or Acts 9:1-19a

John 21:1-14
Psalm 33 or 33:1-11

Sunday, May 6
The Fourth Sunday of Easter

Acts 13:15-16,26-33(34-39) or Numbers 27:12-23
Revelation 7:9-17 or Acts 13:15-16,26-33(34-39)

John 10:22-30
Psalm 100

Sunday, May 13
The Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 13:44-52 or Leviticus 19:1-2,9-18
Revelation 19:1,4-9 or Acts 13:44-52
John 13:31-35
Psalm 145 or 145:1-9

Churchy Stuff

Check this page out!!

This is a really great program which is being held at wilderness camp near Douglas, Wyoming, from August 1-11 of this year. I have been to this program myself and I recommend it very highly. I do not exaggerate when I say that it is a life changing experience.

Here are some other links within the page

The Message from the Priest
The History of Trinity Church
The other churches in the Diocese of North Dakota
Logos for World 2001 - I will take this page off  in the first week  of May some time.

Links to other Episcopal Pages

The Diocese of North Dakota
The Province VI web page
The National Church

Send mail to Donald Henderson with questions or comments about this web site.

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