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What People Are Sayin About Me!!

WOO HOO! I have some friends. I asked some of my friends to write about me. Here is what they said:

  • Natalie is one of my best friends in the world. She is a great friend because we always have fun no matter what we do. We could be driving around the city or sitting at stage fort park talking and we would still have a great time. With Natalie there is never a dull moment as you may notice from her web site. She is one of the funniest people that i know and she always has some story to tell. I am very glad that i have Natalie as a friend because she is a great person to be around and i feel privileged to be associated with her. Why am i your friend? After meeting Natalie i can't see how anybody could not want to be her friend. We always have fun, especially when we go off to Boston or the mall although she does have a tendency of "cutting it close".--Jeff Pinkham

  • She is the greatest girl in the world. The most friendliest, caring, fun and out going person that I know. I am also lucky to have her as my girlfriend. I have known Natalie for at least 2 years, but have only had the privileged to go out with her for 5 of those months as well as many more to come. She is a very smart individual as well as very talented in the art of creation html messages as you may have noticed by her excellent web page. I hope that she has the greatest time in Framingham. I will miss her when she is gone. I think that I have to say that I can talk to her about anything that I need to. I like her because of her damn good looks. She is one of the most popular kids that I know. Your BoyFriend. Jay

  • Natalie is really wonderful. I could go on for hours, but I will just say that she has 14 AOL Instant Messenger names, and having 5 of them on my buddy list makes me feel like I actually have 30 buddies... --Peter

  • Natalie..... is a young lady with whom it has been a pleasure to go to high school. Together, we have had many great times and I'm sure we'll have many more. She is easy to laugh with, easy to get along with, and easy to love. I love Natalie. Love Karyn

  • Natalie is a person I've known since like before kindergarden. She is VERY COOL!!!! we took dancing class togetherwhen we were little, and it was cool. She is also wicked into the Beastie Boys, and her real name is Natalie Diamond, yes she is married to Mike D of the Beastie Boys.--Stasia

  • Natalie was the first person who made me laugh so hard that my jaw ached. Everytime that happens, I think fondly of my old friend. Now she sends me cool emails, mainly jokes, which I enjoy so much. Love, Kate

  • natalie--nat d with the master plan is the most mackinest beastie girl i know. she's a fellow nomad(z), as well as a fan of jimmy ray (yeah, you know you want a piece of that!) she's going out with jason, and i think that's very sweet. :) natalie and i were in chemistry together (the class in which i don't think we ever DIDN'T cheat on a test), and we used to play with mr. paperclip all the time. my, how productive that class was. natalie and i were the bestest of friends at one time, but now we're...umm, not. but that's okay cos natalie is still a friend of mine that is very fun to hang out with (when we actually DO hang out.)--Rachelle

* heres a little diddly * * my posse * * name that tune * * its almost funny *
* WBCN rive rave * * semi formal * * whats your opinion * * what people are saying *
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